
10 Days

It began like a normal day, but little did I know that from that day my life will be changed completely. I am Casey Jones and I am 23. I was about to leave for college when my mom screamed. I ran to the kitchen to check, but she was not there. I checked the whole house but couldn't find her. I called my dad but he was in an important meeting so he didn't answer. I called the cops, they searched the house and investigated the neighborhood. They found no clue and left. They informed my dad and he was coming. My dad's office is pretty far, so I decided to search myself. In the guest room I found a weird portal type thing under the bed it wasn't there before. I pushed the bed away and was shocked, it was a real portal just like the one shown in the movies I felt like my mom would've fell in it, but then one thought flashed around my mind that the portal is under the bed does that mean my mom rolled under the bed to get in, it didn't make any sense. After that my dad came, he looked very worried, whereas I thought he was a stubborn and a selfish man. Me and my dad never got together. I told him about the portal. He was shocked to see the portal and asked me that what on earth is going on. I told everything that happened. Then suddenly the portal took us inside it, after some time we realized that we were in a forest. My dad was unconscious, when he regained consciousness, he started yelling that I am dead, I am dead. I started laughing and said we aren't dead. The portal would've probably got us here and I had a feeling deep down my gut that my mom was here too. My dad had his mobile but there was no signal. It started getting dark, but we found a cave. Now we needed fire to survive because we saw a Tiger while finding the cave. I drifted off and don't know how my dad made fire. The next day we decided to find mom and set out on an adventure to go home. I still felt weird because I was not used to talk to my dad much, but we had to get together to get out of here. We kept searching for mom the whole day but couldn't find any clue. At night we talked a lot and I found that my dad had always been a fortress, he had cold secret deep inside and I was wrong he is not a selfish or a stubborn guy, situations made him look like that. We talked the whole night and set out to find mom in the day . We found an earing which was my mom's and confirmed that my mom was here. Suddenly a giant elephant stood in front of us and it didn't look friendly at all, we started running and screaming like crazy. It chased us for a while and then stopped, my dad said that first a tiger and now an elephant, I can't take it anymore. I said we can't give up hope, mom is out there and I intend to help her. We decided to search in night too, but that was the worst decision to make. We tried to climb a mountain so that we could get a better look of the forest, but in night there were tigers roaming around here so we needed to be super careful. Our fears came true we saw a tiger coming close to us, but my dad started running in another direction to confuse the tiger. Tiger started running towards him and caught him, I took a small log of wood hit the tiger in the face, thanks to god it left. My dad was hurt, but being a medical student I knew what to do. We returned back to the cave and this night became the worst night of my life, watching someone you love in pain is not easy at all.