
Today’s a good day


Standing in front of Patrasche who is currently hooked up to a carriage, I was rubbing her softly on the head.

"Say girl? What do you think about coming along with us? I could definitely use someone like you around."

In response to my question, she looked at me in silence before letting out a purr and ramming her head softly into my chest.

Stumbling back a bit, I regained my balance before letting out a small laugh.

"Well you said it yourself Girl."

I put my hand under her chin and started to scratch earning another purr of pleasure. Looking at her purring from my grooming, I couldn't help but smile unconsciously.

I love animals. Well except for whales though.... rabbits too..... and snakes.....

What's up with the animals of this world!?

I then felt someone behind me and turned to see Rem standing there in dead silence as she glared at Patrasche. Noticing me looking at her, she let out a small cough before calmly speaking.

"Suburu! Emilia is ready now."

Pulling my hand away from Patrasche earned a whine from her, I looked over towards Emilia who was silently getting into the carriage.

Wilhelm who is the one driving the carriage was silently waiting with reins in hand.

"Rem, can you do me a favor and ride alone with Emilia? I have something I wish to speak of with Wilhelm."

Rem looked towards the door of the carriage and let out a sigh before turning back towards me calmly.

"Ok, I'll help out Emilia. But I better get rewarded later."

Her gaze then turned serious. "Got it Suburu?"

"Got it." I said to her with a smirk. "I'll 'spoil' you plenty."

I saw her let out a small smile before finally turning around to enter the carriage. Once she entered, I walked up to the front to carriage and looked over at Wilhelm.

"Mind if I sit up here with you? The girls are having a talk."

He turned his eyes towards me and laid his gaze on me for a good minute causing an awkward silence to then form between us.

But after the short silence, he just shrugged before turning his head back towards the road.

"I don't mind it."

Hearing his words of confirmation, I jumped up and sat next to him. And once in a comfortable position, I sat still and waited.

He then just threw a glance over a me and smirked before flipping the reins to make the carriage move.

Feeling the extremely sudden motion, my head flew back and hit the wall behind me causing a thud.

"Ow." I sounded out in reflex as I put my hand behind my head sooth the part that was hit.

Seeing me rubbing my head, Wilhelm let out a slight chuckle before going quiet again. Hearing his chuckle, I let out a smirk before letting out a frown towards him

"You did that on purpose didn't you?"

He just looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised before letting out a snort. He then looked forward again in silence.

Well.... I guess I should start now.

"Wilhelm, what do you plan to do from now on?"

Sporting a frown, Wilhelm just stared off into the distance in silence.

"You already know what I need to do."

Hearing his response, I let out a chuckle. "Yeah, I guess I already do. But that's not 'what' I wanted to know."

Sighing deeply, Wilhelm spared me one of his eyes. "Well 'what' exactly is it you want to know?"

"Where will you go is the question? Looking at her current state, Crusch can no longer fulfill your desire. That means the vow for your loyalty in return for revenge is now completely void."

Hearing my words, I saw Wilhelm's face visibly fall at the mention of Crusch. However, my mention of his wife sent a glare in my direction and let out a stern yell.

"How did you know about that?!"

Snorting at his outburst, I looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Are you serious? I'm the most knowledgeable person in this world when it comes to the White Whale."

"And it's mist clearly 'erases' all memories of three person it kills. The fact you can even remember your wife means 'someone' ambushed her when battling the White Whale."

"And how did you guys even get information of it's location in the first place? Think about, whoever sold it to her was clearly the one who set you guys up."

"And then the sword demon who was battling beasts for years on end in search of the White Whale suddenly declares loyalty out of nowhere? The only reason you searched for the White Whale was for the possibility of the 'person' who killed your wife showing up!"

Wilhelm is now looking at me in visible shock. However, his shock doesn't last long as one of the wheels of the carriage hit a rock causing us to bounce up.

Feeling the bounce, Wilhelm quickly gets the carriage back under control before looking ahead in total silence.

His expression then softened in sadness as he let out a quiet whisper filled with desperation and hope.

"Suburu.... just what is it you want to tell me?"

"I know where she will be....." I said flatly. "Your wife that is."

"My answer just depends on how much you're willing to sacrifice."

Hearing my words, he lets out a shaky sigh as if he was barely holding back tears before he spoke to me in a serious tone.

"I'll sacrifice everything."

Hearing this made me then put my hand over my mouth.

"How about a contract then? A life of total servitude in return for the end of your life's goal."

Wilhelm then looked at me in confusion. "Can't only spirit-arts users and a spirits form a contract?"

And while my hand is still over my mouth, I reach into my suits collar and pull something from beneath it to reveal a necklace. The necklace has a pitch black stone.

Seeing it, Wilhelm let's out a bitter chuckle. "So that's your plan huh?"

"Yes it is.... now should we go ahead and get this over with Wilhelm?"

Sighing Wilhelm just reached his hand towards me. Seeing it, I release my hand which was over my mouth to reveal a wicked smile and shake his hand while focusing on the spirit inside the necklace.

The glow produced by the forming of our contract thankfully led Wilhelm's attention being directed away from my face giving me enough time to calm it down.

"With this Wilhelm Van Astrea, you belong only to me and nobody else. You shall follow my orders without question or resistance and in return, I will to tell you where your wife is. And If we don't follow these terms, let us both die horrible and painful deaths."

Wilhelm then looked deeply into my eyes before closing them and letting a bitter smile appear on his face.

"I, Wilhelm Van Astrea agree to the contracts terms and penalties."

The stone on my necklace then began to shine brighter than before as it sent out two small thread that connected both me and Wilhelm to the spirit inside.

When the light finally faded, I 'felt' the spirit inside the stone start laughing as if it had heard the funniest joke in the world. And after it's fit of laughter was done, it then started to send me a 'feeling' of admiration.

Letting out a smile, I turned away from Wilhelm and brought the necklace off my neck and brought it in front of my face and spoke to both myself and the spirit inside the stone.

"I think we will get along just fine me and you."

"I also wish for us to get along master."

Hearing Wilhelm call me master and mistake the one I was talking to as himself, I just looked over at him with an empty expression.

"Just Suburu is fine, and for my first set of orders, keep the matters of our contract a secret from everyone. And keep my 'unpleasant' side to yourself."

Wilhelm just let out a nod before turning to focus on the road once again. Taking one last glance at the stone, I put the necklace back on and hid it from sight once again.

I then looked around and noticed that we had made it out of the kingdom and where currently nearing the tree and giant crater I formed from when we slayed the White Whale.

Seeing the gigantic crater, I leaned back and put my arms behind my head and proceeded to close my eyes and sat back with a smile of satisfaction.

Seems today is going pretty well.

