

A/N: This chapter will be a bit slower, I need to set up the story first before I can really play around with the important events. Arc I: The Summoning, will be finished around 5~10 more chapters, canon will start from that moment. The goal in that time is to assimilate Yuji in the Crusch Camp so that he is capable of interfering in the main story if he wishes. Before that, the story will involve the MC with the different characters and problems that come along the way. Thank you for reading and as always reviews are appreciated.


Karsten Mansion, Lugnica

"It is LUG-NI-CA, nyan~" Felix looked at me with a mischievous smile and continued, "You can't even read children's books, how will you even help Crusch-sama."

"What can I do about it that you guys have such a complicated language!" Says the guy who speaks, Japanese, one of the hardest languages to learn.

"Don't complain, more learning!" Felix was having a blast watching Yuji struggling to read books that even a four year old child can read in his sleep.

This cat is becoming far too interested in seeing me struggle. Isn't a knight supposed to be honourable or kind... who am I kidding this is Re:Zero. All the knights that showed up in the story had their own problems. Felix the transgender, or whatever, Julius the white knight, but secretly is not always like that and then we have End Boss Reinhard von Astrea, the main protagonist. The guy is just buildt differently.

"Why are you the one even teaching me? Don't you have anything better to do than babysitting me?" I asked Felix.

"Nya! Yuji-kun~, don't you like spending time with someone cute like me?" Felix pouted looking at me.

"But now that you asked, Crusch-sama thought it was the best for me to be the one to start your training and assess your capabilities, before sending you towards someone else."

Hmm? I wonder what they have in store for me, It is a bit naive to think that they will just accept my presence without doing anything for them. Crusch doesn't seem like a person who keeps people that don't do anything by her side.

"Felix, can you teach me about magic?" I finally asked the questions everyone in my situations would ask for.

Who knows, I might have talents in magic... or most likely not.

"Magic, nyan? I guess we can try." Felix said.

"Magic is the ability to alter mana that is passing through a person's gate into a form that can affect reality. There are six elements; Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Yin and Yang. The strength of a magic spell is dependent on the incantation, but some reaaally strong guys can do magic without an incantation."

"Then there are also those that can use Spirits, they can cast magic by using mana from their surroundings with the help of their contracted spirit. Spirits can act as gates for their contracts." Felix explained.

"So, do you think I can utilize magic?" I asked him carefully.

"No, you can't." Felix said immediately.

"Why, is there something wrong with me?"

I knew it, having magic would have been too good...

"Your mana is almost non-existence."

"No mana? Talk about a letdown." I looked towards the sky and thought about the hardships that were to come. Without power, how would I even survive?

"Don't look so down, nyan! Aren't you valuable in other ways?" He looked at me carefully, most likely thinking about my supposed ability. He continued, "Who knows maybe you can help Crusch-sama with her paperwork, hehe."

I already had to do so much homework for university and now in this world, I have to do the same?! Why couldn't I be in a normal anime harem world!

"Haai, haai, enough of this continue reading your book."

When Yuji's reading session ended it already became night and both were feeling a bit peckish. They decided to go into the Capital for Felix to show Yuji more about this abnormal world.

"Thank you for bringing me here, the food is quite delicious." At least this world has salt thought Yuji.

"No problem, it was fun for me too! Seeing you get into the wrong bathroom was HI~LA~RI~OUS! " Felix laughed out.

"I really need to learn how to read." I mumbled.

Now that I think about it, didn't Subaru also get into a lot of problems when he was summoned? Here I thought, I wouldn't make the same goddam mistake.

"I'm tired, nyan. Let's go back and sleep for tomorrow it's going to be another beautiful day!"

He really likes playing around with me, makes sense. Felix isn't really the type who has many who he can speak with.

"Yea, let's go. I'm at my limit after all we did today." I realised that I was more fatigued than I thought.

"Thanks Felix..."

A couple of days went by and learning was Yuji's main priority. Not only reading but also history, etiquette, geography and even basic maths was explained. Yuji got multiple teachers who were teaching him after they realised that he was absorbing the knowledge like a sponge, the former student really made use of his past. Maths in this world were nothing in comparison with his former world and geography and history were quite easy to remember for someone who's whole life was about remembering different materials. The hardest thing to learn was etiquette, even though he was very used to eat, in the eyes of this world, like royalty, he didn't know about all the rules that needed to be followed. Eat with this fork and use this smaller spoon when eating dessert.

Luckily for him, his dull routine changed when he was summoned to speak with Crusch about something important.

Knock knock!

"Come in."

"Crusch-san you summoned me, is there something wrong?"

What would I do if she kicked me out?

"Don't worry Yuji-san, I believe we can help each other out. From my understanding of the information that has been given to me, you are a quite capable person. It seems your teachers are really impressed by your learning capabilities. Furthermore, your relationship with Felix also shows a bit of your character, that is why I have decided to ask you what you think about my camp?"

"I do believe your vision is admirable and I'm very grateful for you allowing me to learn. The teachers were very helpful and the people here are all very considerate and kind towards me. I think your camp has the potential of achieving many great things, but... you miss something." I said very carefully towards the end.

"I miss something?"

"You miss a strong follower. Don't get me wrong Felix is a very capable knight, but in the strength department he misses out and you, Crusch-san, might be very strong but having the potential future ruler out in battle every single time might create mixed feelings for the people. "

She knows all of this, and hopefully by saying this you also realise that having another mind at your side is only to your advantage.

"Unexpectedly, what you said is also a part of me summoning you. I wish for you to come with Felix and me to meet someone I wish to invite to my camp."

"If I might ask, who are you talking about?" I said while already knowing the answer.

"Wilhelm van Astrea, or you might know him better as the Sword Devil."

Inviting someone of his calibre to her side is truly a smart thing to do, even though Wilhelm's relationship with his family is troublesome, there is no doubt that the public opinion about him is very high. Just like how Subaru's achievements improved the public opinion of Emilia, the same would happen here but than less drastic. Smart, not only a strong individual but also a hero to admire for the people.

"I understand when will we depart?"


A/N+: You would think that with vacation you would have more time, but sadly that wasn't the case for me. I would most likely improve my release schedule next week, when school begins. Next chapter meeting the Sword Devil himself!


Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu and all other products related to this series are all owned by Tappei Nagatsuki.

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