
I'm valuable!

A/N: I liked writing the second chapter more than the first. Wouldn't say that the second chapter is better, but I just put less stress on myself and just went with the flow. So, on the topic of this story, a divine protection yes or no? At the end of the chapter, you should have a better understanding of the direction of the plot and notice that Yuji is not a fighter. That doesn't mean that he is not going to get into a couple of fights, but in no way should you expect an above average guy to know how to fight those strong characters. So, I would like your input on what kind of divine protection would a future member of the Crusch Camp need in the world of Re:Zero. Thank you for listening and as always reviews are appreciated.

Royal Dungeons, Lugnica


Am I dead? It doesn't seem like I have lost a limb and further than having a headache it seems like I'm fine...

"Thank god, Felix went easy on me. Really dodged a bullet there." I said to myself to calm myself down.

I don't quite remember if Felix was the one hurting Subaru when he was possessed by Petelgeuse, but that doesn't lessen the fact that he could've killed him without a sword. Water magic might be something related to healing but killing or hurting another being is just another branch of it.

While looking in his cell, Yuji noticed some bread and a cup of water being placed in front of the closed door. "I should be fine eating that, if they wished to hurt me, they could have done so many other things" I again said towards nobody in particular, with the only intent of keeping my shit together.

While eating Yuji tried to search his clothes for something that could be helpful now or in the future. He noticed that he had his keys and phone with him. The keys were useless, but the newly bought Nukia Pro 5 might be useful later.

Subaru while showing his phone towards Old Man Rom thought it was a metia, an object that requires no prior training or magic influx, being powered by its own magic generator to create a similar effect as normal magic.

"Of course, this isn't magic, but who says I couldn't sell it or if possible, try to convince Felix or Crusch..." My thoughts immediately went towards the god-like beings in this world.

How much can I even tell? Did the Witch of Envy summon me? How did Aldebaran even get summoned, was it another witch or something else? Maybe even in the worse case, did the Witch of Vainglory, Pandora, create this? Her [Authority of Vainglory] is capable of many things and this might be one of them.

"I better be careful, but this is not really a situation where I can be too paranoid." I said while thinking about the things that I could say to win at least partial the favour of Crusch for her to let me go.

"Go? Go were, I don't have anywhere to go..."

Time went by, I was trying to keep track of how long I was in this cell without any windows. The only light that came was from a hole above the door. Someone must have done that because last time the whole room was dark.

A small window slides open by the door and as fast as the window opened it closed, but luckily for Yuji it seemed like they didn't want him to starve and gave enough food to at least survive. Yuji ate his food and decided to sleep because of the fatigue that was building up the whole time. Sleeping on the small blanket that was put in the corner was not a comfortable experience, but then again, the physical discomfort wasn't in the slightest on par with the mental stress that Yuji is going through.

"Wake up, nyan!"


"Hey! You don't have to drown me!" I looked around me and tried to get the water out of my mouth that almost suffocated me.

"Don't be such a cry-baby! Crusch-sama was kind enough to allow mercy and talk to you."

At least my plead did work out, wouldn't want to imagine what could have happened if it were someone else that held me prisoner. Would you imagine if I were to be teleported next to Priscilla, I would be beheaded or if I'm lucky she would leave me alone in this fucked up world with nothing on my name, except my phone...

"Thank you" I tried to smile and show my good side, but now I wasn't really capable of showing anything other than mild displeasure.

He put me out of the cell, and I was blinded by the light that fell upon me. The dungeon(?) looked like your typical medieval underground holding place, but the thing that shocked me where the other prisoners being kept her. A lot of Demi-humans with different appearances looking terrible.

"I guess every world would have to deal with a form of racism..." I mumbled softly while letting Felix guide me towards the exist.

"Did you say something, nyan~?" Felix asked with an annoyed voice.

"Did something major happen recently?" I carefully asked the knight.

It's better to find more information about the current timeline. Felix had it about Prince Fourier, that must mean that he is still alive so that means that I arrived before Subaru.

"Huff, you have some gal to ask that, assassin. After you interrupted the last conversation between Crusch-sama and Prince Fourier, the King died."

The King died, but didn't Fourier die first and then the king shortly after?

"Now with the death of the royal family, things are becoming chaotic." The knight softly mumbled.

In panic, I looked around me and nothing of resemblance was noticed, but this looked like a wealthy place. You might even say royalty looking.

Did I interrupt the last moment between Crusch and Fourier before he passed away? So many questions yet so few answers.

"Get in the carriage, we are going towards the Karsten Mansion, nyan~" He said with his cat ears wiggling, because of the reunion with Crusch.

"I'm Yuji, nice to meet you." I tried to be civil, because that might be the only way I can survive in this world and becoming friends with a healer always sounds like a good deal.

No reply...

While trying to forget his pathetic attempt to create a resemblance of a friendship he noticed the Earth Dragon in front of the carriage. They possess the Divine Protection of Wind Evasion, which enables the Earth Dragon to be unaffected by the wind and not encounter any wind resistance while running, this includes the carriage that is being pulled.

Divine protection? Would I possibly possess one, because both Al and Subaru have obtained some powers? Then again, they most likely have an Authority and most likely it was a Witch who gave Al his 'Re:Set' ability. My only guess would be to ask Reinhard, but even then, what if I have something related to the Witches, wouldn't want people to know that. Even though Reinhard might be one of the nicest characters, he is still a knight who is fully loyal to the Kingdom of Lugnica.

While the carriage was going forward and Felix was still ignoring Yuji, he had enough time to think about what his existence meant in this world and why he even got summoned here. Subaru the main protagonist should have been enough to help this world and now he also was sent here without any sign. Was he supposed to help Subaru, if he even will get summoned this time, or do something entirely different-

A big mansion came in sight with majestic walls around the whole place. Guards were patrolling on the wall and in front of the gate to deter anyone with dubious intentions. The thing that shocked Yuji the most was the enormity of this place.

It looks as big as the White House, maybe even bigger.

Felix and Yuji walked towards the gate and were let through with minimal trouble. Servants were seen working everywhere, there were so many things that need service and the wealthy House of Karsten has enough money to pay to fix even the smallest of problems. After a couple of minutes of walking both Felix and Yuji stood in front of a door, Felix looking happier than he had been the whole ride and Yuji looking very nervous.

Knock knock!

"Come in"

"Crusch-sama!" Felix was once again holding a beaming smile on his face while looking at his mistress.

"Welcome back Felix, and you too welcome to the Karsten Mansion." Said Crusch towards Yuji in a respectful tone.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Crusch-san." I replied.

"Now, sit down and tell me how you got inside the royal gardens." She said with a frown on her face.

She is a real beauty, isn't she…?

"I don't know how I got there, Crusch-san." I immediately reacted with my answer, because of her Divine Protection it would be better to show her that I'm not a threat. Or at least that I'm not some kind of assassin with bad intentions.

"So, you say that you don't have any recollection of how you came in the royal gardens? Then where are you from precisely?" Crusch said after her Divine Protection didn't detect a lie from Yuji.

I need to give enough information, but not too much where I could change too many things to fast.

"I'm from Japan, a place beyond The Great Waterfalls." My statement shocked both Crusch and Felix. There have been mentions about people coming from beyond, but most of them were false, and nothing was ever verified.

"Stop lying, assassin!" Shouted Felix after hearing Yuji's statement.

"Felix calm down, he wasn't lying, or he believes what he is saying is the truth," Crusch said in a calm voice towards her knight.

"I believe we started this conversation wrongly, I'm Crusch Karsten and I'm a one of the qualified candidates to become the forty-second monarch of the Kingdom of Lugnica."

"I'm Yuji, nice to meet you Crusch-san."

I'm not going to give my full name…

"Now Yuji-san, you gave me a lot to think about and I will allow you to stay here for a bit. But I have one last question, you told my knight that you were valuable to me, how so?" Her staring at my eyes made me feel nervous because I realised that this was an important moment. How much to tell and what to hide, without lying to someone who can spot lies.

"I can be of value… because I can help with paperwork and give advice in certain situations, because of my knowledge from my world." Both she and Felix looked unconvinced.

"I also have the ability to sometimes know what is going to happen in the future." Both participants looked very carefully towards the weirdly clothed guy from a different world. Crusch once again didn't detect a lie.

"Yuji-san I have a lot to think about. I will allow you to stay here and will talk to you another day, hopefully this place will accommodate you enough." She while clearly thinking about the conversation she just experienced.

"Felix can you bring Yuji-san towards one of the guest rooms."

"Nyan! Will do, Crusch-sama." The knight replied towards the green-haired beauty whose life was going to drastically change. Not only because of her path towards the Kingdom of Lugnica, but also because of the appearance of Yuji who brought knowledge from another world with him and supposedly had the ability to know things about the future.

"Thank you, Crusch-san." I replied respectfully and a lot of pressure went off my shoulders.

Now that I made the first impression, I also need to show that I'm capable of helping or else I would be in this world without any support. I can't even fucking read…

A/N+: I didn't want Crusch to know everything about Yuji, but I needed him to be more valuable towards her than just being an "otherworlder" who may or may not have helpful knowledge. But I also didn't want Yuji to say something like "Yo, your life is a story in my world" and he also wasn't able to lie. That is why he said, "I also have the ability to sometimes know what is going to happen in the future", which can be interpreted in many ways.


Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu and all other products related to this series are all owned by Tappei Nagatsuki.

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