
Excuse me?

A/N: I don't know how I feel about the first chapter. It felt a bit anti-climactic, but not really the worst thing that can happen. Next, I had a problem with how slow it is for me to write something, really need to step up the pace. This will be a bit different; I will try to write more in less time and see how the chapter goes. Thanks for reading and again a review is always appreciated.

Royal Dungeons, Lugnica, 1 BA

"Who send you, assassin?"

I'm going crazy, why is this cat person talking to me? Is this a game show or something? I know that some shows really go too far sometimes, but this shit is next level. Drugging me and putting me in this cell(?), while having a cosplay cat person talk to me... it's too much!?

"I will say it again, WHO SEND YOU?!" Growled the cat person, who on further notice was cosplaying as a knight, right?

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" I said with an expression of disbelief upon checking the person in front of me.

That really is some good cosplay, those cat ears look so realistic. If you were to touch them would they feel as fluffy as they look?


My thoughts got abrupted after taking a hard slap from the now even more angry-looking cat person. "Listen closely, nyan~" said the cat person with a voice as cold as ice.


"What are you talking about, where even am I, and why the fuck were you hitting me?!" I said while becoming agitated. Being put through this already testing my patience, but getting slapped like this, who the hell do you think you are, my parents!?


Did.. I just get punched?

It took Yuji a while before he could look at this assaulter and he didn't like what he saw. Because while he was trying to process what happened with him the cat person in front of him did something that defied nature. The cat person now looking furious had a ball of water in his hand and we are not talking about a water balloon in his hand but real water floating above his hand like he was controlling it.

Yuji looked at this spectacle and his earlier fear of being kept somewhere against his will became worse after seeing something that should have been impossible, from this cat person.

Magic? This is going too far for a show and looks more like a real kidnapping, but even for a kidnapping, this is just wrong. Is this some elaborate kidnapping, where they try to hurt people while making them believe that it is magic... or is it real magic, with a real cat person?

"I will tell you once more and you better think carefully about what you will say, nyan~"

"Who send you and why did you intrude in the royal gardens while Crusch-sama was together with Prince Fourier"

Royal gardens, Crusch-sama, Prince Fourier, and a talking cat? You got to be kidding me... is this Re fucking Zero?! Oh my god, I'm becoming nauseous. Did I just get Isekei'd, but I didn't die? Not that it matters, because there is a high fucking chance I will die here soon if not now.

"Please, listen to me!" I said while looking in despair towards Felix(?).

"I'm not an assassin, I don't know why or how I even came here! You have to believe me... please!" I said while my mind was trying to figure things out.

They will let me rot in this cell or torture me for information that I supposedly should have because I'm an assassin? I must do something, I'm not some kind of anime protagonist that is capable of handling pain. Especially if I'm correct and this is the Re: Zero world, where sociopaths have magic to create whatever they want. I get scared reading about torture tactics in the Middle Ages. In a world like this, I suppose it can only be worse...

"I guess I have to 'persuade' you to talk, nya?" Felix said while slowly putting his hand that was keeping the water ball in place towards Yuji.

"Oi, Oi! Felix, please! I really am not an assassin and I'm very valuable!" I said trying to put more importance on my well being, even though there is a high chance that my plight will get ignored.

"Please, let me prove I'm not having any bad intentions. Crusch-san can tell lies! She can immediately spot if I'm telling a lie or if I'm telling the truth!"

This is my only chanc...

"Trying to get closer to Crusch-sama, huh? Nice try assassin!" Felix said while Yuji's last thing he saw was the face of a person whose anger had reached a maximum.

Fuck me.


Karsten Mansion, Lugnica

A girl wearing a military uniform was gazing outside her window thinking about the whole situation. The 4th Prince of Lugnica died and shortly after a notice was put towards the noble families first and after the normal population that the king had died due to an incurable illness. The same illness that took Fourier lives and before all the lives of those of royal descend.

The girl was frustrated with the actions of the royal court by how cavalier the court had treated this national tragedy. Almost forgetting about those tragic deaths and only thinking about the contract with the Divine Dragon that existed between Volcanica and the royal family. Even worse the Dragon Insignia, as well as the prophecy regarding the future of the kingdom, was revealed. She was discovered as the first of the five potential candidates deemed worthy to lead the kingdom of Lugnica.

Fourier, I promise I will create a better Lugnica!

While thinking there came a knocking sound from the door and she realised that her knight had finally returned after a couple of days.

"Come in."

"Crusch-sama, I'm sorry I couldn't stand by your side after all you went through." The knight said while thinking about the situations she had experienced while he was away. While being stationed in the royal palace he heard bits about what happened with Crusch and the royal court. He felt like he failed her and his confidence in asking her of becoming her personal knight bit by bit faded away.

"Felix, it's alright. I'm happy you came back." She said with a smile while looking towards her friend.

"And? Did you obtain information about the intruder?" She frowned while thinking back and how it was possible for someone from out of nowhere could intrude in the royal gardens while being heavily guarded by multiple knights.

"He denied everything, nyan~. He said that he didn't know anything about intruding in the royal gardens and he seemed to not even have a clue about his whereabouts. But he weirdly did know my and Crusch-sama's name and even said to let Crusch-sama check if he was lying or not."

"Mhm, so he knew of my Divine Protection of Wind and he knew your name, but still said that he didn't know anything? Felix, what did you think about him?" She said while looking straight towards the knight.

"He is weak, Crusch-sama. He didn't show any trace of mana and when I showed my magic, I saw fear and nothing else on his face." Said the knight respectfully towards his future queen.

"Did he say anything else?" Said the green-haired girl while looking outside the window again.

"He also said that he was valuable..." The knight said with a face that showed his distrust.


While pondering the girl finally made her decision and replied to the knight "Felix, I wish for you to bring him here so that I can talk to him."

"Crusch-sama! You shouldn't bother with people like them, they only say things to get closer to you! It's dangerous!" Said the worried-looking cat person.

"Felix, I will be careful. But to get more information, it seems like I have to at least talk to him." Said the girl with conviction. The knight looked like he wanted to say something in return, but decided against it.

"Haai, Crusch-sama, I will get him from the royal dungeons nyan~" Said the knight while walking out of the door, but before he could pass through the door, he heard her speak again.

"Felix, now that I'm going for the throne, I need a trustworthy knight right beside me. I need to be strong if I want to make my wish, of making Lugnica better, true. Would you become that knight for me?" The queen candidate said in a charismatic voice towards the cat knight Felix.

Felix looked at his future queen in disbelief and soon after replied with a beaming smile "It would be my honour, Crusch-sama!"


Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu and all other products related to this series are all owned by Tappei Nagatsuki.

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StorianWritecreators' thoughts