
Re:The wicked boy of the east

Natsuki Subaru obtained his death-defying power a year before he was kidnapped from his world, but this Subaru is different from the original, as he lived a tough childhood of bullying and misunderstanding, which led him to develop an unwarranted hatred towards the world.

Khamzat · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

The Loving Fairy.

"Thanks, Riful, everything you told me was very valuable"

"No problem at all Subaru hehehe".

Subaru smiled thankfully to Riful, who in turn smiled at him after replying with a giggle.

Although Subaru's voice and demeanor may sound calm and gentle, inside his head is something else entirely, for his eyes now and at this moment are flaring with a blend of perilousness and anger, But even so, this time at least he had complete control of himself, as he made sure to turn his face to the other side to not let his companion see his current facial expression He does not want to make things worse for him by making her suspect something, especially with his intuition, which is currently weighing on his shoulders, and also he is very hungry. He has not eaten anything for more than half a DAY!!.

――This world is the worst, he thought.

Subaru's thoughts became clear, as well as hazy, and why not because after hearing what his current. female-companion said to him, any person with a working mind can at least draw something, because after revisiting all the events of the day plus what his female-companion said, it seems as if everything connects with each other. And thats the obvious part, and the blurry part is...that he doesn't know how or why.

――This is starting to raise a lot of doubts, Firstly, finding myself in another world, secondly, being exposed to attempted murder and robbery by some miscreants, and thirdly, a collision with a thief, who turned out to be a princess who must be found, and last but not least another princess, this is too much to happen in one day, And I happen to be, the user of the power of going back in time who found himself in the middle of it all, yes nothing suspicious at all, he thought.

[Do you think that there is a mastermind behind all the events that took place, but even if there was one... then how and why?].

――I don't really know who or how, but I'm pretty sure something fishy is going on here... I just need some clues, what I got now is not enough, he thought.

Subaru looked at the orange sky that was beginning to turn black and the sun was starting to set, Suddenly an idea came to him as he turned his face towards Riful and with a gentle smile.

"Riful, would you please let go of me for a moment?,.... I have to relieve myself, I will be back quickly"

"EH?――No no I don't mind at all please you can go I will definitely be waiting here I mean...en"

He kept smiling at her, and of course, when she understood the content of his words, she indeed let go of him, albeit hesitantly, flapping her hands in a comical way, as a sign of approval, and Her face reddened with shame, Showing how ashamed of herself she is.

"Thank you very much, it wont take mush".

indifferent to all of this because of the pressures exerted on him, He just replayed as he turned his back to her and started walking quickly leaving an embarrassed Riful behind.

[It seems like not all spirit art user's can pick up on lying]

"Yes, thank God for that" he murmured with a sigh.

That of course was just a lie and he really did feel bad for lying to her, but what else could he do?  He has something to do in haste. Beacuse things looks very bleak right now, and for that he must prepare contradictory plans to confront whoever threatens his safety, even if he has to lie, deceive, and even kill, of course, if necessary, So.

" I think this place will do the trick" 

After making sure that he is far enough away, Subaru entered a dark corner of the street, and What distinguishes this street is that it is completely near the wall, which seems to surround the entire capital, and this proximity to the wall gives a complete shade that covers this side from any light or sunlight, and this is exactly what Subaru wants.

"This is probably is the capital's border wall. Looks like we came to the very edge without realizing it." 

[Sorry ... but Not yet S-u-b-a-r-u~, I need a place that is much darker than that].

With not time to admire the huge wall, He just nodded his head with a sigh as he entered the dark turn and began to walk quickly, not at a run, but rather as a trot, throwing his eyes in every direction, hoping to find the desired place, ignoring all the disgusting smells and discarded rubbish, as well as the suspicious looks of people around him, Because he has one concern, which is to speed up, as every second counts at this right

moment, as he is exposed to the pressure of the ominous feeling that he is experiencing. The feelings of anger and tension have become very tyrannical as well. With every passing second, the cold hand of death draws closer.

[Over there, S-u-b-a-r-u~, in that house with the red door]

Being interrupted, out of his thoughts subaru stopped abruptly, glancing quickly at every house around him, and not even a second after, he finally glimpsed what seemed to be a house built of semi-worn wood with a front yard and a broken red door, In summery, this house is in a very disrepairful state, and it would seem impossible for anyone to live in it.


As he cried out with joy, and a broad grin as if all the tension he had previously just vanished from him, like a haze against the first rays of sunlight.  And not long after that he started running to the demolished house.

"Is that enough Nats?, even I'm having a hard time seeing here".

[Yes, this is more than enough, now please pick a corner and say the words]


Thus the conversation was, Inside the house, or in clearer words, a rubbish dump where there is only scrap and broken wood, no mattresses or furniture, and no walls to separate the rooms, for the scrap dump has only one room, as Subaru walked deeper and deeper. Until He finally could no longer see anything, it's basically a complete darkness, not a single speck of light. Even his trained and improved eyesight could not catch anything but darkness.

"Very well, now let's get started ".

He just said in a soft voice, as he began to sit in what seemed to be the center of the room, as he crossed his legs to one side, with one side of his hips on the floor, He put his hand inside his jacket, and what he pulled out of it was his dark black Machete, as he stuck it into the wooden floor, Which caused a sound to be issued, but not loud enough to leave the corners of this miserable place, leaning on it from his left side, So he put his other hand on the place of his chest where his heart is, and finally closed his eyes slowly.


Finally, there was a very deathly silence that fell over this place, not a drop of water falling or an ant moving, and the only sound that could be distinguished was the sound of cracking and shaking wood coming from this miserable place, while Subaru sat there very still and without the slightest movement, his expression relaxed and not a wrinkle showing.  As if he is waiting for something.

[Now S-u-b-a-r-u~ I'm ready, just say the words]

He smiled, a smile so wide it would have reached his eyes if they were open, and so.

"O watcher of the night, wake up the sleeper of the night, perhaps with anxiety they will help us to stay awake, I would like the darkness of the night to last for her, And the blackness of the heart and sight increases in us, and the star makes its image smaller, and the guilt is our limb, not the star in its infancy, and the blackness in my path shines, with her beautiful name, with the love of those who died and those who come, and the abandonment of the living, and every bad and good thing returns to the darkness"

He finished his words, breathing fast but nonetheless his smile was bright, he opened his eyes as he put his machete aside, he took both his hands and then slowly and quietly he put them on the wooden floor with a slight kneading, placing his hands on the ground in a heart shape fingertips connected.

[Now say it ... SAY MY NAME!! HURRY!!]

"Natsuha Tokugawa Kei Haruki, My loving fairy".

He spoke, with a full blown smile showing his completely white teeth reaching his open eyes now radiating red.

"good~ boy~"

Suddenly, destroying the eternal silence that fell on the place, sweet female words and the sweetness of her words scatter from her mouth like magic.

"I never tire of seeing this sight".

And so the boy said while standing on his feet to face, what seemed to be a girl with a body made of shadows So dark that it could be missed if it blended in with the darkness of the place , she was about a foot taller than Subaru, her hair was so long that it reached her hips dancing with the shadows of the place, but what was most amazing about her misty appearance were her two blank eyes No pupils, only bright white, no mouth, no nose, nothing else to distinguish, but her terrifying eyes.

"So, what are we going to do next Subaru~?"

She asked in her sweet voice, Subaru who turned away from her and stared out across the the house seemingly looking for something.

"Oh, Here you are"

He voiced out, As he bent down to pick up the black Machete he had dropped a minute ago and than Subaru briefly  closed his eyes before addressing nats question, He raised a single finger, and,

"I want you to comb this whole place, for anything questionable, and if you find a useful host feel free to use it, that's all... now I'm counting on you Nats".

he responded as he put his machete back in place while looking at the girl made of shadows who nodded approvingly.

"Please be careful~"

She just said, before suddenly disappearing from view, as if she had never existed, leaving no trace, Holding his hand to his forehead, Subaru shook his heavy head His smile is no longer there and.

"Yes,... I will see about it"

He just answered while taking his first steps out of this miserable house.


















"What is delaying Subaru for so long?... Can males take all this time to relieve themselves?" And in the middle of the street, exactly where Subaru and his escort parted, Riful, who was losing her patience waiting for him as she muttered wondering.

"Where are you Subaru?, how dare you leave a beautiful girl like me alone like this?... IT'S SO UNFAIR!!!"  Unable to keep her calm and suppress her feelings, Riful began to speak loudly, as if a girl was looking forward to her date with a guy, who never showed up.

"Could he have abandoned me?  Did I say something that made him run away from me?  No, it can't be. He was obviously happy with me. We talked a lot to each other, laughed together, and his poetic words to me... That couldn't be a lie, right?, "

Despite everything she said she was  In fact, Very worried about his safety She just wants to know where he is and how he is doing and she especially doesn't want to lose him in this miserable place.

"Darn it, It's no use waiting, I'll have to go after him and check for myself" And so, after saying this with her eyes, which say that she will die if she does not see him again.

-so as she started preparing to go looking for him.

"Riful is that you?"

A clear familiar and feminine voice rang in the street Which made Riful stop in her place, and with a frown she turned her face to the owner of the voice, and her eyes were a blend of surprise and anger.

――DARN IT, she thought.




















"Damn it took more time than I expected"

Running as fast as his legs could carry him. Surprisingly, he never felt tired

Running across the streets of the slums, without a second to lose, Subaru's body was shrouded in wind.

"I hope Riful is not gone"

Slicing through the afternoon air, making great swings of his arms, he sprinted, step after leaping step. Kicking up dust and trash out of the way, he dashed straight to where he left Riful.

"Oh, There she i-!!??"

He wanted to say, as he suddenly held his mouth, and stopping on his track after only a few meters away from her, but the reason why he stoped is the fact that she wasn't alone, as there was apparently a blonde-haired girl talking to her.

――What a setback, he thought with a sigh. 

Now Hiding behind a nearby house, he looks out on Riful and her other female companion from behind who appears to be a knight as she was whering the same as Riful but with some differences. And From his position, Subaru can see Riful's face, and thanks to his strong eyesight, he can definitely tell from her frowning expression that she is unhappy for some reason.

"This does not bode well"

He mattered lowly, but fortunately the blonde girl with her seemed so inattentive of her surroundings that she didn't even notice him a few meters away behind her, or rather behind the house across from her, and so.


Before he took a single step towards the two girls standing across from him Suddenly Subaru fell to the ground clutching his chest in sharp pain.Now his intuition became a disease that causing him a sharp pain in the chest grinding his teeth from the unbearable pain and anger that was in him, Which leads him to forget about Riful for now, and see his way straight to the loot house as it seems like time is starting run out, Shaking his head and clenching his throbing heart, Subaru stood up.

"I'm sorry,... Riful, but I have to go"

Grinding his teeth he spoke, before starting his run in the opposite direction.

















――Don't come here Don't come here Don't come here Subaru don't come here!!.

That's all Riful could think of as she was taking small nervous glimpses every now and than at Subaru in his hiding place who in turn didn't seem to know that she already had noticed him peering at them, yet, but now because of him she is currently in a very bad situation, wish she was in the first place but only realized it now after talking to her fellow knight, As it turns out that she was sent by the sword saint, and if what she said to be trusted she had told her that he found clues and some indications to the profile of the murderer responsible for the horrific killing of three people who, thanks to one of his unbelievable and disturbing divine protections, turns out to be too accurate as description to Subaru, making Riful fear for his safety. Riful Of course, knew that this would happen sooner or later... but she didn't expect that the sword saint would intervene because, as far as she knew, he would be on vacation today ... right?.

"But again, that monster doesn't know when to stop".

" hm? monster ?" 

She only mumbled softly but, Ruth, her blond haired knighty co-worker, seemed to have heard her murmurs, as she looked at her questioningly causing Riful to sigh deeply and curse her big mouth.

"No, nothing ... i mean ... I was just thinking ... yeah thinking of what kind of a monster would do such a thing in an alley in the middle of day ... Yeah?."

Riful replied with a forced smile on her face, as Ruth kept staring at her directly in the eyes with her blue ones analytically, as if she was looking for something hidden inside her beautiful brown shiny eyes, while Her face gradually gets closer each time causing their breaths to mingle together which began to fray Riful's nerves, generating a strong desire to punch her right on the face and breaking her nose.

And After a few seconds of staring at each other, one analytically and the other with eyes full of anger and defiance.

" I WON Yes, you blinked so this is my win" Taking a few steps back, she declared while striking a victory pose by putting her hand on her hip pointing her finger at Riful.

Which made Riful angry even more.

――damn you and your silly games, she thought disdainfully.

" anyway, Why are you here, of all places? I thought you hate the slums " Ruth asks, in all curiosity.

Riful only shrugs with a frown. "Non of your busines." "Why Do you care anyway ?"

"Of course I care you are my friend" Ruth just responds with a face As if stating the obvious which made Riful angry even more.

"You're just a nuisance, not a friend" she spits back with a face dull of emotions.

"You're too cruel, Riful." Ruth produces this weird mix of a laugh, as she drmaticaly clutched her heart as if hert by Riful words, wish only infulriate the raven-haired girl imensly.

Perhaps her attitude ought to be called vulgar, or maybe daring, or cute by some people, but Riful consider her behavior  an annoyance to her, and she can't stand her, that's why Riful always prefers to stay away from her, but fate always finds a way to bring them together.

Shaking her head, she fixed her eyes on the blond girl in front of her.

"Don't you have something to do, instead of bothering me here? Because I really don't have time to deal with you right now because I ha--!!" Suddenly her expression changed as she cut her self up, eyes wide with horror.

――What suddenly happened to him!?,she thought with a shock

"Ah? Riful what's happ-WAHH!!!"

Ruth tried to talk but, Riful wouldn't give her any chance to do so, as she suddenly pushed her to the side knowing that she had the force advantage over her on purpose or not she didn't care as all her focus was only on Subaru, who was trying with difficulty to stand on his feet,while holding his chest as if in great pain, she just doesn't believe what she sees, as the only  thing that goes through her mind right Now is that to go over there, and help him out with whatever she can.

――How did this happen, did someone attack him from behind?, but apparently he's alone and I can't see anyone, is he seak?., she thought, with to mush possibilities swarming her minds, but the only thing she is sure of is.

"I need to help him" she said with determination.


Her companion called out to her from behind, raising her voice, but even so, Riful decided to ignore her for now as she ran towards Subaru who had apparently already left, in the moment of inattention  which made her feel relieved, and also a little bit disappointed.

――It's good that he's gone, it just means he's not ... daying... but I really wanted to see him now, dammit, she thought And at this moment of her inattention she almost collided with someone who suddenly emerged in front of her.

As she tried to move out of the way in a panic and hurry, but unfotunalty it was too late as she, ended up colliding with whoever is that is, wish in turn knocked the wind out of her as if slamming a wall. Causing her to fell on her butt. Watching her, the person she collided with spoke in a gentle manner but there is still some urgent laced his voice.

"Oh, my apologies, Mrs. Riful, but i really need your help" 

Riful doesn't even have to look up to see who's talking. As she knows this voice very mush. 

"Reinhardt-same ?," Ruth calls out, from behind confirming the identity of the speaker who she just crashed into.

"Oh Mrs Ruth, good thing I found you too"


indifferent to their conversation as Her eyes become empty full of despair, as the only thing in her mind right now is.


――May the curse be upon my luck, she finally thought.






















"Finally I found it… but damn That took way too long,..."

Now that he'd finally arrived, He wiped some of the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve while breathing hard from running, finally feeling tired .

"But nothing has happened yet... which means I'm not late Or at least I hope so"

He had spent almost an hour running around until he finally found the place. He is sure if Riful was with him it will take less, of course he didn't get here without any help, because on his way he got plenty of it from the people of this place, whose behavior varies according to the state of your appearance if what Riful said can be trusted.

――But I wonder where Nats is now, and what she's doing, Subaru thought as he looked at the loot house, its appearance not quite fitting its coarse name as it beckoned to him.

By Subaru's estimate, it was probably around the size of a convenience store. Parking lot included.

It only had one floor, but it was large enough to fit twenty cars with ease. His surroundings had changed too, the various ruins and hovels were nowhere to be seen.

"But the stench and rubbish is still there, dammit" He said, pinching his nose in an attempt to avoid smelling the filth around him as he took a few steps in the derection of the loot house.

"Here is the huge wall again, it seems that this capital is smaller than I thought" he said as he idly started to imagine what a map of the capital might look like.

It was probably square-shaped, guarded by these walls on all sides. Within those walls, perhaps in the center or the northernmost area there would be a castle, and far away from there one could find these slums.

He felt like it had been forever since he started his search for the girl and the danger source, so he maybe have an idea  to the capital's size.

"I bet the capital would be nothing in size compared to my own half of Japan, let alone all of it hahaha" He said before laughing softly So that none of the residents of this place know of his existence.

"Well enough wasting of time"

Standing before the wooden door, he tried knocking but. He stopped himself, at the last moment, as he recalled what had happened in the alley, and exactly the moment he met Felt, wish made him thinks.

――I don't think that's a good idea, my meeting with her was all but good, the least she would do if she saw me was to run away, so. He thought, As he backed away from the door.

"There are definitely lights in the windows so there's no doubt about the girl and whatever the other person is are inside." He mumbled while at the same time he started to take a walk around the house observing, as he could hear the voices of people talking inside.

"Damn, I can't get in because felt will definitely recognize me, do I have to wait until she falls asleep to snatch her out of her bed?" Subaru puts his hand to his chin as he murmured to himself with a face that says he will do it if there is no choice, Subaru felt somewhat lonely without nats with him, as he and once again directed his gaze toward the loot house.

"I need a plan, going in there as a suspect doesn't sound like a good idea" he said with a deep sigh.

"Oh, do excuse me. But do you need any help?"

"Hm?" Suddenly, a soft-spoken voice came up from behind him, prompting him to raise his head and turn around to face it's owner and.

"Wow" That was all he could say after his eyes descended on what in his previous world might be considered an excellent beauty.

She was rather tall, around the same height as Subaru, and she appeared to be in her early twenties.

Her eyes angled downward toward the edges and she had a calm atmosphere to her. Her unusually pale skin clearly stood out even in the afternoon sun.

She was wearing a black cloak, but she'd left the front open so one could easily see her tight black outfit underneath it. Slender as she was, she had curves in all the right places.

And just like Subaru and Riful, she had black hair which seemed to be unusual in this world as far as he know. Her long hair that went down to her waist was tied up as if braided, and she was currently fiddling with the end of it.

She had a rather bewitching aura.

Subaru had some experience with the opposite sex, but just a little since he never had time, as was a little bit overwhelmed, but not too much as forgot his manners and where he is right now.

"To whom I owe honor" With a bright smile, Subaru announced, staring at the black-haired girl with ferocious blackish-red eyes.

"Oww, how mean of you to forgot me that fast hmph!" The girl answered him, turning her face to one side, puffing her cheeks with seems lika a feigned anger, Her words baffled Subaru for a moment, but only for a moment because he did not take too long to comprehend the meaning of her words, because when he understood her words his smile became fiercer and his eyes brighter.

" I see how it is so it's you Huh, Nats" Formulating his words not as a question but as an absolute truth, he declared.