

The protagonist through a mysterious time warp, lands in 1422 A.D. India. With a sturdy gaming system as his backup and an arsenal of firearms; aiding him to confront all threats that looms around. Leveling up and getting strong is his ultimate motto, to survive in the upcoming journey against unknown adversaries... (Keynotes of the story) *Historical facts / fiction *Portuguese occupation era in India *Social evils *How our hero fights back social evils *Romance / drama / erotic romance *Overpowered hero / antihero *Guns vs swords kind of scenarios *Kingdom building / harem *Supernatural elements / magic *Romancing supernatural elements *Gourmet elements *18+ / gun buff / changing history *System support / time travel Author Note - Support the story with power stones & reviews, if you like this story.

Rony_Pal · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Ch 24. Shopping spree

That old man took cover behind a tree, so that he could watch everything from a safe distance. It was early in the morning, the bandits were either passed out from last night's drinking or they must be in deep sleep.

No-one was outside, according to my minimap I could see all the red dots accumulated on a single zone.

In a crouching stance I shot my first rocket shell from panzerschreck. With a whoosh sound it took off, leaving behind a white trail of smoke. The kickback from the launcher was sustainable, I would say.

The impact of the rocket was great, the door of one building was my target, it was blown into smithereens. The blast was so great it ignited the barrels that were kept beside the house.

Without loosing the momentum, I shot my second round towards the next house. Same result as before!

Both the blasts created havoc. A lot of them died without even getting a chance to retaliate. The barrels started exploding one at a time, luckily these guys were planning something big so they had accumulated gunpowder barrels & it made my job much easier.


[Earned 2236 exp + 1198 soul points from killing bandit]


The notifications came in one after another while the bandits were falling dead. Both the houses came crashing down, the rest of the bandits either suffocated to death or were roasted alive.

In some minutes time, the mission was a success. My assessment skill made it's wonder again, the loot from the dead bodies were accumulated in my storage. This time I didin't got any body though! The gruesome way they died, it was beyond recovery.

That old man came to me, his exploding eyes were a testament to his fears. I smiled and said,

"Was it tough? Then it is possible for one man to take down 50+ man without loosing a single hair of his body."

That man shaked his head vigorously up and down in affirmation. I smiled back at him, asked him to relax.

It took some time for the old man to come back to his senses. In the post cold weapons era, when you see someone launch rockets from a peculiar musket and it's not even a ship's cannon or a cannon mounted on a castle wall. People will get shocked and it was natural for the people's of India, who were exposed to firearms at a later stages of time; most of them were except for few.

The reward was handed over to me in an instant. It was some scroll.

[New skill detected]

[Absorbing into system = 0.1%.... 2.9%....37%....]

System automatically acknowledged & registered the scroll as a skill. It was truly a treasure then, if it was a skill scroll. The man left after some time, he even invited me to his owner's palace.

It took an hour for my system to absorb the whole thing inside.


[New skill acquired]

[Devil's Own]

Tier - 1 (90% of the attack inflicted by the undead will be deducted.)

Tier - 5 (50% of the attack will be lashed back at the undead opponent)

Tier - 10 (99% of the attack inflicted by the undead will be deducted & 90% of the attack will be lashed back the undead opponent)

Wow, that was some serious defensive skill & it was a passive skill too. It does not have a cool down timer. It can stay active all the time behind my back. without any worries. Now, the part which shocked me most was the undead part in this whole segment.

Does, this world has undead creatures too. Holy fuck! This is getting more and more interesting.

After some time the flames of those buildings dimmed down, the place was scorching red. It took some more time for me to trod into that place. I checked out the whole place, then when I was about to leave.

I saw something unusual, the whole place was burned but one place was undisturbed. Behind the house, in the ground I could see some dark clusters or sand, gravel and mud being burnt and it changed shape.

I bought a shovel from my system and started cleaning them, after some while to my amusement I found something fantastic.

It was a hidden room, underground. Filled with precious stones, jewels, amethyst coins, gold coins, property deeds and many more.

The ample amount of treasue that I excavated was huge. Selling all the accumulated dead bodies from the arena and the resources that I earned on both places brought me 75 million soul points.

While I was cleaning out my storage, exchanging resources and all. A new item was found in my store & it was damn costly.

[Skill exp orb]

[1= 100k soul points]

It would definitely help me a lot in increasing my skill tier's. And without wasting any time I brought 800 of these beauties. Another item came to my sight was,

[Heal potions] (Heals internal/external wounds. Recovery from any kind of diseases, curses.)

[Small] (Recovers 250 HP)

[1= 1000 soul points]

[Medium] (Recovers 500 HP)

[1= 2500 soul points]

[Large] (Recovers 1000 HP)

[1= 5000 soul points]

Brought 15 of those (small) heal potions, in case of emergencies. It took 100 of those skill orbs to raise a skill from T1 - T2 level.

The results were,

[Host] - Rahul Shikder

[Lvl] - 7

[Health] 3505/3505

[End] - 27+3

[Stam] - 24+6

[Int] - 27+3

[Dex] - 27+3

[Charm] - 14

[Mana] -

[Add. attribute points] - (+20)


[Active] - (Venom King - T5) (Devils Own - T5)

[Passive] - (Basic Firearm Mastery)

(Advanced Assessment) (Complete smooth talker)

[Title] - John Ramgo (active)

[Shop] [Exchange] [Store] [Notification]

After rounding off the my abilities, 5 attribute points were still remaining. I kept them on hold for now. Both my active skills were T5 now. Didn't got any new features in my [Venom King] skill.

The changes were such,

[Venom King]

(Neurotoxic damage dealt to it's target. Duration - 5 min. Cool down - 16 hrs.)

Out of shear curiosity I drank a healing potion, to see if it can cure any disabilities, curse or any disease. It was reddish in colour, the vial was tube shapped enclosed with a cork at the end.

Drank from one vial in one go, it was sweet & tangy in taste. It reminded me of one soft drink flavour that I had in my past time.

After a while, my whole body felt some jolts of joy. I could hear the small crunches, the changing inside was felt from tip of toe to my hair. I felt a sudden jolts between my leg. It was painful yet sweet in nature. Was I having some, I didn't wanted to think anymore. This world is beyond reality so anything can happen. Staying here in this jungle was a waste of time, I had achieved what I came for.

Now, it was time to head back..