

The protagonist through a mysterious time warp, lands in 1422 A.D. India. With a sturdy gaming system as his backup and an arsenal of firearms; aiding him to confront all threats that looms around. Leveling up and getting strong is his ultimate motto, to survive in the upcoming journey against unknown adversaries... (Keynotes of the story) *Historical facts / fiction *Portuguese occupation era in India *Social evils *How our hero fights back social evils *Romance / drama / erotic romance *Overpowered hero / antihero *Guns vs swords kind of scenarios *Kingdom building / harem *Supernatural elements / magic *Romancing supernatural elements *Gourmet elements *18+ / gun buff / changing history *System support / time travel Author Note - Support the story with power stones & reviews, if you like this story.

Rony_Pal · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Ch 22. The aftermath

With steady steps I wen't up, the door of the office was shut tightly & It was pretty obvious. A few rounds from my stg44 blew open the lock. Inside the office, there was around 10 employees who were cowering behind their desk.

The owner has escaped meanwhile! Ahh... it left a bad aftertaste in my mouth; not being able to catch him. He was a smart fellow, he knew when to retreat, when to charge. Or else he couldn't run such a big enterprise.

"So, your boss has ran away & left you guys to die..."

They were already shrieking in fear and were scared to death, my words put an add-on effect over it.

"But, I'm not a heartless person. I will surely let you go, if you do as I say."

"Yes, we will sir. Please don't kill us. please..."

The scared voices of those employees replied in unison.

It was 1422 & the banking system was not established like today's world. Rich people would make vaults or buy chests/safes to store their wealth and precious stuffs. One such safe was inside the office.

"Open that safe for me."

The employees looked at each other's face hearing my order.

"Now, don't say you guys don't know the safe's code to open it."

"I have other ways to open it & when I apply that one of you will die on the process. So, think what you wan't to do."

They were shit scared, one of them opened the safe with trembling hands. The safe was filled with amethyst, gold coins, jewels, pearls, important documents & many more precious stuffs.

Two things that intrigued my mind from this treasure lot was, the various property papers the owner has accumulated via betting, plus his own lot of property papers that was his earning from this business venture.

My luck was surely running high today, I even got the property paper of this battle arena. I had hit the biggest jackpot.

"Here is the document of this battle arena, so from today onwards I am owning this place."

"If your old boss want's to take back his ownership. He has to pay me 10 million gold coins for this deal."

The employees listened to my threats without making any sound. What could they do, they had no options.

"Now, tell me where is the betting money kep't for the arena fights."

They again gave me a puzzled look.

"Sir, we have to pay back that money, if the bet is won by our audience."

One short burst and the guy's head was splattered.


[Earned 587 exp + 223 soul points for killing an battle arena employee]

[Level up]

"So anyone has anything else to say."

Rest of them understood, I meant business. I got access to the betting accounts. Due to my last times intervention the betting in t1 arena has reduced to 500k gold coins, for t2 it was 1 mil and t3 had the highest, 10 mil gold coins.

They opened me the locker for deposited money, in one swoop I stored the money inside my storage. A whopping amount of 11.5 mil gold coins. Hell yeah, I was wrecking havocs.

Next step, was to make my mark on this place. From the shop I brought two 50 litre petrol barrels and made an artificial hole in them. The barrels were being poured out in that office with steady pace.

After ransacking the whole place, I was almost at the final stage of this mission.

Pointed my stg44 and wen't full auto mode on the 8 employees who were present there.

"9 peoples is a lot of number. I just need one guy."

A young inexperienced fellow who has almost shitted his pants was crying in fear of death.

"Come here."

The guy took some time and came near me.

"Now, pick that main gates lock and come with me."

The guy was trembling, he followed me without any question. The whole office was flodded with petrol. The excess was flowing through the staircase. I came down with that guy, asked him to lock the main gate. With full obedience he did what he was asked to do.

I shot some rounds towards the small puddle of petrol & an ignition was sparked. Slowly the trail of flame started reaching towards the office, then it will spread in the whole arena building. People will run through backdoors, some will come towards the main gate but it will be too late for them.

Some will collapse due to mass trampling, some will eventually escape. Few will be seviourly woinded while they escape and in the end they'll die to to serious injury. Mostly, I'll benefit a lot from this with exp's & tons of soul points.

The employee understood what I had done, he was shocked to see my monstrosity.

"Now, my little friend. Run to your owner and tell him everything that you saw here. And don't forget to mention the part about that 10 mil gold coins, if he want's to have his ownership back for the arena."

"Ohh, one more thing. Tell him that this was my sweet payback to him for that foolish murder attempt he tried over me."

I couldn't finish my words and the guy started running for his life.

Was I becoming a villain, no I was the antihero...

Previously I had 980k gold coins + now I got 11.5 mil gold coins. A total of 12.4 mil gold coins was my total worth.

Without wasting any more time, I exchanged 10 million gold coins for soul points.

10 million soul points were added to my system account.

The flames were reaching heights now, some screams of people could be heard from inside. As, they could see the burning arena.

I couldn't stay there, I made my way back to "Pyaasa". It was a long day & I needed a drink to refresh this clogged mind.


At "Pyaasa"

I was sipping through my regular drink, beside me an old guy sat on the same table I was sitting and was gulping his drink like there was no tomorrow. Clearly there were some formation of tears in his eye. He had a sad face.

"Are you ok, any problem?"

The man looked at my face and with a faint smile he said,

"There is but you can't do anything about it. Only, a miracle can save us."

"Try me, who knows when miracle happens."

Before he could continue further, Rehmat barged in and called me with his worrisome face...
