

Now that you started your journey to reclaim your harem, along the way you asked Pandemonica what happened to hell and who is this Loremaster she is talking about.

Pandemonica touched her glasses and started explaining them to you.

"When you left us, a lot of things happened so I'll just explain the things that are important, first of all, Lucifer was dethroned by the Loremaster a hundred years ago."

"Who exactly is this Loremaster?"

You got curious about this person, Pandemonica stared at you with annoyance.

"I'm not done explaining yet, so keep your mouth shut Taker, or else I'll rip apart the next time you interrupt me." 

"Oh, my bad."

Then Pandemonica explained the rest, and you got to know that this Loremaster that dethroned Lucifer was Azazel who is the only angel of your harem.

You got confused as to why Azazel did that? She wasn't the type of person to do this kind of thing!

No, actually she is that kind of person because her personality is someone who would do anything for the sake of research.

"Now that you know, what are you going to do?"

Pandemonica looked at you with a knowing smile, as if she knows what your answer is.

You smirked at her and answered.

"Isn't it obvious? It does matter what they become, I will still reclaim them for they are mine."

You didn't care about Azazel becoming Loremaster, she's your woman and that doesn't change, you would do anything to make her yours once more.

"As expected, you are truly a foolish man but that is exactly why we followed you." 

Pandemonica hugs your right arm, and you felt her soft body pressing against you and you have to admit that you missed this.

"Oh my, you got hard?"

Pandemonica smirked as she noticed that your brother got hard. You weren't embarrassed that she noticed it. This wasn't something that anyone should be embarrassed about. You got hard because you find her attractive.

"Yes, it's because your body feels nice." 

Pandemonica giggles a little, then all of sudden she touched your brother and grabbed it hard enough for you to feel intense pain.

"Taker...you...you grew a few inches didn't you?" 

She realized that your new body had a bigger dick than your previous one 

You smiled smugly at her and said.

"Yes, I did, it's at least a few inches bigger than before."

While your present body was weaker than your previous one, however, this body also has its perks. It had a bigger dick than your previous one!

Pandemonica became annoyed at your smug look for a reason, because of that, her grip was, even more, tighter than before.

Your expression became painful as she gripped your dick tighter than before, but you didn't complain because this was nothing compared to the past.

"You did a good job enduring it, as for your reward I won't be too hard on you in bed."

She smirked at you.

You couldn't help but smile wryly at her, but you are glad to know that she's going easy with you. Because you know how much of a sadist Pandemonica is in bed.

"Oh, it's an honor."

You and Pandemonica were walking for a while now, and all you could see were metal walls, floors, and wires around hell and you couldn't see anyone in hell except you and Pandemonica.

"This place became truly empty, what happened to those skeletons?" 

You wonder where those bulky skeletons are, they were the reason why it took you so long to gather your harem. Now that they weren't here you couldn't help but miss them.

"Oh those things, the Loremaster locked them somewhere because she doesn't like them interrupting her research."

Knowing that you sigh in relief. It seems that your trip in hell this time would be an easier one with your current state. You weren't sure if you could take one of those things since you weren't as strong as before.

"Aren't you glad? This time your trip won't be as bloody like before." 

Pandemonica gave you her signature sadistic smirk.

"Yeah, it saves me time and energy to deal with those things so I'm glad that Azazel locked them away." 

After wandering around for several minutes, both you and Pandemonica arrived at the metal house.

And the sign above the metal house says 'Dog House' it was English so you could understand what it means. You look at Pandemonica who was smiling at you.

Seeing that smile, you instantly realize who is currently inside that dog house, for there is only one dog who is living hell and that is Cerberus!

Before you could confirm your guess, all of sudden you were surrounded by 3 girls and they started sniffing you from head to toe.

"Eh! How come you smell like master? When you don't look like master?"

All 3 of them looked at you confusedly, they were talking about the previous you.

"Cerberus it's me, Taker!" 

Even though you got reincarnated, you still use the same deodorant and perfume.

"Taker? Really? Are you really a master?" 

Cerberus' tails were wagging, it doesn't take that much for her to believe that it's you, unlike a certain someone who almost killed you.

Sniffing you for the last time, Cerberus tackles you with all three of her bodies and starts licking and kissing you.

"Master! master! I knew you would come back!"

After your reunion with Cerberus, Pandemonica approached Cerberus and said.

"It's been a while Cerberus, you should stop licking him in the face already, he still has many things to do."

Cerberus noticed Pandemonica's presence.

"Oh! It's you!"

"That's right Cerberus, as Pandemonica said I still have many things to do, so mind stopping?"

Cerberus was obedient at you, all 3 of her bodies nodded and replied.


Although she stopped licking your face, she was still clinging to you, all three of her bodies are.

Pandemonica couldn't help but sigh at this.

"Why is she obedient to you and not me? Either way, since it's like that, why not ask her to locate the others, Cerberus is the only individual that could do that."

She only knew the location of Cerberus and had no idea where the others is, the last time Pandemonica meet the other girls was a few decades ago, so she can't tell where they are now because she only stayed at a certain location for the last decades.

"Then, Cerberus can you?"

All three of Cerberus' bodies quickly nodded and exclaimed.

"Anything for master!"

After that, your journey of reclaiming your harem continues, as you follow Cerberus alongside Pandemonica.
