
Chapter 14: The Unexpected Attack

Leon and Sylve rushed towards Vander, who was near the portal. He's in a current state of fear and confusion. "Vander, we're under attack." The both of them said.

Vander slowly raised his head while his eyes and mouth are spread wide open in shock. "Huh? For real?"

"We're under attack; you're here because we adjourned the training and forcefully brought you here to escape." Leon offered his hands to Vander, asking him to stand up.

After a while, Sylve came out of her office after she gathered a few of her things, "Leon, don't waste your time on him; if he wants to die, let him be."

Leon laughed sardonically. He showed quite a bit of concern and interest to young Vander after watching him in training. "How can I leave a promising rookie?"

Sylve rolled her eyes over, "Tss." Sylve can't seem to disagree about that as she, too, is impressed with Vander's fight or flight responses. However, with the imminent threat of a Kuishinbo invasion, the both of them and Vander can't seem to rest or even heal his wounds, and so Sylve threw a syringe with healing materials that are designed to instantly heal wounds and recover stamina, "Vander, inject this to your body, it will quickly heal all the scars and replenish your energy.

Vander immediately grabbed the injection and inject him unto himself; just a second after he was injected, he immediately felt its effects, and he was shocked at what he felt afterward. However, he composed himself. He knew he can't be too overwhelmed over "simple" things when he's literally in a dire situation of getting actually killed anytime. "What's happening?" Vander raised his head to Leon as he slowly stood up.

"A part of the barrier was destroyed by a giant kuishinbo, it is currently being fixed, but the kuishinbos are rushing their way inside attacking different people." Leon signed his hands to move forward, "Let's go."

"Don't worry, the attack isn't too severe," Sylve then shifted her gaze to Leon, "W-well, unless the giant one actually managed to destroy a portion of the barrier where it can fit."

The three of them jogged their way to assist in doing the safety protocols. Vander was observing and doing his part, all based on his own accord and thinking. The walls of the entire Cloudspire Garrison were tightly closed. The others are continuously fixing the walls every time an earthquake ravaged the land. The rest of the soldiers, including Leon, left to surround the place and guard. Vander is currently in a hallway near the supply room, gathering the things necessary in case of a sudden evacuation. Sylve is also their supervising everyone's actions which are so far, so good.

Vander didn't seem to care. After all, he doesn't have any property. Aside from a sword, he was brought back from the dimension. Leon and Sylve temporarily allowed Vander to use the sword due to the current predicament.

"You seem to understand the necessary things to do without being ordered," Sylve exclaimed out of nowhere while she's writing the inventory and other vital notes necessary to supervise the people while facing the current threat.

Vander stopped what he was doing for a bit and raised his head to Sylve, standing. "Well, how can I not when the supervisor is just right in front of me?"

"You have a keen observation-" A strong earthquake rumbled the surroundings. Most of the people nearly lost their balance, but Sylve remained as she was.

"You're strong. Why are you here?"

"The situation requires me to be here. If there's any way, I wouldn't want to get stuck with you guys who nearly lost balance just by a mere weak earthquake."

Vander shook his head and smirked, "You can't underestimate everyone's weakness just because you're strong."

"Why would I believe to someone without any credibility to say so." Sylve moved her head closer to Vander and pointed her finger, "Earn my acknowledgment, and I'll believe you, become more powerful, and I'll follow you for the rest of my life." She smirked, "How's that sound?"

Vander just smiled, "I'll hunt you when the time comes." Vander swiftly stood up, bringing his sword with him, and rushed towards the end of the hallway facing the left side as he gestured a fighting form. He swung his sword in a blink of an eye, creating a strong wave and vibration, slicing a kuishinbo in half. Sylve's eyes followed Vander as he continuously cut the kuishinbo until he destroyed its core. Sylve and the others witness Vander's display of strength, and they were amazed and shocked. Some of them shouted, some of them murmured.

Vander shouted from afar, "How's that Sylve?"

"What? He just called our supervisor by her name? What kind of balls does he have?"


"He's gone too arrogant just because he killed kuishinbo."

"He's just lucky he had a sword. I can do far better than him."

Most of them who witnessed such a feat had their own comments and reactions. But Sylve, more than impressed, was humiliated. She was a charlander, no, she is a charlander, and yet someone detected an incoming kuishinbo before she does. At the time, for the first time in her life, her pride was crushed. She clenched her fist for a short time, but she loosened it a moment later when she realized it's wrong to feel about that. She kept that all inside her, and she maintained her calm composure.

She sauntered towards Vander, and when she's finally close to him, she offered her hand to him. Vander accepted, and the both of them shook hands, "Well done, but not enough." She smirked.

Sylve tilted her head sideward and shouted, "What the fuck are you doing? Go continue doing your shit!"

Vander resumed what he was doing. He helped to pile up the stocks in different large containers to be mounted on trucks for escape. His hands are moving, but his mind is on somewhere else. He recalled how he ran that fast and how he knew that a kuishinbo was there.

Vander's POV

'W-what the h-hell am I doing?'

I'm here at the near corner of the hallway, slashing my sword rapidly to a kuishinbo towards me. I feel no fear; my heartbeat is as relaxed as if I'm just beating an egg. This is insane; how did I get here? In a second? No, In a millisecond, I guess. When I was running, I can see everything slowly, my initial position was about 10 meters from here, but as soon as I heard those weird familiar sounds a kuishinbo make, I just found myself here, fighting this piece of shit.

B-but how did I hear that? How did I sense that? But most of all, how can I think about that when I'm here facing a threat that cou-

Oh, guess it's dead.

In a flash, I guess in ten seconds, I killed kuishinbo by slashing everything in it. Damn, I'm a badass, I think?




I never thought it was possible, and I guess everyone also feels that way. They are looking at me as if I did something wrong. Killing a kuishinbo isn't a crime, right? Or maybe-

"He got that from the training hall inside the dimension, he's lucky to find such a rare thing, but even more so, he's lucky to be able to wield such a sword." Sylve appeared out of nowhere. She seems to have called the guards to inform them of what happened. "Don't be so jealous; even if you have that thing, there's no guarantee that you can use it with the same power as Vander."

Most of them murmured while gazing at me with hostility.

"Silence! And get back to your job."

We were about to continue when an enormous foot stomped its way into the hallway that caused a big sound. Man, this building is 10 feet tall, and some kind of feet stomped on it like it's nothing? The good thing is, the feet are not too wide, but considering how it stamped on this hall, that kuishinbo should be really tall, about a hundred feet high.

The guards rushed their way here, including Leon, and they shouted, "Moveeeeeee!!!"

Sylve guided the thirteen of us to enter the room. It turns out that every room in this building has an escape route that is hidden only to be used when necessary. We were ordered to descend on a massive hole on the floor through ladders to escape the demolishing building.

I immediately followed and rushed, following each of them. Some have jumped, some weaklings like me used the ladder to head down. When it's my turn, I heaved a sigh.

'Can't I have a rest?'
