
Izuku Midoriya vs. Shouto Todoroki

We could see that the two of them got to the center of the stage with about two meters between them at their starting area's.

"Are you ready?"

"Here we go!"


Once the fight was started we saw Todoroki release a huge wave of ice heading strait for Midoriya at a fast speed.

Before the ice got close to him, Midoriya raised his arms in front of him and flicked with one of his fingers using One of All creating huge wind pressure that plowed right though the ice wave heading at him and pushed Todoroki back several meters before Todoroki stopped himself with putting an ice wall behind him.

We could all see that Midoriya was in pain because of his move he just did. He had to break his finger to not get taken out by Todoroki.

They were now several meters apart, both close to their side of the fields out of bounds line. With this distance between them it will be hard for either of them to take the other out.

"Wow! Midoriya stopped the attack!" Present Mic yelled.

It didn't take long for Todoroki to attack again. Another ice wave headed right towards Midoriya.

Midoriya prepared by putting his hands in front of him again and yelled, "Smash!"

Midoriya sent another wind pressure wave at the ice wave to break it up.

"He stopped it again!" Present Mic announced.

But this time Todoroki didn't move because of the distance between them and the ice wall behind him gave him stable footing to not be blown away by the wind pressure.

Todoroki released another wave of ice at Midoriya only to have to destroyed again.

Todoroki did one more ice wave attack only for it to be destroyed again but this time after it was destroyed he created a ice bridge that was almost the same as his ice wave that increased in height toward Midoriya and the immediately started to run on it to get closer to Midoriya.

Midoriya already broke all his fingers on his right hand destroying Todoroki's ice wave attack that he had to use his other hand. Because of switching hand it cost him a few seconds to destroys the ice bridge with a finger flick with his left hand.

By that time it was too late. Todoroki had closed the gap between them. Once the ice bridge was destroyed Todoroki came down from above Midoriya to attack him with ice again.

Midoriya jump to the side to get away from Todoroki's attack but couldn't quite get away in time because the ice Todoroki made caught up to Midoriya and started to freeze his leg.

Startled by this fact his use One for All on his whole arm to destroy the ice this time. Because the wind pressure was much grater this time using his fist the just a finger to pushed Todoroki back to were he started at before.

Todoroki had to use a whole lot more ice behind him to stop from being blown out of bound the his ice wall broke several times before it stopped him.

"You used a lot more force this time. Are you saying to not get close." Todoroki said as he got up after stopping him self.

Midoriya's left arm is all broken. You can see it by bruised it looks. He is in a lot of pain because of all his broken bones but he hasn't given up yet.

"With all your broken bones it looks like it is all most over." Todoroki said.

He then released another ice wave attack to finish off Midoriya.

The ice wave quickly reached to were Midoriya was and was about to cove him in ice. But it was blown away with another flick of a finger of Midoriya's.

Todoroki was shocked and had to brace him self because he was taken off guard the Midoriya could still use that move. Once wind pressure left, Todoroki could see that Midoriya used an already broken finger to shoot off that blast of air.

He was surprised but was already pissed off that it is taking him this long to beat Midoriya. With him passing his dad Endeavor on his way to the stage he was already in a bad mood. He wanted to finish this quickly to show that he doesn't need to use his fire Quirk that he got from his father to win fights.

He fired off another ice wave attack at Midoriya bigger then the last one. But Midoriya stopped that ice wave too with the wind pressure that come from flicking his finger using All for One.

Todoroki kept using ice wave after ice wave. He kept his distance from Midoriya so he doesn't get blown off the stage. He knows Midoriya can only use his broken bones so much before he can't anymore.

And he was right after a several more ice wave attacks Midoriya was finally locked in ice and can't move any more. Even when I the waves slowed down because the ice effected Todoroki as well that it made him somewhat slower with the frost that built up on him. But when both of Midoriya's arms were completely broken and he was in so much pain that he gave up fighting.

Midoriya knew he could use one of his legs to get out of the ice but then he wouldn't be able to move right after that so he didn't try to break free from the ice.

"And Todoroki has done it! He has caught Midoriya in his ice!" Present Mic announced.

Midnight called, "Can you continue Midoriya?"

Midoriya was just looking down with defeat without saying anything. He really couldn't continue, he lost his chance to move on to the next round and show the world that he was there.

"With Midoriya unable to continue Todoroki wins and moves on to the next round." Midnight calls.

The crowd starts to cheer after the exciting fight was called. They loved the flashy moves they saw in this fight.

Todoroki walks over to the frozen Midoriya and starts to melt the ice with his flame Quirk.

"Why didn't you use your flames in the fight?" Midoriya asks.

"I will never use my flames in a fight. I will show that I don't need them to win my fights. With me defeating you and All Might was keeping a watch on you it just means that I am one step closer to beating All Might." Todoroki said.

After Todoroki melted all his ice he walk off the stage leaving a disappointed looking Midoriya on the stage.

He couldn't even get Todoroki to use all his power and he still lost even if he had All for One, All Might's power.

Midoriya went off the stage as well to go to recovery room.