
Rain World: The Knight

I stumbled upon this captivating game known as "Rain World," and an overwhelming desire to craft a fanfiction story about it immediately welled up within me. As I delve into this creative endeavor, I'm utilizing ChatGPT to enhance and refine my writing. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the result. ps. this synopsis is even edited by ChaTGPT

chaoticCatholic · วิดีโอเกม
43 Chs

3 cycles later

just comment if you need a image for certain creatures as i can easily provide it


Over the past few weeks, Fin has embarked on a relentless quest, tracking and successfully vanquishing a myriad of creatures. This relentless pursuit has propelled him to ascend to the formidable Level 6 of his journey. However, it's not just the victories that define his story; it's also the heart-pounding moments when he had to flee from adversaries, whether they were imposing King Vultures or fiery Red Lizards.

Amidst the chaos of battle, he stumbled upon a revelation: the relentless cycles of strife endured for a span of precisely ten days. This newfound awareness had serendipitously dawned upon him as he emerged from his makeshift shelter, greeted by a world that bore the unmistakable marks of a thorough drenching from a colossal hose. However, as he ventured forth, an unsettling revelation materialized alongside the remnants of the deluge. The inundation had not only left its watery imprint but had also ushered in a resurgence of enigmatic creatures, populating the now-soaked landscape.

Finn evidently capitalized on such opportunities, extending his hunts during days like these. It was during these particular days that he experienced significant growth, achieving three level-ups from day like this.

'32 days huh'As Finn contemplated his 32-day presence in this place, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of emotion welling up within him. Memories of his life as a solitary individual, engrossed in the challenging realm of video games, with no family to call his own, resurfaced in his mind. The gravity of this moment would have weighed much heavier on his heart if he were not presently engaged in the grim task of thrusting his spear through the neck of a grounded vulture.

[67.5 exp gained]

Upon receiving the system notification, Fin ceased his actions abruptly. With deliberate care, he extracted his spear from the vulture's neck, meticulously wiping away its crimson-stained gore. It was then that he made the decision to scrutinize not only his own status but also Echo's.


Name: Finn martin

Race: Slugcat(The knight)

Level: 6(147/600)

HP (Health Points): 157.5

MP (Magic Points): 55

STR: 15.75

AGI: 8.5

END: 15.75

WIS: 5.5

INT: 5.5

skill points: 5

stat points: 1.25


[Bone shield(LV 1/10)]- allows user to creat a shield of bone with size determined by amount of mp used

[Indomitable(Maxed)]- You shall not bend....


'I found himself repeatedly forgetting to allocate my skill points' he mused, contemplating the need to utilize them immediately after assessing the status of echo.


[Name: Echo]

[Relationship level: 80](family)

[level: 10](57/200){Ready to evolve }

[Skills: vision share,stealth]

(Note: Something is budding)


Seeing his and Echo's statuses caused Finn to immediately focus on the indicator that echo was ready to evolve. However, a lingering fear of forgetting his current abilities gnawed at him. With a sense of urgency, he promptly delved into exploring how he could allocate his skill points to further enhance his abilities.

[Host can use stat points to upgrade existing skills]

The instant Finn contemplated the utilization of his skill points, the system emitted a notification that immediately seized his attention. He found himself intrigued as he quickly tried to invest all to invest his stat points into the one skill he owned.

[Bone shield(LV 1/10)] ---> [Bone shield(LV 6/10)]

Finn underwent an abrupt transformation, one that was both subtle and undeniable. He felt a gradual thickening of every bone in his body, as if they were slowly becoming substantially tougher while he felt he grew almost a head taller.

'Wow! I feel Completely invincible!' Finn exclaimed with a resounding chirp, his eyes locked onto his transformed body, which now felt significantly more robust than it had ever been. It was as though he possessed the strength to withstand a vulture's assault with his own physical prowess alone.

"Probably not the case" Finn couldn't help but think that he wasn't too far off the mark. His thoughts raced as he approached the adjacent metallic wall, his hand clenching into a tight fist. With determination, he struck the wall forcefully, causing it to deform under the impact, yet his hand remained miraculously uninjured.

'WOW' Finn found himself immersed in contemplation as he gazed intently at his clenched fist. It bore a subtle ache, a sensation that seemed to emanate from deep within, yet apart from that slight discomfort, his hand felt remarkably unscathed.

Feeling somewhat fatigued, Finn pondered as he swiftly departed, making his way back to the comfort of his abode. There, he found a towering heap of bones, remnants of countless meals he had devoured, left undisturbed by the rain for some reason.

Walking past the imposing Bone Mountain, Finn slid into his makeshift shelter, a sense of solitude enveloping him. His thoughts raced as he gingerly discarded the mask he had recently acquired from the vulture he had skillfully killed. This marked the seventh mask he had collected over the past few weeks, and each one served as a stark reminder of the unforgiving world he found himself in.


As Finn reclined for a moment of respite, Echo executed an abrupt and graceful landing on Finn's chest. It was as if Echo possessed an urgent desire, a purpose it wished to convey to Finn, leaving him momentarily bewildered. However, Finn's confusion was short-lived as he recollected the crucial task at hand: the imperative need to facilitate Echo's evolution.

[Does host wish to evolve Echo]


Without wasting any time, Finn swiftly chose "yes," causing Echo to tense up and collapse as if descending into a profound slumber. But before Finn could attend to him, he was overwhelmed by a sudden wave of exhaustion himself which caused him to fall asleep himself


If this chapter seems like shit blame my laziness half way through

Edit. Give me more compliments it makes me write better