1 The Inevitable

After all this time, I was looking into your eyes once more.

But you were still pulling away.

You said you needed a drink to cool your nerves.

I let you.

Then you started talking.

I hung onto every word.

in between

Each syllable, And Like the words Didn't exist if I hadn't. the breaths

But I was just preparing For this moment to stay within my mind, And constantly repeat.

Until I couldn't hold on to it anymore, Until it slowly slipped Away from my memory, Piece by piece, And then you said the line that Crushed my very existence:

You said that your happiness belong to me.

We made love that night.

For what felt like the first time I ever have.

I've been fucked good before, But never like this.

No one's eyes have ever seen right through mine like yours, No one has ever looked at me like you did that night.

And I believed everything your eyes told me, And I knew, even in that single moment.

That nothing, Would ever amount to this.

Then we just laid there, Trying to delay the inevitable That this moment would end, And so would you and I.

- R.Milt
