

"You really didn't need to do that," Yu Qingyu said, once he finally calmed down.

"Ish… nooo…pro…lem."

"Alright then." Yu Qingyu forced a smile. "Let's sit down, then."

Liu Wei nodded and grabbed one of the boxes Yu Qingyu brought out, pulling it a good few feet away. Yu Qingyu glanced at him, a bit surprised. He felt a bit hurt that his boyfriend preferred to keep his distance from him, but he still remembered 520's warning, so he didn't say anything, and just quietly took his place.

For a while, neither of them said anything. They needed to discuss the case, obviously, but Yu Qingyu didn't quite know where to start. He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but it felt a bit cold and distant to get straight to the point… But then again, speaking was clearly difficult for Liu Wei, and so he didn't want to make the man talk any more than absolutely necessary…

In the end, Liu Wei was the first to speak up. "…ghow…yhouur… arm?"
