44 Thanks Mr.Storm

The world is such a big place

with millions of people

Living in every corner of the world

Even with everyone so far

It's nice to remember how we are all connected

We all have dreams


Goals we wish to achieve

We have friends




It's such a shame that when we go outside and interact with people

So many of them are strangers

I Love to start conversations with individuals I have never met before

Those small talks that you have with them

Can be an eye-opener for the world around you

we are all connected and similar to one another but

Our experience in things makes us different

Some go through different issues than we do

But to get to the point that we are today

We somehow worked through those issues and persevered from them

To know that someone got through an issue that you are having

I find it to be so relieving

It shows that you can do the same

And hopefully when the time comes that you interact with someone who is going through that same exact issue you will be able to give them confidence that the issue is insignificant and that you will persevere.

The words of a stranger can be the thing that shapes your future.

I still remember years ago

I believe I was a freshman in high school at the time

I was in a study block class and for some reason or another we had a substitute that day

Let's just call him Mr.Storm

He was an elderly man in his upper 80s and to this day I still remember our conversation vividly

I was bored and I had nothing to do

So I decided to engage in conversation with him

I have to say it's one of the best decisions I've ever made

We start off just by introducing ourselves turns out his granddaughter has the same name as me

Cool coincidence

He was asking me about what I wanted to do in the future if I wanted to go to college , to start working what my dreams and ambitions were

I told him what any 14-year-old would

I have no idea

Helped me narrow down what I liked and what I didn't

I would have to say if it wasn't for that conversation there's a good chance I wouldn't be in college right now.

I always knew that I wanted to make a change and help people

When I was younger my thoughts for a career were along these lines

A speech therapist

Because my sister needed one

A police officer

My family's car broke down in Florida at 3 in the morning and we got to ride back to the hotel in a police car still one of my favorite experiences

A translator

Simply because there are so many languages in the world and so many people it's such a shame that we don't have a way to easily communicate with everyone

Possibly politician

I love to argue and the American government sucks

And as of now my thought is a journalist

With so much "fake news" it would be nice to get some that isn't biased

Mr.Storm told me to follow what infatuates me

To go after something that I find that is important

It seems he had a similar issue when he was younger.

( after writing this i'm not sure if it's just me but I find that older men usually have the best advice. I don't know what it is but women aren't the same way.)

