
Quest from God

I was just a normal 20yr old son in a rich family who was visiting Greece for a holiday and ends up saving a little girl and God decides to send me on a quest. Who says I have to do the quest when I can just follow the MC. Watch as our MC explores the world with the woman who decided to follow him. ******************* This world will be an amalgamation of a variety of different animes and novels. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the anime or their characters. Based on the world of the famous novel 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires'

Eklavya_Uniyal · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Fred's Path?

"... So, are you going to tell me what these techniques are?" Victor asked again.

"...?" Mizuki pulled out of her thoughts and looked at Victor, who at some point was close to her again and was looking at her with his eyes glowing blood red.

"..." Mizuki for a moment felt threatened by that look of his, but she didn't feel any bad intentions coming from Victor, and all she felt was curiosity...

And it wasn't just any curiosity. It was a huge curiosity, like a child who found something interesting and wanted to know more about it.

It was like a cat that couldn't stop looking at something new.

His eyes screamed: Tell me, tell me, tell me.

To be honest, she felt a bit smothered by this curiosity.

"...Well..." For a moment, Mizuki was going to tell Victor about her techniques, but she quickly remembered that her master had forbidden her to tell anything about it to strangers.

[It's okay, you can tell him the basics, I'm a little curious about something...] She heard her master's voice.

"Fine..." Mizuki sighed, but, as she had her master's permission, she wouldn't mind explaining a few things.

She then pulled a talisman from her pocket and showed it to Victor, then explained, "The techniques I use are called Onmyoujutsu."

"Oh?" Victor's eyes seemed to shine more. He was really interested and started looking at the talisman and analyzing the object.

Mizuki exhibited a small smile when she saw Victor's reaction. She wouldn't deny that she liked seeing someone with genuine curiosity about the techniques she used, so she started talking without delving too deep:

"In short: Onmyoujutsu, it's quite similar to the techniques used by the hunters of the organization I work for. The only difference between the two is that my spells are used based on the faith of the gods of my homeland."

"Hmm…" Victor put his hand on his chin and started to think; 'It's pretty obvious that she spoke that way because she doesn't want me to learn a lot about these techniques.'

"I see, I see. That's interesting, but there's something I don't understand." Victor nodded several times, then asked his question:

"What is this 'faith' that you guys talk about so much?" Victor felt that this concept was too vague. After all, 'faith' could be anything, so how did this power that hunters use work?

He was quite curious.

"Well..." Mizuki didn't even know how to explain it correctly...

"Let me explain this part." Suddenly an old man came out of Mizuki's body.

"Oh?" Victor looked at the old man and waited for his teachings.

"Faith is an unshakable confidence in yourself, an unbreakable confidence that if you want and wish, you can achieve anything!"

"Faith is a belief in a god, or in yourself. A belief so arrogant it can move mountains."

"Faith is an action of change…"

"…?" Victor didn't understand anything.

And the old man realized this, he approached Victor and touched the area of his heart.

"Faith can be many things. The meaning changes from person to person, but the essence remains the same. An unshakable confidence in something, an unshakable belief in something."

"Once you cultivate these two concepts to extreme levels, you are able to cause a phenomenon that can bend reality, you are able to access the 'source'."

'Is this why most hunters are fanatical?' Victor thought,

"Heh~." He started to get even more interested now.

"Don't get too excited, Oni. That kind of power is unapproachable to the night beings." The old man walked away and said, "Originally, this power was only accessible to humans."


"Oni, you have your own malevolent energy, don't get greedy for energies from other races."

"Oh please bitch, you who are clinging to this spirit form as if a cockroach who would just not die..... pathetic! and all this shit about faith. A half assed process of begging the gods for power, that's all it is..." Krishna said with an expression that screamed disgust on his face.

"Why are you so angry at me boy."

"angry?? I don't give a shit about you, the only reason I even talk with you is because she took you as a master. Mizuki did you even try to find the truth?... sigh I don't think you believe me, well never mind you will know soon enough." Krishna said looking annoyed then dejected.

Then he looked toward Fred,"You know I came to this world after getting hit by a truck."

"What!!? that means Truck Sama truly exists!!" Fred said as if the truck was god and he was a devout believer.

"Don't know about that but if you wish to become stronger you will automatically have a harem...it kind of just happens. Even Victor has a harem."

"yup" Victor

Crack, Crack!

Fred's world is shattered!

"...Hahahaha...This can only be a joke, while I'm using my divine right hand, my best friend created a harem!"

"..." Everyone didn't know how to react to what Fred said.

Fred kneeled on the ground, looked at the clouds, and assumed a position as if he were a believer who was praying to God, as some tears started to fall from his face:

"God, why is the world so unfair! Why!? Whyyyyyy!?"

"I want a harem too! I want to practice dual cultivation! I want to explore the dragon cave!"

"Why doesn't Truck-Sama come to visit me at these times!? I want to be the protagonist too!"

"..." Mizuki, the old man, and Edward didn't know how to react to Fred's despair.

And what the fuck is Truck-sama?

Only Edward understood the reference Fred made... The world is so lonely.

"You are lucky you have 4 ways to become stronger. First you can join Mizuki and become a hunter and hunting dogs of the gods. Second you can become a Vampire under Victor, a pretty good choice. Third you can become a werewolf under Edward if he is willing to make you one, this is also a equally good choice to the previous one. Fourth and final way is to join my family and I can teach you how to do magic better than demigods."

"Wha.... that was way to much info to give in 30 seconds!!"Fred said as he just sat down on the ground.

"Well You only have two offers for now. Either be a hunter or remain a human and join my family. Of course you can remain as you are but making a harem... hell even getting a woman might just be impossible until you find someone just like you."

Edward and Victor nodded.

"... It's not allowed to interact in church, it's against the rules." It only took a few words for Mizuki to break Fred's dreams.

Crack, Crack!

Fred could even hear the noise of his dreams breaking.

Fred dropped to his knees again as he looked up at the sky, "This is too much, God. Who made this stupid rule? Don't you have control of your organization?"

"...He completely freaked out." Victor facepalmed.

"And we went to so much trouble to cheer him up again." Edward sighed.

"Hmm... Sorry?" Mizuki felt awkward apologizing for a pointless subject.

"I will not become a hunter! Who wants to be a simp of god! Screw this!" Fred got up off the ground and threw his middle finger at the sky.

He changed his mind very quickly! Everyone thought at once.

"Well that means the only ways to make harem are if Edward or Victor convert you and then you train or you join me and then train."

"…In that case, don't you want to become an Onmyo mage?" The old man spoke after thinking for a few seconds.

"... Eh?" Fred

"Ah yes there was this old bag of air as well."Krishna

"Master?" Mizuki didn't understand why her master presented this offer.

"Ohhh, that's a good idea, old man." Victor suddenly spoke. He had a huge smile on his face and looked like he was planning something.

"Right?" The old man nodded since he thought it would be a waste to leave so much potential in the hands of those hypocrites, "He will be a great Onmyo mage in the future."

"Oyyy! Don't decide things for me!"

"Tsk." Victor clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Victor approached Fred, bent down, and said:

"Think, Fred. Think!"

"... Think what?"

"Mago Onmyo are not restricted by church rules! He can do Snu Snu! If you get strong and have money, you can create a harem! Even Mizuki can be in the harem as the main wife!"

"Oyyy! Why was my name brought up in this weird conversation all of a sudden!?" Mizuki stomped the ground angrily.

"That's right, boy. My student may be clumsy, but she's a good woman. As long as you improve her personality, I'll allow you to marry her!" He spoke as he stroked his beard.

"Master!?" She couldn't believe even her master said that!

"...Victor..." Tears started to fall from Fred's face, "You're a great friend!"

"Of course I am!" Victor displayed a big smile that, for some reason, sent shivers down Fred's spine!

Victor's thinking is simple, if Fred became an Onmyo mage, he would be able to get in touch with Mizuki's exotic techniques, and he was quite interested in those techniques.

He had another reason too! He wanted his friend to stay strong!

Why did he want this!? It's obvious he wants to fight his friend! The more strong people around, the more fun he will have! It's a great plan where he has fun and gets stronger! And consequently, his friend gets stronger too!

In the end, everyone lived happily ever after!

'HAHAHAHAHAHA~. Fred, my friend. I really hope you get strong, I'll be looking forward to that day! The day I will fight you!' As an immortal vampire, all Victor had in this life was time!

"…What is this chaos? Why does everything turn like this when Victor is around?" Edward asked himself while looking tired.

"It's decided, I will become an Onmyo mage so that in the future, I can practice dual cultivation!"

"…Your mindset is a little wrong, but you've got determination, boy! I like it!" The old man displayed a small, amused smile.

"Master! Please teach me the ways!" Fred looked at the old man as if he were looking at an idol.

"Hahahaha, of course, just trust me!" The old man looked like a suspicious man who was recruiting someone into a suspicious cult.

"Yes, master!"

"STOP DECIDING THINGS AS IF I WERE NOT PRESENT!" Mizuki kicked Fred in the face.

"Ughyaa!" Fred yelled strangely as he felt his face being kicked.

Fred flew for a few meters and soon fell to the ground.

"Pffft hahahahaha Mizuki if he did go into the tutelage of your master..... you would be the senior of Fred..... and will most probably have to spend quite a lot of time with him." Krishna said to Mizuki while smiling.

Hearing this caused Mizuki to shudder and the old man saw his scheme getting thwarted.

"That hurt!" Fred got up from the floor.

"See? If there's anything good about this man, it's his stamina."

"I don't like men like this pervert! My type of man is more like him!" Mizuki pointed at Krishna.

"Oh?? well I don't really know how to answer this since you refused my previous offer but if you like me so mu-"

"…Ugh, I don't like you, idiot! I'm saying that my type of man is like you! Confident, strong, gentle…-" Mizuki suddenly stopped talking, and her face began to take on small shades of red.

Victor and Edward were laughing while Krishna just smiled kindly toward Mizuki.

"I know I know don't worry I am just pulling your leg."

"She is surprisingly cute," Edward spoke.

"Oh, you don't know anything, in the past-." The old man looked like he was about to reveal Mizuki's dark secrets.

"Shut the fuck up!" She screamed in embarrassment.

"Naruhodo, Naruhodo. Like Krishna. Good to know." Fred seemed to be jotting something down on his cell phone.

Mizuki looked at Fred with an annoyed gaze, "What are you doing, damn you? Why are you mumbling like a pervert?"

Fred, like an experienced soldier, dodged that bullet and said, "I'm writing down what you like so that in the future I can try to win you over." He displayed a gentle smile that caught Mizuki off guard.

"…T-This is impossible. Just give up, you're disgusting." She huffed and turned away.

Whistle, Whistle!

Victor, Edward, and the old man whistled. They were like those friends who threw gasoline on a fire to make the situation even more embarrassing.

"Nice job, Fred. You are going the right way!" Victor laughed.

"Keep it up, Buddy!" Edward supported.

"He still lacks tact, but he is on the right path." The old man spoke as he placed a fan over his face.

"Step up your game Fred Or I might just take her away." Krishna said in half-joking manner.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Fred spoke as he looked at the group since he didn't understand why they reacted that way.

"..." Victor, Edward, and the old man just looked at Fred like he was stupid.

"Somehow, he reminds me of you, Victor."

"Oyyyy, I'm not dense like a black hole." Victor strongly denied it!

"..." Edward and Krishna just looked at Victor with a dry look, his face said: are you serious?

"Anyway, in the end, I thought it was impossible…" Fred put away his cell phone and continued, "I can't change myself to be that man." In the end, he was true to himself and wouldn't change who he was because of a woman.

"...he's honest with himself, huh?" Victor exhibited a small smile, liking that attitude.

"This is a good thing." The old man nodded, as he had the same thoughts as Victor.

"Well, at least he can find someone who likes the same hobbies as he does. There are many girls who like anime all over the world. If he is lucky, he can make a harem with them... Just avoid cosplaying women, you might have a bad experience..."

"... You seem to have bad experiences, buddy," Victor said,

"Believe me, you don't want to know..." Edward didn't say any more.

"Did not watch put for the apple....."

"You too?"

"Nah... I have absolutely no luck in any life."

"Sigh I don't know if that is better or is my experience is better."

Both Krishna and Edward just put a hand on each other shoulders as they stood together like brothers.

"Hmm... Maybe you're right." Fred thought it was a good idea, there are a lot of fish in the sea, and if he becomes strong, maybe he will find a woman who has the same hobbies as he does and accept him for who he is.

"Sigh...I thought my disciple would finally get a boyfriend...I need grandchildren." The old man looked rather disappointed.

"It's hard being you, huh?" Victor spoke.

"Yes, it's quite irritating to be in a woman's body, they are so emotionally unstable, but as you get used to it, I want grandchildren too…" Important things must be said twice!

"Don't give up hope. In the future, she might find someone she likes." Victor patted the old man's shoulder.

"..." The old man was a little surprised that Victor could touch him so easily, he's a spirit, did you know? It cannot be touched by an ordinary person!

"... Impossible. Her man standards are very high, and men of this age are all weak."

"..." Victor and Edward couldn't deny those words.

Then the three of them looked at Krishna.

"He seems to be the only choice available but he did not have good first meeting." Old man

"Maybe that will change, he seemed to be willing right?" Edward

"Yeah but he already has quite a few suitors...but who am I to say much hahahaha."Victor

Crack, Crack, Crack.

Sounds of stones breaking could be heard around.

"..." The three men stopped laughing and looked at Mizuki, who had several veins pulsing in her face, and, although she was smiling gently, her smile was anything but kind.

"You sons of bitches... I hope you're prepared to die."

"Well..." Edward and the old man didn't know what to say.

"I'm out." Edward disappeared and hid behind the water tank.

"Hmm, I need to feed my black fox." The old man's spirit became invisible.

They abandoned Victor! Traitors!

Now he was the target of all of Mizuki's rage!

"Heh~." Victor's smile grew frighteningly, he didn't care about the motives, but if it was a fight Mizuki wanted, a fight was what she would have!

And he wanted to fight too! He wanted a rematch!

"Come! I will deal with all your frustrations!"

The words! His words were very misleading!

"oh nonononononon you don't get to do that shoo shoo" Krishna shooed Victor as he picked up Mizuki and jumped.

"Oi you don't get to take my rematch away!!" Victor followed him.

"Why does it seem like those two are brothers are fighting over something." Edward