
Quest from God

I was just a normal 20yr old son in a rich family who was visiting Greece for a holiday and ends up saving a little girl and God decides to send me on a quest. Who says I have to do the quest when I can just follow the MC. Watch as our MC explores the world with the woman who decided to follow him. ******************* This world will be an amalgamation of a variety of different animes and novels. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the anime or their characters. Based on the world of the famous novel 'My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires'

Eklavya_Uniyal · แฟนตาซี
61 Chs

Bringing out Annastashia Fulger

Scathach arrived at the scene, and her eyes immediately sought out Victor and soon found him.

His clothes were destroyed, he got taller, his whole body took on a shade of gray, his eyeballs were completely red, all his teeth were sharp like a predator's fangs.

His hair was floating up like he was defying gravity, and his hands were sharp as claws, and behind him, he had a big bat wing.

And around him, pure blood was floating as if it had been protecting him.

'It's different... The first time it happened, that wing was just bones, and he couldn't control that blood. And…'

"He didn't lose control this time." Scathach displayed a satisfied smile.

"Is that… The vampire count form? Does he know how to use this too?" Natasha spoke.

"Sigh, he made me worry about nothing; this form is still incomplete- " Suddenly, William's vision began to spin. "Huh?"

'Fool, you let your guard down, weaker than you or not. On the battlefield, you never let your guard down, especially when you're faced with something unknown.' Scathach sneered in contempt.

William's body fell to the ground, and the moment the body fell to the ground, his body started to catch fire and disappeared from existence.

Victor appears holding William's head and shows it to Natasha.

"Brat, let go of me!" William yelled angrily.

"Don't you dare..." Natasha growled when she saw Victor's sadistic smile on Victor's face.

Victor's smile grew even wider, and slowly, he began to squeeze William's head.

Crack, Crack...

"W-What-..." Realizing what Victor was going to do, William's face started to panic. "S-Stop, don't do this!"

Cracking sounds could be heard all around.

"N-Noo... S-Stop it!" Natasha's voice was almost breaking.

"K-Kid, are you really going to kill your wife's father!?" William tried to negotiate.

"Remember, I'm her father. What will your wife think of you!? Let me go, okay? I promise we won't do anything against you anymore!"

Victor didn't say anything and just squeezed William's head tighter.

Seeing that Victor wasn't kidding, Natasha's voice began to contain despair.

"P-Please, please don't do this...please..."

Victor's sadistic smile changed to an evil grin, "No Mercy," and, as if he was breaking a watermelon, Victor squeezed William's head tighter.

Crack! Splash!

Blood splattered Victor's face.



And soon William's head caught fire and vanished from existence.

He killed him...


'One is gone… Now.' Victor uses his speed and appears behind Natasha.

Taking advantage of Natasha's emotional imbalance, he tries to kill the woman by also destroying her head, but the woman defends herself with her hands.

"BASTARD!" Natasha attacks Victor, but he quickly defends himself with the blood barrier and backs away.


"..." Victor's face took on an expression of annoyance for a few seconds when he realized that his barrier was almost broken, but the expression on his face disappeared quickly.

And as if it were magic, a smiling expression appeared:

"Ahh~, he died so easily, like ants being stepped on, it's a shame, it's really a shame." Victor looked at the ashes of William's body and stepped on them.

"He's a strong opponent. It's a shame he's not a warrior. He's just a parasite, and parasites must be eradicated, right?" He looked at Natasha.

"Do you understand what you did!? You killed your wife's father! She will never forgive you!" Natasha screamed with tears in her eyes.

Victor raises his finger, and then the blood around him turns to blood swords, and he throws those swords towards Natasha!

"Child's play." Natasha's body is covered in lightning, and she dodges all of Victor's attacks, and soon she appears behind Victor and tries to kill him!

'Annoying speed.' He quickly turns back, controls the blood he's thrown, and the swords come back towards him, quickly transforming into a blood barrier and defending Natasha's attack.

Crack, Crack!

This time the blood barrier broke!

"Tsk." Victor backed away.

'My speed has increased, but I'm still not an opponent for her… But my strength is causing damage to her body.'

'I can't stay in this transformation for long, or I'll start suffering damage to my soul... I need to increase my time using this transformation a little. I need blood...'

Victor flashed a sneer, "Cheap sentimentalism, don't pretend to be a saint, woman. You don't care about your daughter; you never did."

"..." Natasha looked coldly at Victor.

"But... Well, you may be correct. Maybe my beloved wife will never forgive me."

"Of course, she will never forgive you, he was her father!" She growled.

But Victor didn't mind and continued:

"I love my wife very much, and I don't want her to be sad because of my actions." He started to float slowly, then he pointed his hand towards Natasha.

"But even if I love her, I'll never forgive anyone who hurts her... Even if that person is her own family!"

"Hypocritical!" Natasha spoke in a hateful tone.

"I know." Victor laughed.

"Now. Give me your blood."

"Huh...?" Suddenly, tears of blood started to come out of Natasha's face.

Cough, Cough!

Natasha coughed up a lot of blood on the floor.

"This is..."

As if the blood had gained consciousness, Natasha's blood began to fly towards Victor. Victor's mouth grew distortedly, and he swallowed all the blood.

"You have delicious blood~" Victor displayed a big smile, "I want more~."

"You will pay for this! No one takes my blood without my permission." Natasha's face wasn't pretty.

Rumble, Rumble.

Natasha's body was covered by lightning again, and she swiftly appeared in front of Victor, "Die!"

"Kaguya." Victor jumped back and narrowly avoided Natasha's attack.

[...Yes, master.] Despite being surprised at Victor's transformation, she was still a hard working maid, and she did her job.

Victor's shadow spread across the ground, and soon a black territory was created.

Suddenly, Victor's image slowly faded into the darkness.

"Fool! This won't work again!" Natasha steps on the ground, and immediately a small lightning blast happens, the lightning travels across the ground, and it seems to have swallowed up all of Kaguya's shadow.


Kaguya's territory of darkness was completely undone, and Victor was prevented from entering Kaguya's shadows.

"Huh...?" Victor didn't expect this.

Natasha grabs Victor by the neck, and using her hand, she attacks Victor's head.

Victor's head exploded like a fragile jelly.

"Eh...?" But something happened that she didn't expect.

Victor's body fell to the ground and dissolved into blood.

Suddenly the blood gathers behind Natasha, and at superhuman speed, that blood transforms into Victor, and he quickly embraces her.

"You are mine now~."

"Huh? Let me go!" She struggled.

Victor suffered major damage to his body, but he didn't care:

"Didn't you want me? I'm here." His mouth grows disproportionately, and he bites her!


"…" Scathach's eyebrows quivered a little as she looked at this scene.

Victor's eyes began to glow brighter, and slowly his body began to be covered in lightning.

"I... I'm being drained~."

"Just relax~. Soon it will all be over~." He spoke in a calm, gentle voice.

"Ahh~, S-Stop… N-No…"

Natasha was feeling a pleasure she had never felt before in her life, but she knew that if she continued like this, things would go wrong.

"Let go of me!" Her eyes glowed gold.

Rumble, Rumble!


Lightning crashed down on her.

Victor's body suffered severe damage from Natasha's attack, but he didn't care. In this transformation, if there was something that improved the most, it was his regeneration.

In less than a few seconds, all the damage he suffered was restored.

"Let go of me! You piece of shit!"

Rumble, Rumble!

A shower of lightning began to fall upon her.

And just like before, Victor's body was damaged, and less than a few seconds later, his body regenerated.

Victor didn't let go of her and just squeezed her tighter and sucked her blood.

"Ahh~" Natasha moaned in pleasure, and her breathing was getting erratic as she was feeling her life slowly fading away.

"Grr..." Natasha was annoyed like never before.

"I said…" Natasha's eyes started to glow brighter in gold, and then, with her body covered by the lightning, she said, "Let go of me!"

Rumble, Rumble!

"!!!" Feeling a bad feeling, Victor quickly lets go of Natasha and backs away.

Immediately after, a bolt of gigantic and much stronger lightning fell on Natasha.


A massive explosion happened at the scene, and the booming sound of lightning falling to the ground was heard.

"Bloody Hell." Victor looked at a gigantic crater that had been created.

Everything disappeared from existence. The only thing that remained was Natasha, who was floating with her dress completely destroyed.

"...This power..." Victor looked up with an expression of shock.

[It's her true power... If you hadn't retreated, you and I would have vanished from existence...] Kaguya explained.

Natasha looked at Victor with her eyes gleaming gold.

"!!!" Victor felt a shiver down his spine that made his smile grow.

[She's coming, get ready!]

Victor braced himself. With the blood he'd absorbed earlier, he could go on a little longer.

[Master, remember, she hasn't used her vampire count form yet.] Kaguya warned him.

"... Damn monster." Victor's smile grew, and he didn't seem to be saddened by this news.

Natasha took a deep breath, and then she opened her mouth:

"Boy... Noo. Victor. What do you think will happen when my daughter finds out what happened here?"

Huh?" Victor doesn't understand why she's bringing up this subject again.

"What do you think she'll think when she hears her husband hugged her mother and sucked her blood without her permission?" She displayed a seductive smile.

"In our society, that is basically rape, you know?"

'Heh~, so you decided to play this game, Bitch. I wonder how far you're going to take this.' Scathach's eyes weren't pretty now.

Victor exhibited a serious face and totally ignored the bullshit Natasha said, he wouldn't fall into her rhythm:

"Think, Natasha. Think." He pulled away from Natasha.

"... Think about what?" Natasha exhibited a confused face.

"I know you're not stupid, don't you see? Every time your daughter talks to you, she shows contempt!" Victor gritted his teeth angrily, just remembering Sasha's trembling expression, and remembering when she'd cried over Julia's death, the anger in his heart began to grow.

'Good~. This is my disciple.' Scathach praised him.

"..." Natasha was silent.

"Every time she hears her parents' name, her body shakes, and she feels like crying! When she just wanted a little sentimental comfort from her own parents, who never gave her anything, what did you do? What did you give her?"

"...I." Natasha didn't know what to say.

"Nothing. Yes, you didn't care. You were more interested in me than your own daughter! You were more interested in a stranger because you wanted to satisfy your curiosity and get rid of your boredom."

"..." Natasha stopped floating and put her feet on the ground.

"Think! How many times in your miserable life have you cared for your daughter or someone close to you?"

"I bet you're just pissed at me right now, just because I killed something that 'belongs' to you, right? You don't love your husband. You just used him as a tool... He was just someone expendable."

"Don't talk like you know me! You don't know anything about me!" Natasha stomped on the floor in annoyance.

"You're right, I don't know…." Victor showed a sneer, "And I don't care either."

"Even though you are my wife's parents, I know deep down that my wife doesn't care about you."

"Huh...?" What do you mean her daughter doesn't care about her!? I created her. She is blood of my blood!

"The only, and true family of my wife, Sasha Fulger, was a simple Maid named Julia."

"The maid...?" Natasha couldn't believe what she was hearing. A maid? How absurd! I am her mother!

"Ironic, isn't it? A maid replacing the role of a mother, but... Julia, that maid who died protecting the place where Sasha lived until the end, she's the only one who has my respect. She's a real mother."

"You two…" Victor put on a disgusted face:

"You two were just the sperm donor and the incubator for my wife to be born. Nothing more and nothing less than that. Your existence was only to serve for the birth of my future wife, so rejoice! You did a good job!"


[Master... Don't tease her so much. I know you want to create an opening to try to kill her, but if you tease her too much, it can become a very bad thing.]

Victor didn't seem to listen to Kaguya's advice.

"... I-Incubator." Natasha was feeling deaf all of a sudden. He just denied her existence!? How proud is he? That piece of shit!

"Stop laughing! Do you think this is funny!?"

"Isn't it funny? Actually, this is just a bad joke, but do you know? It's easy to make me laugh~" Victor suddenly shows William's head to Natasha, and using his fingers, he forces a smile on William's dead face:

"Huh? Isn't he dead?"

"What's up, Natasha? Why are you so angry? Just smile, and smile~, everything will be fine as long as you smile."

"...Y-You..." Natasha was so angry that she didn't even know where to start expressing her anger. She just wanted to kill the man in front of her!

"HAHAHAHA~. Take it." Victor suddenly throws William's head to Natasha.

"W-William!" Natasha opens her hands and tries to grab William's head, and she manages to catch her husband's head.

Rumble, Rumble!

But suddenly, she felt something beside her.

And as if to prove the point Victor made earlier, Natasha used William's head to defend against Victor's attack.

Victor's claws that were on fire suddenly go through William's head, and it dissolves into blood as his claws go towards Natasha's face, but the woman managed to dodge, and he only caused a small wound on her cheek.

"See?" Victor smiled, but inside, he clicked his tongue; 'Tsk, that didn't work. I missed a chance to kill her, and things are going to get complicated now.'

"..." Natasha looks at Victor with a shocked expression and licks the blood that was falling from her cheek.

"Well..." As if by magic, Natasha's shocked and sad expression disappeared, and a neutral expression came over her face.

"I still have two more husbands."

"Eh…?" Victor looked at Natasha's face in shock, and suddenly like he'd heard a bad joke.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA~" Victor started to laugh as he clapped his hands.

"I'm considered crazy by the people around me, but you? You're crazier than me, and to make matters worse, you're a sociopath! HAHAHAHA~!" He was laughing like he thought something was hilarious.

But inside, he was very calm; 'This is bad, my time is running out, I need to kill her fast somehow, I'm not a match for her in a straight fight, I need one more distraction.'

Victor knew. He knows he only got this far because he knew how to use the opportunities presented to him correctly.

The enemy didn't know his full potential, and, using that opening, he could kill a stronger enemy. The enemy got careless because their mate died, and the enemy's mental state was shaken. He could also use that opening, but at the last moment, this crazy woman showed her true personality.

"How rude, calling me a sociopath." Natasha shook her hair elegantly, "I am the sanest person you will ever meet in this world, my son-in-law."

"..." Victor's eyes narrowed. Even though she had abandoned her mask, this change is too ridiculous, and she even looks like someone else.

'What is happening? Your whole temper has changed. Even your way of speaking has changed...'

Natasha looked at her clothes.

"Ahh~, Ahh~, my clothes are all destroyed, and I liked that dress, it brought out my breasts... Even though they were small..." She patted her body to remove the dust from herself.

Finishing cleaning off the remains of her clothes, she looks at Victor and flashes a seductive smile, "Tell me, my son-in-law~, do you like my figure?" She lifted her breasts as if trying to seduce him.

"..." A vein popped in Scathach's head, but then she looked at Victor and saw him impassive as if nothing interested him; 'Good~' Not even she knows why she was happy when he didn't react to that woman.

"...I'm sorry, but I'm married."

"Tch, so what if you're married? You can jump the fence, you know? As they say, the grass next door is always prettier, and I'm an older woman, so I can teach you a lot of things that young girls can't~."

"I refuse."

"Oh… Are you the type who likes a woman just for yourself? How greedy~." She showed a playful smile, "But it's okay! I can kill all my husbands, and we can have threesomes!" Her smile was quite distorted, and her eyes were lifeless.

"Threesomes?" Victor didn't understand.

"Of course! I'm talking about me." she pointed to herself.

"You." She pointed to Victor.

"And my daughter~!"

Krishna teleports in front of her and punches her right in the face which sends her flying.

"Undo your transformation Idiot ..... she is now Annasthashia Fulger the true Matriarch of the Fulger clan. And SHE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE CALLED A MOTHER" Krishna says as his tone keeps getting Demonic.

Sasha walks up to Krishna, "What do you mean??"

Krishna sighs as he sees Natashia walk back,"Just ask her herself and didn't Julia hint at this ... figure the rest out yourself, you are my sister you must be smart."

Sasha looks at Annasthashia but suddenly remembers Victor and goes to him.

Scathach lands near Krishna, "Calm down Krishna while I like the look of fury, It does not do us any good since it is Victor's decision."

"Oya, Oya? Were you there, Scathach?" The woman's eyes glowed a little blood red.

"What happened to the other one?" Scathach ignored the woman and asked in a neutral tone.

"Dead? Probably. I don't know, I just took the chance to go out. It's been 21 years since I went out to see this beautiful world!" She made exaggerated gestures while looking at the moon.

"I was very bored with the other me, she is a very useless woman, she didn't take good care of my dear and beloved daughter, and she even lost the title that my family fought so hard to get in the past, but with me here, it's okay! I will fix everything!" She struck a victory pose as if she were a hero who had come to save the day.

This pose would be kind of cool if she wasn't naked.

Now, she just looked like a crazy exhibitionist.

"Ugh. You should have stayed asleep." Scathach put a hand to her head.

"Eh...? Don't be mean, Scathach! I want to go out and have some fun, you know? Not to mention that I now have a very interesting son-in-law."

"Kaguya," Victor spoke in a low voice.

[I don't know what's going on either.]

Natashia looked at Victor and flashed a seductive smile:

"Nice to meet you, my beloved son-in-law~. My name is Natashia, and I apologize for the problems my other self caused~."

The only thing that crossed Victor's mind right now:

"...What the fuck is going on?"