
Quest for Martial Perfection

A typical cliche of a young boy trying to achieve the peak of martial arts despite being shackled as worthless. However, with the aid of a certain heaven shocking treasure, he is able to step into the vast All Compassing Void where he learns that everything he knew may not necessarily be true, even his own identity. Follow Tian Longmeng as he grows from a talentless child in the wilderness to the Grand Sovereign, all while questioning his purpose for existence.

Drew_Studio_565 · แอคชั่น
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64 Chs

Chapter 38 - No More Holding Back

The fight continued like this for 15 breaths of time before Tian Longmeng noticed that the pagoda began acting up again, even though the opponent in front of him has not yet been defeated.

"Another opponent! But I'm not done with this-" Tian Longmeng was shocked by the appearance of another enemy that he forgot to concentrate on the one in front of him and suffered a loss.

Tian Longmeng rose off the ground and looked at his new opponent and his old. He seriously thought that only one opponent would come at a time, so he decided to prolong this fight a bit further. However, right now it seems that he may be looking at a gang fight situation here.

If that was the case, it would be pretty nasty if he prolonged the fight and 20 Mortal Apprentices appeared. With that in mind, Tian Longmeng drew a long breath before dashing at incredible speeds.

"Hup, you got to die now." That was the faint words the first opponent heard as it saw Tian Longmeng's hand in front of its bare eyes like the hand of the reaper. Fortunately for the opponent, it raised its hands to defend almost immediately.

Unfortunately, it was not enough to defend from the full 2000 jin strength of Tian Longmeng, and its bones and organs became ruptured.

Before it could dissipate, a barrage of spear thrusts assailed Tian Longmeng, which would have taken him out if not for his sharp reaction and speed. The sheer speed and suddenness of the thrusts threw off Tian Longmeng's concentration, but in time, he got adjusted to the patterns.

Tian Longmeng parried one of the spear thrusts and used the momentum to spin into the opponent's space and land a hit. This was a technique he was taught by his father in order for him to easily attack, defend, and maneuver against beasts; however, it could also be used in regular combat.

The opponent became irritated that Tian Longmeng was perfectly avoiding its attacks and even managing to land some of his own hits, thus, it doubled the speed of the thrusts.

However, what is doubled in speed is halved in accuracy.

As a testament to this, Tian Longmeng did not have to dodge as much anymore as some of the thrusts were not striking at him.

Tian Longmeng seized an opportunity to knock the spear out of the opponent's hands, and send the opponent to the pagoda wall and afterlife with a strong kick.

"Whew, finished that one before the third came- ", He was wiping some sweat off his face right as an arrow came soaring for his throat.

Tian Longmeng quickly ducked and leapt away to give himself some distance. "It seems that these ones come with the intent to seriously kill. This one seems to be an archer." He said, analyzing his opponent.

Indeed, this opponent was an archer, but it was also a Late Mortal Apprentice!

"Hmm", Tian Longmeng noted. "They are not only coming in drones, but they are also getting stronger and adapting to my combat style. This might get challenging for me later."

Finishing his observation, he quickly got into the heat of the fight. He was not disheartened by his observation. Rather, the broad, teeth-revealing grin can tell just how he was feeling.

With Tian Longmeng's strength, a Late Mortal Apprentice should be a walkover; but contrary to expectations, the archer maintained a large distance from him at all times, preferring evading than getting more shots in.

This meant that Tian Longmeng, who excels at close quarters combat, suddenly found himself at a sudden disadvantage.

Tian Longmeng quickly organized his thoughts mid-battle, because if this continued there would be a swarm of opponents before long. Within the onslaught of arrows, Tian Longmeng concocted an idea so weird it just might work.

Instead of dodging the next arrow, he lunged himself into it, grabbed it, and hurled it back at his opponent. The opponent was shocked that someone would do something like that. It thought that it could maintain distance and eventually stop Tian Longmeng's means of attack, not that he would gain a new means of attack.

While the opponent became preoccupied with the oncoming arrow, Tian Longmeng instantly closed the gap with his superb speed. That was it for the archer opponent, should Tian Longmeng not be clapped away by a massive hammer.

He was firmly lodged into the pagoda wall and was coughing blood. Luckily, he cultivated Body Strengthening or else he would not have escaped with just coughing blood. Unfortunately, he could not do much about the internal damage.

"I guess I really need to get to the Organ Mending Stage quickly." Tian Longmeng coughed out some more blood and looked at the new opponent with a hammer in his hand.

"It seems that the time for more opponents to spawn gets shortened the longer I remain unbeaten. It's already down to 10 breaths of time." Tian Longmeng analyzed while stretching. "That means I don't have to hold back."

The archer saw Tian Longmeng unmoving so it released an arrow. As the arrow approached, suddenly his figured disappeared in the archer's eyes. Before it could react, there was a sharp pain coming from its shooting arm's shoulder and the broad smile and murderous, dagger-like eyes of a beast in front of it.