
A System is a blessing for lazy people.

What was happening? Was life suddenly a video game? And then Wind remembered that he didn't know how to check his stats.

<To check your stats just close your eyes>

"No longer will I be a slave to my memories. Hahahhaahaha. God really does bless those who struggle. I am not a waste anymore do you see!" Wind shouted to nobody in particular.

<Wind Hoths>

Race: Human


<A stat of 1 is the average for an adult human being>

Strength: .4

Intelligence: 1.2

Endurance: .2

Creativity: .1

Skills: <Nothing loser>

Talents: <???>

Knowledge Points: 0

Wind sighed, he knew his stats would be awful but he didn't know how awful.

"System what are Knowledge Points?" Wind asked. After about a second the system responded.

<Points that you use in the system.>

"Umm can you tell me how to open it?"

<Just wish it to open with your mind and it'll open.> Wind did just that and a giant interface appeared in his vision.



<Skill Development>



<Error Finder>

It was a lot like the VR games that Wind was so used to playing. Wind willed the library option to open. In front of him appeared several illusory bookshelves that were empty.

<The library function is used to store all books that have been read or written>

Wind thought this seemed very useful but he wasn't sure why he would be reading a lot of books but he didn't worry about it much. Back at the family, he had always read a massive amount, consuming almost all the fiction that they had there.

Next, he opened up the Skill Developments tab and found that nothing appeared.

"System, what's the point of Skill Development"

<The combining and practicing of skills and talents.>

Wind had no idea what the use of that was but he thought it might be useful. Next he opened up the Store tab and was shocked. It had so much... things? When he opened the Store tab several other tabs came into existence.






In each one of the categories, there were only a couple options of what to choose but each of those options was shocking. In techniques, he found a couple of beginner cultivation manuals along with some other more strange things.

<Beginner Energy> Worth: 20 KP

Sets the foundation for energy techniques.

<Beginner Body> Worth: 20 KP

Sets the foundation for body techniques.

<Beginner Soul> Worth: 40 KP

Sets the foundation for soul techniques.

<Beginner Bloodline> Worth: 100 KP

Sets the foundation for the manipulation of the bloodline.

<Beginner Will> Worth: 200 KP

Sets the foundation for the manipulation of will.

Wind knew what these techniques were. He had seen people in his family go crazy over "cultivation" but Wind knew what they really went crazy for, power. They wanted to control everyone and everything but at what expense, at the expense of people like Wind.

"System, I'm confused, I've seen techniques which are much more complicated than this why can't I learn them"

<OwO those techniques that you learnt are suitable for you at this moment, in fact the whole Store page isn't really suitable what's more important is actually gaining KP and opening our beginner bundle in the Gambling area.>

The system had an attitude that so much was sure. But to Wind that beginner bundle sounded very attractive. Wind hit the button for Gambling and was startled by what appeared. A giant gold slot machine appeared in his vision.

<To open the beginner's bundle just hit the lever on the Gambling machine>

Wind pulled the slot machine lever down and as soon as he did the slot machine disappeared and was replaced an easel with paints. Wind had seen his father paint once, back then it was something Wind loved watching his father do but his father did not have an easel like this.

It was simply beautiful, one the side engraved in the wood were stories. Little wolves with bristling furs chasing dear maidens throughout forests.

"What is this? It's so, beautiful."

<Woodsmans Revenge>

Rank: Diamond

It was created by the Stone Lattriksonn, a mystic ranked woodsmith, it is part of a series of wood tools and objects that he created for other professions to use. It has the effect of generating new ideas, the longer someone or something paints with it the more good ideas will come to them.

"But what do I do with it? Do you want me to paint? I've never done that before." Even saying that though Wind wanted to grab the brushes and start to paint something, paint anything.

<How do you think you get Knowledge Points. You get them from improving your skills and getting knowledge, so get some god damn knowledge do I have to spell it out for you? Painting is easy, just put a pretty color next to another.>

Wind was reminded of the bitchiness of this "system." Wind looked at the pale canvas, the canvas looked back. The brush dawdled in his hands, what to do, where to go, how to be. Wind started to paint, first slowly each brush stroke taking a minute but then faster and faster and faster until the painting was done.

If you could even call it a painting it was more of a collection of colors but at least it was something. It was supposed to be a tree but giant stick with green would better depict it.

<Painting Skill Gained>

<+1 Painting XP>

<+1 Knowledge Point>

<Painting Created>


Rank: Dirt

A painting made by a beginner painter. Might help show what not to do when to paint.

Color: F-

Composition: F

Creativity: F

Brush: F-

Wind sighed in defeat, this was going to be a long day.
