
Queen returns, please bow to her

Li Mo is a girl with mysterious background returns from abroad and joins an entertainment company as the assistant of world's most popular idol Wu bai an idol with billions of fans also known as most handsome man in the world. He's cold hearted and short tempered, he don't allow any women to get close to him. What Li mo will do after she finds out the man she's going to work is a workaholic and cold blooded devil and what is the mysterious identity of our FL?

Smily_Allen · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Am I concerned about her?

"what promise made you so happy", asked Wu Bai with fierce look.

" brother Bai you are back ", said momo.

" I asked what promise made everyone so happy that everyone are laughing without doing their work ", asked Wu Bai again.

" brother Bai it's just made a promise to celebrate momo first day at work some other time ", said rong zhi.

" I went out for a while you guys started chatting and laughing. have you done what I said to do? ", Wu Bai asked with fierce look.

" yes brother Bai we are practicing", replied yuan shuai.

"okay keep practicing", said Wu Bai.

" you... what did you do after I left? ", asked brother Bai.

" brother Bai are you talking to me ", asked momo.

" is there anyone else behind you? ", asked Wu Bai.

" no, there is no one ", said momo.

("he is asking me, I have to tell a excuse that convince him otherwise I can't escape from him today. what should I say now, what to do now", momo mind voice)

" you.. what are you think about, I asked you what did you do. are you thinking for what excuse should I tell now? ", said Wu Bai.

(" ohh God he's even controlling others mind", momo mind voice)

" no brother Bai today is my first day so I went meet my colleagues and helped them a bit ", said momo.

" do I have to believe what you said just now? ", asked Wu Bai.

" brother Bai....! ", momo voice.

" okay I'll believe it, I heard that today is your first day at work", said Wu Bai.

("today is my first day so what he wants to do now. fire me?", Momo mind voice)

" yes brother Bai ", said momo.

" okay let's go out to celebrate your first day at work ", said Wu Bai.

("what he said just now he wants to celebrate my first day at work. did I hear it wrongly. he said... no no... the devil, the Almighty God, the idol of idols said he wants to celebrate my first day at work. is it my last day in my life. I thought that he's going to kick me out unexpectedly it turned he wants to celebrate for me. sometimes he is a bit like human ", momo mind voice)

" what? ", said momo.

" I said let's go out to celebrate. bring others along with you ", said Wu Bai.

" okay brother Bai ", said momo.

brother Bai took me and band members to a luxurious hotel, it is the hotel where susu works. I texted susu about what happened today and I also asked her to join with us in dinner. I also asked brother Bai about joining a friend with me, he agreed so easily. I never expected that he'll agree so easily sometimes he's gentle too. we have reached the hotel. brother Bai booked a VVIP room in the hotel. we went to the room and ordered the dishes. I texted susu where she is. she came in the room along with her some waiters with dishes in their hands.

"susu you are here", said momo.

" hello, everyone I'm susu bestie of momo. nice to meet you ", said susu politely and excitedly.

everyone greeted susu and we sat site by side. then waiters opened the dishes and started serving. everyone are in a shock there are so many luxurious and delicious dishes we haven't ordered. but we have served those dishes.

" who ordered this dishes? ", yuan shuai asked.

" no one ordered them I think it's miss su ordered them to serve this", said Wu Bai.

"yes it's susu ordered them", said momo.

" miss su what do you do, are you so rich? ", asked rong zhi.

"Sir, miss su is a top chef in this hotel so she specially ordered these dishes for you", explained on of the waiters.

" wow so miss su is a chef, momo you are so lucky to have such a friend ", said yuan shuai.

" no, the lucky one is me to have momo as a best friend. she is always with me through my thick and thin, she never leaved me alone and supported me. once she think someone as her friend she'll protect them in every difficulty. I'm so lucky to have her ", said susu emotionally.

" she's over praising me, don't believe her. I'm lucky to have good friends ", said momo.

" yeah momo is a good girl, I agree with miss su ", said rong zhi.

("momo, is it true that you'll protect the one you love and never leave them and never betray them. why everyone are so much attracted to you including me", mind voice of Wu Bai)

" speaking of which momo what did you do to convince brother Bai to celebrate? I've never seen brother Bai to celebrate for anyone", said yuan shuai.

"I didn't do anything", said momo.

" then who melt the heart of devil", whispering members .

("did he really celebrate it for me", momo mind voice)

"momo let's drink a bit", said Xiao chuan.

" cheers", said everyone.

"girls should not drink too much", said Wu Bai.

(" is he concerned about me, no way. what am I thinking about the Almighty God why he'll be concerned about me. but he's not so cold hearted. I feel a bit warmth and comfort from him", momo mind voice)

(" what am I saying. am I concerned about her. today why am I like this? why my heart beat is raising when I'm thinking about her? Wu Bai get to your senses ", mind voice of Wu Bai)

"momo I have some work left I'm going now. I'll be late tonight, don't wait for me go to bed early", said susu.