
Queen Kohra

The Kingdom of Ataliya has been ruled by the priestesses of Muni for over a million years. Queen Kohra is the chosen one and appointed when she reaches 18. The thing about her though, is that she's unwilling to chose a consort. Lesker is a scholar in the monastry of the god Burmi. He is chosen as the first consort for Kohra, the very stubborn queen. What happens when intelligence clashes and fate draws this unlikely couple together? Find out, in the legend of Queen Kohra. Volume 2: Era of Lesker Lesker has lost his memory and found himself in a mysterious place without anything to go on with. The only thing he remembers are his name and something he must find. How is he going to survive, restore his memory and find what he's looking for? Find out in the Era of Lesker

Greyworrld · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Episode 17

The temperature in the cave got warmer and warmer as they went further in. A lot of vines and weeds crawled on the cave walls, pulsing with magi. Towards the end of the cave, there was a bush of herbs. They grew like a staircase, all other herbs bent in front of a flower that was standing upright, emitting an enchanting scent.

Excitement flashed in Aiyla's eyes and she took out another talisman. This time, she attached it to Bruon's forehead, forcing him to remain stationary.

"I'll bring it for you, so just wait, okay?" she whispered and rushed forward. A sheen of golden light covered her body. As she was just about to dig out the herb, she heard a loud screech from above her. She quickly dug out the herb and placed it in a space ring. She released the two talismans on Bruon since the scent was cut off. Then, she readied herself for a fight.

The top of the cave was completely torn off by giant claws and crushed into bits. The creature flew into the cave and landed in front of them. It was a Blind Eagle King, more so one that was transitioning into a heavenly beast. The Blind eagle king is born a high-level mythical beast, comparable to a mage master.

As they grow and practice magi, they go up in levels and when they reach the level of mage honor master, they could transition into a heavenly beast. Beasts could change their bloodlines to transition but they could never be celestial beasts.

The blind eagle king transformed into a young man wearing red and black robes. His hair was a short shiny golden color and his face seemed to have been carved from pure white jade. His eyes were milky white but they knew he could see far better than they could.

"Hand it over" he said in a low octave voice, which resounded in the caves.

"I'm sorry but I really need this herb. My companion here got injured in a fight and he only has a few days to live. I know you're about to transition into a heavenly beast so let's make a deal" Aiyla replied.

"...Fine. Let's hear it"

"I'll exchange a drop of a sky dragon's blood for this dragon musk flower. How does that sound?"

The blind eagle king's eyes narrowed.

"It does sound like a good deal but it's very suspicious. Possessing a drop of sky dragon blood means you were about to capture a blind eagle king in the first place because we can't resist the allure. What exactly do you want?"

"Scales from the eyes and feet of the blind eagle king. That is all I ask. I never intended to catch a blind eagle king. I adore you way too much for that"

The blind eagle king seemed appeased. He flung his sleeve and a transparent bag appeared in front of them. She opened it and saw a bunch of scales there. Choked, she threw over the vial of sky dragon blood.

"Thank you" she said with tears welling up in her eyes.

The blind eagle king nodded and took to the skies. She placed the items into her space ring.

"Why are you crying?" Bruon questioned her, confused.

"We've been looking for it for such a long time and in a few weeks, we found both what we're looking for and my little brother. How can I not be emotional?"

Distressed, Bruon hugged her.

"Shh, don't cry. It's my fault. I couldn't protect the two of you"

"En, I blame you too" she said, tightening her hold on his waist. After a while, when Bruon's magi recovered, he took them out of the cave at high speed.

As for Quella, she was walking through the forest, unhindered. Different types of beasts that saw her coming would hide in their caves not bothering to come out. Many avoided direct confrontation because of the fierce aura that was billowing out of her every pore.

Her walk was leisurely but it was also at a high speed. She reached the foot of a snowy mountain and called out;


A few moments passed and a rumbling was heard. The peak of the snowy mountain looked like there was an avalanche coming but if one looked closer, they would see it was a mass of white flesh with glinting white scales. This figure quickly reached Quella and stopped a meter away from her.

"My Queen, why are you here?" Saw said in great terror. Saw was the Soujin general that directly served the Siren Queen, Quella.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? I left my kingdom to you when I left for the surface yet I find out you were injured and killing people. What do you have to say for yourself, hun?"

"Your majesty, they attacked me first. I just defended myself. As for why I violated your order, I had no other choice but to find you. However, as soon as I got to the surface, I was ambushed and injured. I fled to the mountains"

Quella sighed and shook her head.

"What made you come here to find me?"

"My Queen, our kingdom is dying. You have to return soon"

"But, the mate I found hasn't accepted me yet!"

"I'm sorry my queen, this subordinate is useless. Please punish me"

Quella sighed again.

"Let's go home. I could always come back in a thousand years. This was such a waste of time"

"Yes my Queen"

"I suppose your curiosity has been satiated and you can come out now, Lesker and Ilan" Quella said and the two guilty parties came out from the woods. The Soujin was in a smaller form and folded itself on her neck like a decorative snake. It made Lesker itch with curiosity.

"So, you were not who you said you were?" Ilan said in a fragile mood. The creature that killed his hunting team was right in front of him and was a subordinate of one of his friends.

"The duke Seigher is one of my subordinates. They serve the Siren of the East, which is me. He had no sister though but I could use the identity anytime I want"

"Why did you come?" Lesker asked.

"To find a mate. Covi village was an interesting place covered with the intense protection from a god that it rejected me. I was curious and I entered. That was when I met you two. My initial candidate for a mate was you Lesker. But, ever since I saw that seal, I gave up. I've never seen it before but I could tell it was a bonding seal. So, I set my eyes on Ilan. I was going to take my time to woo him till I heard about Saw injuring him and killing his friends. I guessed it was impossible so I backed away. I would like to apologize in place of my subordinate even if it makes no difference to you"

"It actually does. I wasn't expecting an apology. And your subordinate isn't necessarily in the wrong. We attacked it first and it defended itself. I would like to apologize too"

Thus, Ilan found a bit of closure, and Saw found his master.