
QT: Beauty And The Beasts

Latham lived a miserable life on earth. He died and transmigrated in the body of the crown prince of Zoltar. A world of beasts where men are handsome and charming in every possible way. The place of his dreams where he could be someone that he has ever wanted to be. Stuck in the body of the next king of the kingdom. How will he, a modern boy from another world navigate through life in the royal palace? Will he be able to avoid falling for the handsome beasts and keep himself alive long enough to be king?

Xizzem · LGBT+
11 Chs

Eleven: Meeting

The hall was filled with students one after another.

They were happy and excited to have pas, sed the test, they had heard about how hard the test at the golden school was hard but they were surprised at the simple questions they were asked.

They chatted with each other and got to know one another.

Latham sat in the first row and noted down important things to remember while in the golden school to avoid death in the future.

Nuru was reading the rules out for him and he wrote down every word. He didn't introduce himself to anyone or make any friends in the hall.

"You need friends to survive in a place like this," he heard beside her and lifted his head from the notebook.

"Lake man!" he said excitedly.

"For your information that is not my name and I would prefer if you didn't give me such a terrible nickname," he told him calmly. "This place is not easy to survive without friends and I don't think that your lover will show up to save you every time you are in danger," he explained to him.

"No!" he screamed getting the attention of the whole hall. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him, even the teachers stopped to see what was wrong.

When they saw who he was talking to, they all went quiet. The students didn't know the man's identity but they could tell he was an important figure from his demeanor.

"Sorry, I just wanted to correct your misconception. I don't have a lover, I am still single," he explained softly that only the two of them could hear.

Latham didn't want his crush to think that he was off the market or else he will never have the chance to be with him. Even if it is a three percent chance, he had to be given the chance to try.

"Then I must have misheard but the source was quite reliable. I wonder why he would lie to me," the man mumbled.

"Who is this he you speak of?" Latham asked curiously thinking of who it could be that was trying to sabotage his chances with the man of his dreams.

"The Lord," he said and Latham froze.

The mere mention of that man sent a shiver down his spine. Everything connected to that man screamed death and he didn't want to die.

If he refuses him then he can die and if he accepts anything that concerns him then the Lord threatens to kill him.

"Was he lying to me then?" he asked him putting Latham in a tight spot. He was confused as to whether he should agree or refuse so he just stayed quiet. "I will take your silence as consent that the two of you are together. Too bad," he said regrettably.

"Too bad?" Latham asked.

"Yes, had you not belonged to another then..." The man let out and paused before sighing.


"Nothing, it is nothing since you already belong to someone else," he teased Latham.

Latham cursed his luck for having met the Lord upon waking up in this place. He was ruining everything for him, if the lake man meant anything with what he was trying to say it was that they would have had a chance of being together.

Had he not been to have a relationship with the Lord he would have had the chance to be with the man he likes.

The man smirked. The thoughts that ran through Latham's mind amused him so much.

He got up from his seat and walked to the stage where the other teachers were seated. He didn't seat down but stood at the center to address the crowd.

"Good morning students. I am your teacher, you can call me teacher Theoron. It is my honor to teach the young generation such as yourselves. Today you were asked three questions and I am sure that you all found them very easy. Let me tell you that it is the only easy test that you will find in this school. I am very strict and I give impossible tasks to my students so be warned." he said and paused to let the students process everything he said.

"To avoid any problems in the future, let me inform you that I am not answerable to the school. Complaining about me to them will be of no use to you at all," he told and saw the horror in the student's faces. "Crown prince Adrien, follow me," he said and walked out of the hall.

Latham watched as the whole room looked at him. He sank in his seat to avoid their stares. Those who knew him stared at him with jealousy and those who didn't, followed other people's line of sight to see who he was.

They couldn't believe that such a useless prince was getting so much attention while they who were talented were going unnoticed.

Latham got up from her seat and followed in the direction that the teacher went. He walked with his head down and avoided eye contact with anyone.

"Students, I would like to welcome you once again to our school. The one who spoke just now is your teacher but out of respect you may refer to him as Asedai Theoron," said the headmaster to warn the children about speaking anything bad about him.

The assembly continued for a while before the students were dismissed. Rumors were going around and all were about Latham and how the Lord and the Asedai were favoring him.

They wondered what he could have done to attract the attention of two powerful forces on the whole continent.

The Prince has been bedridden for such a long time yet he was able to win over the Lord's heart that he chose him as a disciple.

He wasn't even beautiful and still, he won the Lord's heart and became his lover. They wondered how he did it all, even getting the most powerful Asedai on his side.

Latham walked up to the teacher who sat down under a tree and squatted next to him. "To the world, I am Asedai Theoron Silverain but you can call me Lord Silverain," he said and Latham's heart almost jumped out of his chest from shock. "It's nice to officially meet you, Latham," he spoke.

Latham felt as though someone had shot him in the heart with a gun. His mind went blank instantly trying to process what the lake man was saying.

"Or would you prefer if I called you intimately," he leaned and whispered next to Latham's ear. Latham gulped. "Tell me, Latham, what would you prefer? After all, you do claim to be my lover," Theoron said and smiled.,