
Qi Unleashed: Shadows of Neo-Tianxia"

In the neon-lit labyrinth of Neo-Tianxia, Li Wei pedaled his delivery bike, unaware of the storm brewing in the shadows. Cornered by thugs, he unleashed a surge of primal energy, awakening dormant powers. Fleeing to Master Zhang's enclave, Li Wei embarked on a journey of self-discovery, unaware of the trials ahead.

Malvellida · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

Chapter 1: The Awakening

In the heart of Neo-Tianxia's neon-lit maze, Li Wei pedaled his delivery bike with practiced precision. The bustling streets pulsed with life as he navigated through the labyrinth of cars and pedestrians, his mind focused on the task at hand.

Stopping in front of a nondescript apartment building tucked away in a dimly lit alley, Li Wei retrieved a small package from his delivery bag. As he made his way towards the entrance, a sense of unease prickled at the back of his mind.

Suddenly, a group of thugs emerged from the shadows, blocking his path with menacing glares. Li Wei's heart skipped a beat as fear coursed through his veins. He had heard stories of street gangs terrorizing the city, but he had never imagined he would become their target.

"You think you can just stroll through our territory without paying the toll?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

Li Wei's throat felt dry as he struggled to find the words to respond. "I-I didn't mean any harm," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper as he clutched the package tightly.

But the thugs weren't interested in excuses. With predatory grins, they closed in on Li Wei, their intentions clear.

In that moment of desperation, something inside Li Wei snapped. A surge of energy, primal and powerful, surged through his body, igniting every nerve with a blazing intensity. Without fully understanding what was happening, Li Wei raised his hands, and a burst of Qi erupted from his palms, sending the thugs stumbling backward in shock.

As the dust settled and the thugs lay sprawled on the ground, Li Wei stood frozen in disbelief, his mind struggling to comprehend the impossible. How had he summoned such power? And what did it mean?

With a sense of urgency gnawing at his insides, Li Wei fled the scene, his thoughts racing as he navigated the chaotic streets of Neo-Tianxia. He needed answers, and he knew there was only one person who could provide them.

Master Zhang.

Deep within the heart of the city, hidden from the prying eyes of the uninitiated, Master Zhang presided over a hidden enclave of cultivators, guardians of an ancient tradition that had long been forgotten by the modern world. It was there, amidst flickering lanterns and incense-laden air, that Li Wei sought refuge, his heart heavy with uncertainty and fear.

Little did he know, his encounter with the thugs was just the beginning of a journey that would lead him down a path of self-discovery, danger, and unimaginable power. For in the city of Neo-Tianxia, where technology and mysticism coexisted in fragile harmony, the secrets of cultivation were waiting to be unlocked by those brave enough to seek them. And as Li Wei would soon discover, the awakening of his Qi was only the first step in a much larger and more perilous adventure that would test his courage, resilience, and determination like never before.

But for now, as Li Wei stood at the threshold of Master Zhang's enclave, a sense of anticipation tingled in the air, signaling the beginning of a journey that would forever change the course of his destiny.