1 16:23:56 2 Hours Until the Annual Purge

"When is she going to get here, Levi?" Sydney said to her brother. Sydney and Levi are twins. However, their parents found out that they are not human once they had turned 15 about four years ago. "I have no idea, Syd. I hope she comes soon, though." he replied. "There are only two hours til' the Annual Purge. How do you fell about that, Shelby?" the news anchor had said to the woman beside him. "Why do we have to purge every year? That's how we lost most of our family. However, it is kinda fun, to watch people suffer a painful death." Syd trailed off as her demon was very excited for tonight. "Yeah but you are right, Syd. It is fun to watch. I honestly can't wait for tonight, am I right?" Levi said.

"Yes, only two more hours." she said pointing at Levi with a devilish smile. "Well if we want to have an advantage tonight, we should exercise our demons and gather energy for our powers." Victor said, walking through the door. Victor always tells us to call him Valmirad when his demon comes out.

They have been friends for years, therefore Levi and Sydney are the only ones allowed to call him Valmirad all the time. "You do have a point, Val." Syd said. "So what are you waiting for, get your fucking asses out the door." Val said. Sydney never knew why she was drawn to him but she was. The day they found him, she knew something about him was going to draw him to her. To her luck, he fell for her too and he knew she had fallen for him.
