
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

10 Chs

Chapter 10

Monday Morning

Gem couldn't sleep well, he keeps thinking about how he's going to face his Senior An, he's afraid that it's going to cause some more drama and people will think of him as a man who will sleep with anyone.

he stood up out of his bed and went to the bathroom, he looked at the mirror and thought "What am I going to do now, I'm feeling more guilty than yesterday"

Gem looked down at the sink and washes his face, brushed his teeth and dress himself up.

when he was about to get out of his dorm a ringtone suddenly rang

*notification sound*

Gem looked at his phone and it's a message from Neil "Hey, morning Gem, I was wondering if you and your friends would like to join us later on our break, Jun keeps pestering me about it and I also want you to join us as well". Gem smiled little as he reads the messages but his smile faded away knowing that An will be there as well.

Gem was hesitant to reply "Oh hello Good morning Neil, I don't think that my friends are comfortable in joining lunch with you since" Gem paused and decided to delete the message he then replied with "alright I'll let them know" instead and sent it.

As soon as Gem hit send Neil immediately replied "🥳❤️, thanks love ya". Gem's eyes widen the moment he saw the word "love". he couldn't even believe on what he read right now. He wanted to reply back but he decided not to and continued on to go to his car.

Gem was abit distracted while driving but he still know where he's going and know when to stop.

when he arrived at the car park he saw Jun seems to be waiting for Luis

As he went out from his car after he parked, he went to greet His Senior "Hello Senior Jun, good morning" Gem said as he raised his hands gesturing respect

Jun noticed Gem and smiled "hey Gem good morning, ahhh so you're really the guy who almost hit me" Jun said with a teasing voice

Gem blinked and intertwined his own hands asking for forgiveness "Ay shit! I'm sorry really Senior Jun! I got distracted at that time, I didn't have the courage to tell you" Gem said as his eyes looked like a puppy

Jun laughed "Gem it's alright honest!, but I'm curious why you got distracted that time"

Gem scratches his head trying to avert his eyes from Jun's gaze "...I was in a call with my friends..and..my friend suddenly yelled making my ears hurt..hence to why I got distracted" He said with an awkward tone

Jun burst out laughing even more "hahaha let me guess this cute lil friend of yours is it perhaps Luis?"

Gem was surprised on how Jun knows that it was Luis, "Senior Jun, are you perhaps close with Luis now?, i did see him keep on texting on someone"

Jun sighed and smiled and place his hand to his hips "well you could say that, oh now that you mention it, you and Neil seems to be close, I've seen him being happy when he told me he hang out with you yesterday". Gem flinches and clenched his fist secretly "does Senior An knows too?" He said with a serious tone

Jun thinks and nodded "yes, she knows but don't worry Gem, She's not holding grudges or anything at all"

Gem felt a little bit of relief but he can't help but worry "alright if you say so,but still" Jun then cut him off by placing his hand to Gem's shoulder and said "Gem, trust me okay?, I know we barely talk we barely know each other, but I just want you to trust me". Jun smiled at Gem and trying to give him some reassurance

Gem sighed and smiled back

suddenly a voice shouted "AH YOU CHEATER!"

Gem and Jun flinches and looked at where the shout was coming from and it was Luis, standing where he parked his car

Gem looked back at Jun checking on his expression, turns out, The cheater who called Luis out was Jun "are they dating? why he didn't tell me or us" Gem thought.

Jun let's go of Gem and runs towards to where Luis is "It's a misunderstanding! and I'm not a cheater! I promise you! i really am only trying to pursue you and only you!" Jun thought for a minute and smiled happily "wait if I'm a cheater..does that mean I successfully made you fall for" Luis then pressed his finger to Jun's lips "ah ah, I didn't say anything about that don't jump to any conclusion", Luis immediately went to Gem and linked his arm to Gem's. they left leaving Jun behind.

Jun couldn't believe that he was waiting for Luis and then he got deserted. He looked pissed off "what the fuck!!, I waited for him for nothing" as he kicked the ground and stomped away looking sulky

Gem looked at Luis being curious "Gem no I'm not dating him and will never will" Luis said already knows that Gem is curious about his relationship with Jun

Gem looked away and smirked a little "Yeah right, you're so going to date him sooner or later" Gem thought

"by the way Luis, Ne- Senior Neil wants us to have lunch with his friends later well if that's fine with you guys"

Luis immediately agreed and nodded and messaged the gang in the group chat

"Oh! yeah! sure I'm interested!" Rosa said

"alright" Max replied

"oh well if that's alright for you guys I want to join as well :D." Kit replied

"yeah of course you're also coming with us" Gem replied

Finally, Gem and Luis split up and went to their separate buildings

Gem and Kit still sat together and talked to each other

As the class progresses Gem feels even more anxious knowing that they're really going to have lunch with them.

moments later, the class ended, Gem also noticed that People still looks at Gem even after a week passed by some people still doesn't let go of that incident

"by the way Gem, is it alright if we can be grouped for this project?" Kit asked

"well if it's alright for you Kit, but I'm not really that good of this, and you're smart I'm sure you want to group with the other smart people" Gem said as he pack up his bag

"haha I would but then who's going to group up with you?, I'm sure you noticed it but I think people still dislikes you" Kit said being oblivious

Gem looked gloomy as he hears about what Kit said since it was filled with truths "you don't have to add salt to the wound kit"

kit suddenly realized what he had said and immediately apologized to Gem. Gem rolled his eyes and laughs

Gem can tell that girls are looking at Kit whenever he smiles after all He's a handsome man, tall, and looked like a Korean hunk. but for Gem he's nothing compared to His Senior Neil, or maybe he's just biased since Neil is his type, Handsome, has a great body, his short wavy hair, everything about him is perfect.

Gem and Kit got with the group

Neil messaged Gem "hey Gem, were at my building, and we are waiting for you guys"

Gem looked at the message and told his friends about it

they walk where the building is it is also where Max's building was

when they reached the cafeteria Gem froze looking at Senior An and Senior Neil being close to each other as if they got together

Gem's heart feels like it has been stabbed "what the hell, I guess I shouldn't have misunderstood what He messaged me about earlier it's probably nothing anyways" Gem thought, he clenched his fist as he try to calm himself "Oh hey Juniors! over here!" Ray said

Rosa looked and grabs Max and Gem "hi Seniors!, come on you guys stop standing there and let's go, let's not keep them waiting"

Rosa dragged the two and sat down, Followed by Kit and Luis

"Thanks for inviting us Senior Neil" Gem said as he try to avert his gaze towards him knowing that An is besides him

Neil smiled "It's okay Gem, like I said before we're friends" Neil leans in abit to get close to Gem

An looked at Neil and secretly smirked "trying to flirt with him huh Neil, but then again, he's probably awkward right now knowing I'm here" An thought

"oi oi oi, so that's Gem huh, the Cute Junior you've been telling us about" Lay said

"huh, Senior Neil been talking about Gem?" Max asked

"yeah and it's been annoying AF especially he's been in desperate trying to make him h-" Jun suddenly covers Ray's mouth making him try not to say anymore

Neil slowly looked at Ray giving him a cold look.

ray flinches and try to avert Neil's gaze

the Juniors was confused but decided not to ask anyway

"By the way shouldn't we introduce ourselves with each other hahahaha" Ray said

"oh good idea Senior well il start with myself I am Rosa, I major in art designs nice to meet you!" Rosa said with a smile as she raised her hands gesturing respect

Rosa then looked at Luis "well my name is Luis seniors, I also major in art designs like Rosa" Luis said as he gave them a peace signs

Jun smiled at Luis but Luis ignores Jun causing him to smirk

"well I guess it's my turn, I'm Max I major Architect hence I'm a junior of Senior Neil" Max said with a straight face as he lift his hands gesturing respect

"haha alright juniors nice to meet you guys!" Ray responded

Neil then look at Gem and Kit since Kit sat next to Gem "and who must this be?" Neil asked as he shows a unsincere smile but for the others it looked like a sincere smile

Kit smiled back "Hello seniors, I'm Kit I'm a classmate of Gem and got to be friends with them last week, nice to meet you" Kit said as he bows and raised his hands gesturing respect

"ohhh that's cool! nice to meet you all cute juniors!, oh and I'm Lay this is Raymond but we call him Ray for short" "Hey" Ray added. "and this is Jun but I guess Gem here already know him haha, this is An and you guys already know who's sitting beside her is Neil"

Gem looked at them and has eye contact on An, making him avert his eyes immediately

An noticed that Gem is awkward so she pretend to cough "ehem ehem, as you guys may already know me and Neil here are completely and no more than friends, so no need to feel awkward okay? let the past be bygones okay?" An said with an awkward tone yet try to reassure them

Gem's friends looked at Gem. Luis place his hand on Gem's back. "alright then, then no more awkwardness" Gem said he tried his awkwardness with a smile

as the time flies by, everyone talked, eat and had fun talking with each other, The break is almost over so the others already left except for Neil And Gem as to Neil suddenly asked Gem to stay with him for a little longer

"Gem" Neil said with a deep yet sweet voice

Gem looked at Neil and asked "yes?"

"I've been meaning to ask you but why do you keep on staring at me haha, don't you get tired of it?" Neil said

Gem flinches "oh did I really?..I didn't even notice" Gem said as he looks down fidgeting his fingers

"well not just that But An told me that you were also giving An bad looks" Neil said as his tone suddenly changed into a cold tone

Gem doesn't remember himself giving An a bad look but he believed what Neil said since he wasn't lying when he was staring at Neil

"or are you perhaps Jealous haha" Neil joked, making Gem flustered

Neil suddenly stopped and looked at Gem thinking "Gem, this is only the beginning, I'm still not satisfied with this crush thing I want you to be mine and mine only Gem".

Neil scratches his own head "Oh my don't tell me you're really jealous"

"No! I'm not jealous haha, I was just thinking you and Senior An is really close to each other, oh uhm that reminds me why did you send love you in the text?" Gem suddenly responded, and his heartbeat beats fast with his last question

"what does it mean?" Gem added as he tense up

"oh that? oh don't think much about it I also send those to the others too especially to An" Neil said making Gem's heart sink.

Gem suddenly stood up and said "oh I see well thanks for telling me that haha, I was wondering why you sent that message and it was bothering me oh and I should get going I still have to walk towards where my building is so I'll see you later Senior Neil"

Gem suddenly walked away fast "ay shit ,I really did misunderstand Neil AURGH what was I thinking!?, he only said take responsibility on what we did last time but that's because he felt bad! obviously he's not going to fall that easily Gem think! you and Neil only hang out Once!! Literally Once, an actual hang out! so stop this instance heart!, you and him weren't together in the first place" Gem thought as he went to his class and sat down

when the class started he couldn't concentrate on what's going on, he couldn't write any notes, walking listening to what the professor was saying, even when they do their group paperwork he couldn't do any of his part. when the class ended Gem told Kit that he's going home and told his other friends too.

when he went home he throws his bag on the bed and lays down on the bed.

Gem checked his phone and his friends was worried but he reassure them that he was just feeling tired this day, when he was messaging his friends he saw Neil's message

"Hey Gem is it alright if we call each other? I don't really like texting since my thumbs hurts" Neil said

Gem suddenly sat up and blinks he automatically replied "yes" and suddenly

Neil called Gem

Gem hesitately answers

"Oh I didn't expect you to answer it immediately haha" Neil said with a sweet tone

Gem's face flushed red as soon as he hears Neil's voice, already forgetting about why he was sad earlier

"well you did kind of called immediately too so we're even" Gem said as he smile

Neil gave a small chuckle "then is it alright if we do video call?" Neil asked

Gem looked around and looked at himself.

he suddenly fixed his bed and his hair "oh sure" Gem responded

Neil suddenly asked for Video call and Gem Accepted it, Gem couldn't Believe what he's seeing as soon as the video appeared

Neil was on his bed Not wearing any shirt

"uh Neil you're not wearing..." Gem said as he looked awkward

Neil looked at himself and smiled "oh haha, sorry I usually don't wear anything whenever I go to sleep sorry, if you're uncomfortable I can wear a shirt" Neil said

Gem shook his head "no need to do Neil, if you're comfortable with not wearing anything then don't mind it, I won't mind it too" Gem said with a smile

"oh then alright" Neil said

The two talked all night they had fun, and got to know each other better, Gem finally knows Neil's childhood, his first crush, his siblings, his family, even his worries, his favourites and so on.

"oh shit it's already this late" Neil said with a little bit of raised voice

Gem looked at the time and was surprised as well "I didn't notice the time until now"

Neil sighed and laughed "well the more we have fun the more the time flies super fast, Gem, we should totally hang out and have video call everyday" Neil said

Gem looked at Neil and smiled "well sure haha it was really fun too we got to know each other better"

Neil nodded and stared at his screen looking at Gem "y'know..is it alright if we shouldn't end the call cause it feels like you're next to me" Neil said as he gave Gem a smile

Gem's eyes widen and looked confused "eh but why" Gem was waiting for a respond but Neil didn't say anything. Gem looked at the screen and saw Neil already sleeping "wow that was fast" Gem said with a small laugh

Gem was going to hit end call but decided not to be positioned his body to the side to look at Neil

Gem reaches out the screen and touches it "Senior Neil..I don't know why..I know that we just started to hang out, got to know each other...but...the more I spend time with you..my heart already knows...what It wanted...apart from the guilt that I still have...I ." Gem suddenly shut his mouth and turned away from the screen "good night Neil"

Gem doesn't know but Neil was awake and smiled and thought "Gem, be guilty all you want but there will be time that we're going to continue where we left off"

a few minutes later the two men slept

Finally Morning

Gem woke up and looked at his phone, The call already ended Gem didn't think much about it so he did his daily routine

Everything remains the same routine, Gem goes to class, after class he hangs out with his friends, when the class ends he either go home or hangs out with his friends again. everyday everything remains the same the only thing thats a new routine is when their seniors have the same time as they have and they will eat together, Gem sometimes Hang out with Neil too whether theyll be the two of them or with their friends.

day by day everything is normal

4 Months has passed, The gang got used to each other and surprisingly gotten close to each other Gem sometimes visits Neil's house from time to time they also make out with each but only kissing and nothing else

when everything seems to be normal


When Gem was about to go to his Dorm, He couldn't believe his eyes that his Dorm caught fire.

"ay shit!" Gem yelled completely shock and displeased