
Punch in a perfect world

Check in in front of Shicun Liushen, and get the reward Innate Saint Dao Embryo. Check in in the False God Realm, and get a bonus cross-border amulet, which can be used to randomly enter other worlds. Check in at Tianshen Academy, get rewarded with the secret of writing, the speed breaks through the limit of the world, and evolves time. Check in in Xianyu, and get rewards for him to transform himself into Dafa, he transforms himself into freedom, he transforms eternity, he transforms time, he transforms reincarnation... Into the perfect world, Shi Zhong got the clock-in system and became a member of Shicun. Since then, the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm, the Three Thousand Dao States, the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, the Immortal Realm and the Sea of ​​Heaven, etc., have all left footprints of stone bells. ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood. PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · อื่นๆ
293 Chs

Golden Winged Roc, True Dragon Essence and Blood!

There is a circle of dark red blood on the edge of the disc-shaped lair, and there are some thick and long bones scattered around the periphery, which must have come from the giant.

  Shi Zhong hid himself and observed carefully for a while, but there was no movement in the nest, presumably the green-scaled eagle was indeed not there.

  This made him let down his guard a little bit, and approached the lair step by step.

  After reaching a sufficient distance, Shi Zhong pulled the black sycamore and flipped it up. What caught his eyes were three eggs the size of a washbasin. The eggshells were crystal clear, as fascinating as jasper.

  There are also spots and lines on the eggshell, and a mysterious power flows in it.

  "It's really a fierce bird with the blood of the ancient demon bird. This race is favored by the heavens. It's just an egg that has the blood of the Dao fragments imprinted on it. When it grows up, it will definitely be the overlord of the air."

  Shi Zhong thought silently and began to clock in. .

  "Ding, the blue-scaled bird's nest has successfully checked in, and I will be rewarded with a golden-winged roc egg and a drop of real dragon blood, do you want to claim it?" The

  mechanical female voice sounded.

  "Golden Winged Roc! True Dragon Essence and Blood!"

  Although Shi Zhong had been prepared in his heart after the previous experience, he was still stunned by this generous reward.

  This is the golden-winged roc, a real pure-blooded immemorial divine bird.

  Shi Zhong has only seen it in legends and some ancient books. One must know that an adult golden-winged roc can compete with the gods, and can easily destroy an ancient country that has been passed down for thousands of years in a fit of anger.

  And the blood essence of the real dragon can just baptize Shi Zhong at the age of five, paving a golden road for his future practice.

  He forced himself to remain calm, thinking about how to bring these two things back in a legitimate way.


  Shi Zhong thought together, opened the animal skin bag and stepped on the soft golden grass, walked quickly to the three eggs, and put them in.

  During this process, the lines and spots on the green scaled egg gave off lightning and shocked his palm.

  However, Shi Zhong's physical body is strong, and this level of thunder light is just numb to him, not a threat at all.

  After putting the three ferocious birds' eggs into the animal skin bag, Shi Zhong received the reward for the golden-winged roc eggs in his mind.

  Suddenly, a golden light burst out in front of his eyes, like a small sun rising in front of him, making him unable to keep his eyes open.

  After the light dissipated, Shi Zhong saw a bright golden egg quietly lying in the nest in front of him, like casted from divine gold, shining brightly in the sunlight.

  The golden-yellow eggshell is covered with intricate lines, which is the unique life imprint of the golden-winged roc. It has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Shi Zhong almost immersed his mind in it after taking a closer look.

  Compared with this golden-winged roc's egg, the blue-scaled bird's egg just now is like a poultry.

  Before the golden-winged roc was born, Shi Zhong could hear its heartbeat coming through the eggshell.

  "What an exuberant vitality this is!" Shi Zhong exclaimed.

  But Shi Zhong also understood that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, he grabbed a handful of golden silk grass and stuffed it into the animal skin bag as a cushion, then took the golden-winged roc egg with both hands, and put it down carefully.

  In fact, stone bells don't have to be like this, even the egg shells of blue-scaled birds are harder than ordinary stones, not to mention golden-winged rocs, which are simply invulnerable.

  It's just that this golden-winged roc egg is too rare, so Shi Zhong's concern is chaotic.

  After tying up the animal skin bag, Shi Zhong fixed the bag on his body and climbed down lightly.

  The way down is much more dangerous than the way up. Fortunately, Shi Zhong's physical fitness is strong, so he landed without any danger.

  As soon as we landed, the friends who had been waiting for a long time surrounded us.

  "Brother Zhong, what is in your bag? Why do I see a golden light coming out of it?"

  Shi Zhong opened the bag, and everyone gathered around to look. Many people were stung by the strong light, and tears flowed from their eyes. Come.

  "Wow, this doesn't look like the egg of a blue-scaled bird. Could it be that the blood in its body has returned to its ancestors?" Shi Meng exclaimed.

  If this is really the egg of the ancient magic bird, its value is inestimable.

  "Let's go first, let's go back to the village." Shi Zhong said.

  For some reason, he always felt tense all over, and his heart beat faster than usual, as if danger was about to happen.

  "Okay," everyone knew the danger, and it was safest to go back to the village.

  "Haha, Dad must be very happy now." Pi Hou's face was flushed with excitement.

  "Yes." The little friends communicated while running, and the excitement was not expressed in words.

  But after the crowd ran for more than a mile, a cry came from behind them, resounding through the sky, shaking the mountains and forests, and the leaves of the trees fell with a clatter. Covering your ears makes you feel better.

  "Don't stop, run!" Shi Zhong shouted.

  The last thing he wanted to see finally happened. The female green-scaled eagle came back from hunting and found that the eggs in the nest had been stolen, and she must have gone crazy.

  The adult green-scaled eagle is a dragon-horned eagle that hunts flying pythons. Its senses are so keen. It followed the scent left by the stone bell and found the group of thieves at a glance.

  Its wings are more than ten meters long, covering the sky and the sun, and swooping down from the cliff, it can reach more than one mile in the blink of an eye.

  "Run in the direction of Shizhumi!" Shi Zhong shouted loudly.

  The crowd didn't turn their heads, but there was a wind behind them, and a huge monster was rapidly approaching them, and it didn't even occur to the green-scaled bird that threw eggs to chase them down.

  They all knew how terrifying this blue-scaled bird was, and now that it was killing it behind them, many children were so frightened that their hearts jumped into their throats.

  The children ran in the direction of Shi Duolin, hoping to escape the pursuit of the blue-scaled bird.

  The blue-scaled bird is bronze in color, without a single feather on its body, and its whole body is covered by metal-like scales. Under the refraction of the sun, it emits a cold light, which is creepy.

  There is a pair of sharp claws under it, which are nearly one meter long, and there is still blood left, and the murderous aura is scattered everywhere. I don't know how many mountain beasts have been torn apart by this.

  Dozens of towering ancient trees were broken by it, and the branches flew, and the stone forest was cut into two halves by its wings, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror, without any sharpness.

  Coupled with the great strength in the green scaled eagle's body, it is invincible in this mountain forest, even if there is a small mountain, it can split it.

  "Big bird, take an arrow from me." The

  extremely strong Shi Meng raised the bow and arrow made of dragon-horned beast strings and shot at the blue-scaled bird.

  The arrow shot was as thick as an adult's arm, and the arrowhead was made of refined iron. Under Shi Meng's full strength, it shot towards the blue-scaled bird with a sound of breaking through the air.

  The blue-scaled bird felt it, but didn't pay attention to it at all, allowing the arrow to hit its body.


  The sound of gold and stone colliding came, and the arrow hit the cold bird's wing and was immediately bounced off by the scales, without any effect.

  "Hoo hoo." The

  blue-scaled bird flapped its wings and cut down a cliff, the earth and rocks flew up, and the mud splashed, trying to bury everyone inside.

  "Run!" Shi Zhong roared with all his strength.