In the year 2040 World War III broke out and the use of Nuclear Weapons scorched the Earth, with the Nuclear aftermath caused a Global Storm known as “The Great Catastrophe”. In the year 2058 a meteor struck the earth with a strange new source of energy that was named “The Mystic”, with this new source of energy, it’s been dubbed “Mystic Energy”; it practically purged the Aftermath of the Nuclear Fallout; but sadly the world before was dead. The year 2098 a scientist used The Mystic Energy from the meteor to try and create Portals through Space to speed up travel but the experiment failed, the experiment caused a tear in Space & Time and chain reaction occurred now the world is filled with ripples where if you wonder carelessly you could end up in another: world, place in time (past or future), or in a completely different dimension. The current year is 2549, humanity (if you can call it that) has finally rebuilt its society, the scars are seen but the causes have been long forgotten. Our story follows a man named Waylon Murdock, who’s not out to save the world; he’s just out to make a buck & just enjoy life.
<The scene opens up to a bright & sunny day with the blue sun in the sky and crossing said sky was the Olympus Space City, and many airships (zeppelins) sailed through the skies, and the massive wall that separates the residential area from the other city. as Murdock wakes up on his couch in a small apartment. He slowly sits up yawning, he reaches for a remote and and reaches across the coffee table turning on the tv for the news as he gets up and does his morning routine: Morning workout, Brush teeth, etc.>
The news anchor talks about a large gathering of Automatons, they seem to be now calling it "The Million Bot March"; as he pours himself some coffee and watched the news he says "Geez Self-Aware Automatons? God sounds like the start to some cheesy movie series or something." Murdock laughs at the thought and as the program continues the anchor mentioned a 40% chance of Scorch Rain in City District 09, the news channel showed the map of the capital of the massive city; as he looks out the window and sees storm clouds over there.
He ponders for a moment and deciding how he should dress as he drinks his coffee, his phone vibrates as he picks it up it's a text from a buyer for a Gem he…repossessed. The notification reminded Murdock he has a meeting to turn in the jewels he's collected for purchase at the auction house, he sighs and grabs his phone, Pistol and holsters it, & his switchblade knife, his backpack and he makes his way out of his cheap and crummy apartment complex ironically named "Eden Villa". He walks to the auction houses back entrance and says smiling "Hey Horace I'm back! And I got some good stuff too!"
Murdock approaches the counter to the short formally dressed blue skinned goblin wearing magnifying glasses as he placed the ring he collected on the table, as Horace examines them and says "These are worth at least 50 Black Gold Pieces." Murdock responds angrily "Only 50?! Come on that's barely enough to cover my rent! They gotta be at least 100!" The clerk sighs and says "Mr. Murdock can't accept them, they are all D-Ranked items at best and the quality is pathetic. Come back with something that's saleable and then you'll get the gold."
<The scene changes to Murdock sitting in a small dive bar sighing as he was drowning his sorrows in beer. The bartender who is an old fish-man passed him some water as Murdock has had three strong beers>
The fish man looked at Murdock and said "Well at least you'll be able to pay for the food and drinks." Murdock chugged the water and sighed and responded "Yeah but I'm practically broke and rent is coming up. Jobs have become scarce since Central Capital's newest DA is cracking down on Mystic Artifact Theft." He sighs as the news was showing the new DA who looked like a pig-man, the DA says "All these thefts of Mystic Items are inexcusable! Our society uses the power of the Mystic to provide the peace and comforts it provides to all her people." He says doing a rant over how people should work together and stuff.
Murdock sighs and says "Easy for most people I don't have any skills beyond this job otherwise I'd have one of those Blue Collar jobs, and would be drinking with you ugly lot." Everyone laughs and pokes fun at Murdock like he's one to talk. He gets a text from an informant he has to help gather info on any high level Mystic Items, and word has it a high-grade Mystic Gem has been spotted entering the city and was later hit by a gang. Murdock smirks and stands up and says "Well boys! My big payday just came so I'll be back with a big bag of Black Gold and first round will be on me…top shelf." He says the guys laughed as Murdock left the bar.
<The scene ends with Murdock closing the door and walking down the street to get his next bug score>