

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago " (Reading this synopsis, you're going to think it's another novel about transportation to another world, and the mc is going to get bitches and live with happiness and make friends and something like that, but TRUST ME, IT'S NOT.) "PROJECT ZESTA: The Lord of Chaos" is about a mentally ill and unstable young man. When Kayne was about to turn 15, an accident made him forget all his memories, leaving him to face a completely strange world with no friends, no family, no dreams, and no hope. All he remembered was his own name. Years passed and when Kayne reached the age of 19 and entered university, all his expectations about the world burned, leaving him with more mental illnesses and a fucked life experience. The only source of joy he found was in reading novels and fantasy stories that let him wish and dream about being transported to another world, where just maybe, he could find his true identity. Kayne wakes up one morning at 3am from the nightmares he always has when he forgets to take his medicine. He think it's just another long night he’ll have to spend alone in his dark apartment, but surprisingly, Kayne gets sent to another world. In that world, Kayne will go through a lot of events that change both his mentality and his view toward life but not in a good way. As Kayne goes through different experiences and meets other people, he's going to find himself killing and destroying himself from the inside. After reading my novel, chapter by chapter, you’ll realize that the MC is neither a villain nor a hero; he just wants to find his true identity from before losing his memories and try to live his life.

Potato_Big · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

chapter 8 : Forgotten memories

Chapter 8

KAYNE woke up terrified to the sounds of running and screaming.

When he went out the door, he saw everyone terrified. He had never seen them until He saw Edward and ran towards him asking what was going on?

" Some children have disappeared, some claim they entered the forest."Edward with his face full of sweat with a nervous tone said

" The forest? Didn't you say it's Not allowed to enter?? Didn't you think about putting some guards there?" KAYNE said

"Who will volunteer to stand in front of that hell? You don't know how much we discussed the matter and how much we fought ??" Edward screamed losing his calmness while looking at kayne with red eyes" huh I'm sorry for yelling at you I just_"

Edward apologized to kayne while massaging his forehead with his fingers

And before he continues talking kayne stopped him

" It's okay I'm sorry to put even more pressure at you , even though you was able to ask to do it like a type of mental train " with a mocking tone kayne said to Edward trying Soften the atmosphere " so are we going to the forest now ? "

"Yes, some people have volunteered to enter, they're the kids brothers and parents , we agreed to not go deep inside, and if don't find any Trace we won't search more " Edward explained to kayne what they were going to do with a relaxed tone a mark on Kayne's joke successfully worked

"What about the village Don't tell me you'll leave it fucked like that " kayne asked while looking around to see people running around " and I don't know man why are they running they make the situation even worse it's not like a fire just catched the village?ih!!" Kayne was arguing until he realized what was his last sentence, kayne just jinxed himself and the whole village

Edward didn't understand what was Kayne's reaction for but he didn't mind to answer " "well for the village I'm going to let Louis on charge he's A better village master than me"

Kayne He couldn't say anything but making an angry face when he first who was louis (the gay man that was trying to harass him ) well after the first incident Louis didn't show up Infront Kayne at all even when he sees Kayne he just hide and for Kayne even though he can feel his existence he just ignore him and walk in his way

But Kayne at the moment realized how much Edward loves the village and its people. But for him to show such expression expression mixed by fear and sadness like he already knew how the kids end up not only him everyone around him , they all know what actually happened to the kids when they first went to the forest

"I can't believe I survived the place where even Edward Afraid to set foot in it , but I don't actually know from what these people are afraid"

After equipping themselves with worn-out weapons and some garden armor, they were ready to enter the great forest

in another place

"Damn, these damned wolves are so persistent. Are you finished there?" Samantha was killing wolves and cursing in completely rage like she was in hurry

"Y_yes ma'am " the other soldiers were covered in blood of the wolves just stood up straight to answer the question of their leader

"Get some rest, we will start moving shortly, and we have to speed up our pace." Samantha ordered them while whipping the blood that was on her face

" Ma'am I don't think this the way a mature women has to talk with , don't forget Your position to " Robert said while giving Samantha a mentally bottle of water

"You and this shit again you're a knight not my babysitter just act like that " Samantha was obviously getting annoyed by his words

Huh I don't know how to deal with you no more before being a knight I'm you guardian to " Robert said while fixing The saddle on the horse's back " But I don't remember that there should be wolves in this area ، they are feral wolves. Their place is near the forest. This means that either they are migrating because their mating time is approaching, or something has FRIGHTENED them." With a cold tone Robert said, you can't see his face that was cover with his For the helmet that covers his headbut you can imagine how serious he was

" It's a wave of monsters, of course they'll run stop playing mysterious when you feel bored" Samantha said then she throwed the bottle at Robert

" Haha you used to like this when you were still a baby Young miss" kayne catched the bottle then placed it on the saddles pocket

" Huuuh I think it's enough rest everyone let's go " Samantha said before jumping above her white horse


"Is everyone ready?" Edward shouted to the guys that were in the ground of Volunteers

" Aaaah"

" Ummm"

" Yes "

Everyone was stressed because it's the first time for every single one of them to get this close to the forest and Kayne was the only one who was relaxed because he was in the forest once

"Huh fine let's enter!" Edward noticed the stressed atmosphere but he couldn't do anything but gasping cause in the end even him was afraid

"Kayne Don't stray from the group I can't be busy looking for someone else."Edward said to Kayne so he won't do anything stupid and be sure that no one else do anything stupid

"Yes sure" kayne understood the sign and just shouted in agreement

After walking for a few minutes

" That !!!"Kayne felt something

Something evil and ominous he looked at Edward trying to tell him that something is wrong but He already knew looking at his face So terrified Kayne was wondering what Edward saw to make such face The other villagers started vomiting and the one of them just passed out

" We're fucked " Kayne's opinion was right

In front of them was a tree , Strange looking tree with several limbs hanging from it, and they looked like children's limbs, and there was something on the ground There was so much blood it looked like it was coming from the same place, unconsciously Kayne He began to concentrate, following the blood on the ground, and then he got there

Where the bodies of the children were, or what was left of them, their heads were on the ground, each face wearing a strange expression, and the heads were mixed with the children's entrails.

When Edward arrived at the place, the heads and scattered entrails did not scare him the most

What made him



With an expression on his face, Edward didn't know if Kayne was angry or happy

His expressions were full of ominousness, a smile from hell, eyes that did not blink, and breathing normal, as if he was sitting in front of a beautiful view at that moment. Kayne seemed In his own bliss with his nose bleeding some dark liquid

Suddenly everything went blank

"Teacher, come quickly."

"Yes? What happened?"

"Kayne he he He did"

"what did he d_"when the teacher went out quickly with a Terrified expression the teacher put her hands over her mouth to only see

Standing in front of the tree in the elementary school yard Kayne He plays with the body of the frog George, whom the students were taking care of. Poor George no longer has a head just his body was dancing

"Why did you do that Kayne? Why did you kill George? Why were you playing with his corpse " in a simple room that has an office and some happy kids pics was hanging on it wall it seemed like some doctor's room a woman sitting on a chair holding some papers and a kid was sitting on the coach.

"I wanted to free him from his torment. I love George. It was painful to see him sad, alone, and cold." The kid just answered with a sad expression on his face

"But you didn't free him, you killed him, he's dead now" the woman wrote something on the paper than asked him another question

" NO He'S IN a BeTtEr PlAcE nOw" with a big smile that has No innocence that was giving ominous aura the kid answered

The unbearable scene, the scene that made even the former veteran mercenary Edward shudder, awakened a fragment of Kayne's memory.the MEMORY he lost once

"Hey Edward What should we do now " Kayne said after his expression turned serious and then pulled out his sword and looked around him

"Huh ? What do y_you mean Kayne" Edward was a bit tripping when he saw kayne pulling out his sword and hearing what kayne said waked him up

" "We're _ already surrounded." Kayne said looking above him only to see

Dozens of goblins that was hidden above the trees surrounding them Everything was a trap from the start

Information not previously mentioned:

Kayne: He grew up in an orphanage. His parents abandoned him when he was born. He was not even two months old when he was abandoned. He had no last name. Before he entered middle school, he was involved in an accident that erased his memories

Chapter 8 : ended