
Project: Labyrinth

Project Labyrinth is what they call it. A hidden clause buried deep within contracts and user agreements that no one would care to read. But if you don't check for those tiny words in that agreement. you will find yourself trapped. And It's all because you decided to {Enter The Labyrinth}. Follow Max as he wakes up in a growing stone labyrinth that's sole goal is to make the Players grow stronger and put on a good show. Will he be able to survive this deadly place when he finds out he can't level up his skills and must craft them instead? Or will he thrive and explore the secrets deep within the labyrinth? Only time may tell.

maddaug · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 3: A Warm Welcome

Max pondered on his situation, and for the first time since waking up today, he wasn't scared or anxious.

'This seems to be a real world, to some degree at least,'

'The trees in this forest are real. The smell of the various plants and the sound of random critters are all real,'

'And if this world is real... who is to say that it's worse than my old one?' He pondered as he stared out into the passing wildlife.

The goblins were doing a good job keeping him safe and they helped him find easy paths to climb and travel through the forest through gentle hand motions and excited chatter. Max nearly tripped multiple times on roots and random intentions in the ground that were hidden by grass, but the goblins always gently stopped him before he could make the fall.

'And even though they aren't 'players' or humans I guess... these goblins seem pretty real to me,' He thought while staring at the smaller one who was constantly touching passing trees with an intent look in his eyes.

The goblin reached out towards a tree nearer to him and Max could see a faint scar lining its palm.

Max couldn't tell how the scar happened but it was an old scar for sure. It had almost completely disappeared but he was confident that this was a mark of age on this goblin. A mark of detail. It could have a story, not necessarily one the goblin remembered, but a story nonetheless.

'This place is real. And I think I might just like it here better than on Earth,'

'Better than a dead-end job and a dead-end life,'

Max's thoughts continued to drift as the Goblin led him through the Forest for another half an hour or so. The forest began to dim and it started to get darker despite there being no sun in the empty void of a sky above them. The shadows of the trees grew longer and the forest seemed to be awakening from its slumber as noises and rustles filled the suddenly darkening trees.

The goblins seemed a bit more frantic at the sight of the dimming light, but when the sounds of activity began to be heard in the distance they relaxed.

There was the sound of laughter and happy chatter among dozens of voices just a bit further in the forest.

Max grew a little tense at the prospect of seeing dozens of dozens of goblins all at once. There wasn't a guarantee that they would all be as friendly as his two pals right now.

'Guess I just have to put my faith in them,' Max thought with a smile as he remembered the kindness that the goblins had shown him so far.

The goblins led Max through the remaining stretch of forest and they soon arrived at a low wall made out of thin wooden stakes spread haphazardly around what looked to be a small field filled with white berry bushes.

The taller goblin reached out and grabbed Max's hand abruptly and motioned to a few notches that were placed on some of the stakes.

'What exactly-?' Max began to think before the shorter goblin used the tiny notches as a foothold to climb up the wall.

Max nodded and gave out a light chuckle and nodded towards the Goblins with appreciation.

'They are smart. Smarter than some humans I've met,'

'Maybe even smarter than me when I've had one drink too many...'

He quickly scaled the small fence and landed in the berry field before the two Goblins grabbed his hands and led him deeper into their home.

As they rushed through the field towards the lights in the distance Max's green bracelet started to pulse gently sending a slightly warm sensation through his hand.

His eyebrows straightened and his posture got a little tense as he opened up the panel that he hadn't checked on in the past few hours.

{You have discovered a Goblin Tribe. It will now be marked in the Location tab in your Overhaul Panel}

{You are the first player to discover the {Dew Tribe}. You have been rewarded 500 XP}

{You have leveled up to level 3. You have unallocated stat points to distribute}

'So far this labyrinth doesn't seem half-bad,' Max thought before the memory of the traps that filled the way back to the safe room resurfaced in his mind.

'But that might be a bit too soon to say,'

The goblins had led him deeper within their little community and into what looked to be a large circle filled with small mud and wood huts of varying shapes and sizes.

Some goblins that Max could only assume were children from their 1-foot height who were playing a game of tag on just the edge of their village. One of the children stopped and excitedly pointed toward Max and his two exploration companions. They chattered in that unknown language but their intent was clear. They were happy to see their people alive and well from a venture into the forest.

Max's two companions smiled and waved at the children but shooed them away from Max after they arrived, seemingly intent on investigating this new strange creature that was now in their tribe.

Max gave a sheepish smile at the children before following his two friends into a slightly larger hut in the center of the village. The adult goblins he saw on the way seemed to avoid his gaze, looking at their feet and at whatever work busied them at the moment.

They didn't show any bad intent or negative emotions toward Max, but they definitely showed a degree of caution compared to the young children.

Max was ushered into a large wooden hut and found his senses overwhelmed by the thick fragrance of herbs that seemed to be ingrained into this small building.

A goblin that seemed much older than any other he had seen thus far was hunched over a table that was covered in an assortment of strange handmade tools and various herbs and plants.

Multiple sticks of incense burned in the various corners of the room and though the smell of them was overwhelming at first, they soon grew on Max.

Max took a big whiff of the scent that lingered in the air and gave an approving smile to the hunched-over goblin who eyed him with a curious look.

The goblin had long tendrils of grey hair that leaked out of the holes of the large bone skull that rested on top of his head. He was covered in various bone trinkets and jewelry that clacked as he turned to face Max.

He let out a few low grunts in the unknown language before being answered by Max's two companions.

The old goblin gave a light chuckle and looked at Max with renewed vigor.

He began to speak once more, though this time a glint of power shined from his eyes and into those of Max's.

"What trouble does a Human have to find themselves in to appear in our abandoned neck of the woods?" He said in a dry voice that held a hint of humor to it.

"You speak English?" Max asked in surprise.

"English? No... I don't know any of the languages you humans speak. I just know the language of the forest and that language helps me communicate with those who don't speak in Goblin Tounge,"

"That's incredible..."

"Just a minor magical trick in the grand scheme of things," The goblin smiled.

"Um..." Max faltered before finally focusing on the Goblin's previous statement.

"I'm not sure how I ended up here exactly. Just kind of... appeared,"

"Are you saying you just sprang up from the ground? Like some sort of tree? Or are you saying that I drank the wrong tea again... Dratz," He laughed before hastily checking a small wooden cup that lay beside him.

He gave it a wiff and smiled contently before letting out a large slurp of the mysterious black tea within it.

"No, I'm not some sort of plant," Max smiled at the eccentric goblin.

'I think this guy might just be as crazy as some of the people I knew back on earth...'

"I know, I know. You aren't one for jokes, are you?" He said with a gentle smile.

"You would be surprised. It's just I'm not typically in a joking mood when I don't know where I am or why I'm here,"

"But maybe after I figure that part out I wouldn't mind letting loose a little," Max smiled crookedly.

"Haha! You are quite the strange Human," The Goblin said with his eyes on some herbs that were laid out and seemed to be in the process of being examined.

"Most Humans wouldn't be able to stay this sane when they find themselves in the Labyrinth. And most wouldn't willingly surrender to two goblins either," He spoke with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

"Like I said bud... I'm not really sure what's going on. I just woke up here and that's that. As for surrendering to Goblins, why not? I wasn't even really sure you all were goblins until a little while ago,"

"And they seemed more scared than anything. Who would kill the first new thing they see when they wake up here? That's just insane,"

"I'm not even sure if I would have been able to survive if I had decided to fight them, it's not like I have any sort of training whatsoever,"

"And if I had won I would be lost, exhausted, and probably injured. These guys helped me get through the forest these past few hours. I don't know if I would have made any progress at all without them," Max said with a smile while gesturing toward the two guards who were unsealing some of their pouches to reveal different herbs which they placed on the shelves and tables in the room.

The old goblin fell silent and stared into Max's eyes for a moment. He seemed surprised and a little bit confused.


"You're a strange one, I'll give you that," The goblin mumbled.

"I suppose a proper greeting and introduction would be best then," He said while nodding to himself.

"My name is Rial and I am the Head Elder and Shaman of the Tribe of The Dew,"

"We are a humble Tribe of Goblins that have little to offer but if you pull your weight we should be able to get you on your feet and help you get on your way towards more of your kind,"

"All we ask in return for our support is to remember our kindness and to not tell more of your kind where we are," Rial finished with a weary sigh.

"May I know your name and if these terms are acceptable?" He asked in a formal tone as if rehearsing a speech.

"Um... My name is Maxwell Adams but most people call me Max. It's a pleasure to meet you and your people and I don't mind your terms at all,"

"I'm just relieved that you are willing to help me if I'm being honest," Max said with a relieved smile.

"Then I suppose we should get to the important details..." Rial said with a short nod.

Goblin friends? My favorite! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

maddaugcreators' thoughts