

What will you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and find a man, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and black leather gloves looking at you with a professional smile? Scream? You can try. Call Police? Many tried before, but none survived. Pray to your God? He will pray with you for your survival before gouging out that pink tongue and gulping it down in one swift move. This is the story of a man with a twisted personality, who is searching for the meaning of his life. He lives for the thrill and goes to any lengths to get some excitement. In his fury, he impulsively kills a girl whose death was never reported in the news. Is she still alive and if yes, why didn't she report him to the police? What will he do when a mysterious part of his past is uncovered due to this event? What happened to him that he became a monster? What will happen to him in the future? P.S. He never loses his professional smile during working hours.

SilentMan · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs



That name penetrated my defenses, making my heart bleed vermillion.

I look up at the woman calling me Mavros. Azure eyes, blonde hair, pale white skin a beautiful face with supple curves, and a top-model class figure. She was wearing a black cape blazer dress.


I thought I killed her but how is she still alive? How?

Doesn't matter. Now I will kill her for sure.

"Wait, Mavros. Listen to me first." As if sensing my mood change she panicked slightly, her brows scrunched up as she tried to appease me.

I don't care! You already ruined my peace. I don't like that name. No peace for you.

My eyes narrowed as I grabbed the chopstick. I will make sure you die this time before leaving this place.


The chopstick flew through the air like a hot knife slicing butter as I aimed it directly at the center of her forehead.

Though I only used the slightest bit of magicules, as I was already running low, it would have been enough to kill a person immediately.

It can't be that simple, right?

She made a surprised expression as her brows furrowed, but instead of piercing her head, it shattered upon coming in contact with her skin.

Fuck. She is a magician as well.

"What do you want Lixia?" My tone was strained and it prickled her delicate-looking ears.

"Lixia?" She raised her brows as if that was not her name and then sighed slightly, "I understand now, Malvros."

I don't even know Malvros but its hurts to hear that name just like the word 'monster'.

"It's fine." She gave a sincere smile, "Don't worry Malvros. I can help you. You have to trust me."

Help me? I am fine. Absolutely great. I don't need any help.

Unable to get an answer to why she followed me, I decided to ask the question that has been on my mind ever since the day I almost killed her,

"How did you survive? I thought I almost -"

"Killed me?" She smirked and a low chuckle rolled out of her sweet pink lips, "How about we talk in private. Somewhere more appropriate."

When I didn't answer, her annoying smirk widened, "Are you still planning to kill me?" I don't think it's possible when you are already recovering from using so much magicules in a short period of time."

That's true. I cannot kill her, right now. And she is a magician.

A proper magician who knows how to efficiently control magicules, by strengthening their body is not a match for me now as I am running on fumes. I can try to overpower her with my raw strength but even though she looks feeble, she will be able to lift my entire body with just one hand...

I wonder why she couldn't resist me last time?

"I honestly didn't know there was such filth in the NightAxis." She chuckled as if sensing my inner monologue, she answered my question without any prompting, "They used a new kind of drug on me that could make me unconscious and render me unable to manipulate magicules as I wished. Luckily it was not perfect and I was able to regain consciousness."

But how the hell did you survive, bitch?

She knew exactly what I was thinking, "I will answer all your questions, Malvros." She put her hand on mine over the table and rubbed it gently.

Malvros. AGAIN?

I am not Malvros! I am Axiom!!

I yanked her hand away. I really want to put a collar around her neck, put her down on all her fours, and make her bark -- AXIOM, until 'Axiom' becomes a name she would always remember till her last breath.

"Alternatively, we could go to a love hotel, as well, I don't mind..." her lips stretched sultrily, "Then we can talk about everything..." she had a coy look on her face but I knew,

I knew it was a bluff to get me to talk to her...

Maybe? Maybe not.

Are you that lonely? Go find someone else.

I didn't reply again, as I asked my own questions just like she prompted me to talk to her rather than answering my questions,

"Why didn't you report me to the police?" She saw my face that time and if she reported it to the police they would have definitely captured me by now.

In fact, right now, when I look at her, I don't see any resentment that I almost killed her, though there is still that slight displeasure in her eyes, for reasons unknown.

She curled her lips, and answered without any hesitation, "Why would I report you to the Police, Mavros. You are more important than you think you are."

I wish I could eat you right now instead of some noodles.

I would have killed her if she was not a magician and the fact that I am running on fumes of magicules.

It is unfortunate but I can't kill her right now and if she wanted to report me to the police she would have done that already.

I still can't get any answers, regarding how she survived, or why is she following me? I also don't know why she keeps calling me Malvros.

But I don't care. All that has nothing to with me. The only thing on my mind is to kill this woman who reminded me of that name which churns the muscles of my brain and creates a terrible mess that makes me want to destroy the entire planet, run rampant, kill, eat, and destroy everything in my sight.

While swallowing a bitter lump of saliva, I took out my card and swiped it on the slot provided on the table, as payment was instantly done.

I can't kill her now. I'll tactfully retreat...

"The next time I see you, I'll kill you." I got up from my seat, pulled the hoodie on my head, so that it covers my face to some degree, and met Lixia's eyes directly, threateningly, "You should leave Quedence, Lixia. If you don't, I'll find you and I'll kill you for real this time."

I don't usually lose my patience and my big professional smile but some words trigger something in the back of my mind...

...Who am I?

"Really? Heeehh~" She looked disappointed, "I mean, many would kill to spend time with me." She whispered softly, "I heard customers in Paradise tweak the androids to match my features... but the real thing is always better. What a shame."

Who do you think am I? Some horny bastard looking for pussies wherever I go?

She smiled, "If you want to find me then here I live." She took out a pen and quickly wrote something on a napkin and threw it at me, which I caught, though slightly shocked by her actions.

Don't tell me she is a masochist. My goodness. I have misinterpreted her all along.

She is really liking this 'ignore play', isn't she? She also wants me to beat her to death so that she could feel pleasure in pain... This girl might be more crazy than Charlotte.

I wonder why she neither wants to report me to the police nor taking my threats seriously?

Does she have something that could make me stop from killing her?

Or is she just confident in herself that she can take me head on if she was not drugged like last time.

I kept her address in my pocket and walked away... melting in the darkness of the planet, moving to the city where I came from, Quedence.

After all, I can't be late. I have work and clients to attend to...

That is my job. Axiom's job.

Before leaving the restaurant, I glanced behind, towards Lixia one last time,

She looked back and smiled wryly, but it was rather strained, unlike the mood she was giving the entire time. There was also 'guilt' hidden within that beautiful smile. How could I tell other people's emotions, you may ask? I am a professional and I have dealt with so many people that it was all natural for me...

I get it now...

She must have mistook me for Malvros and wants to help Malvros because she felt guilty of something... I see. It was so simple to decode.

Not my problem though.
