A princess who want to be a queen of nine kingdoms. Her journey is very long and adventurous.Will she become a queen, let's see.
<p>There was the sound of someone walking in a dense forest. An old man was slowly passing through the forest. That old man had blue eyes, which were shining a little in the light of the moon. His hair was coming up to his waist, and he was wearing a long robe that had a lot of dust on it. He slowly came out of the forest. Light was visible at a distance, which meant that the capital was not far away. He looked very tired, but he increased his walking speed. He arrived in the metropolis after entering the capital; the city was noisy, many people were discussing deep among themselves, many people were buying goods from shops, and some children were playing a game with each other. But he didn't have time to look at all these things; he wanted to reach the palace as soon as possible. Coming a little further, he saw that about twenty soldiers were patrolling.<br/>"Not too far now"He said to himself. <br/>He could now see the minarets of the palace, light was coming from the windows of the minarets.<br/>He wanted to get to the palace as soon as possible, before it was too late. Now he could better see the palace, which was perched on a flat rock. He was crossing the field now; the smell of grass was coming from the field. There was a big lake behind the palace, which was shining in the light of the moon. But he was just moving towards the palace without paying attention to all these things. He could now see the door of the palace, which was very grand. He was now just five or so feet away from the gate of the palace when he was stopped by two soldiers, who said that "No one is allowed to enter the palace right now."<br/>He looked at the soldiers for a while and then said, "This is a very important matter, please let me in"<br/>"It's a royal decree; we can't do anything."<br/>The old man sighed and then took something out of his robe that looked very old; the thing looked like a piece of paper with a crown on it. On seeing the piece of paper, the soldiers withdrew and let him in.He had finally reached the palace, but his work was not over yet; he was now crossing the cellar of the heroes,which contained gilded sculptures of former monarchs. He climbed the stairs to the first floor. <br/>He was now in the corridor of the first floor, where there was no one other than the soldiers. He went to the second floor, where the corridor was full of people. All those people were looking at him, probably because of his condition.Then someone grabbed both his hands from behind. He looked back and found that his hands were caught by the soldiers."Leave me"He said. <br/>"Unknown persons are not allowed to come on this floor right now; you have to come with us."<br/>He tried to find someone familiar on the side of the crowd.In that crowd, he recognised a woman whose hair was very fine and curly; she was the sister of the king. "Lady Siriya"He said loudly. <br/>The woman looked at him. The man was shocked to see her because she was now looking more acquitted than before.The woman came running towards him. Two slaves also came with that woman."Leave him" She said to the soldiers loudly. "Lord Vain, you are here. Has anything happened in Katemill?"She continued. <br/>"Where is the king? I really need to talk to him; it's really urgent; please, my lady."<br/>"Okay, Dera I'm going with Lord Vain to the king; if there's any work here, call me." She said this to a maid, and then they both went to the third floor.They were crossing the corridor silently. <br/>They both reached the door of a room where 10 soldiers were guarding,the woman asked a soldier that "Is the king inside?"<br/>"Yes my lady, he is talking to the commander"<br/>"Go inside and tell him that Lord Vain has come to meet him,go!"She commanded. <br/>Three people came from the room shortly after the soldier entered it: the soldier, a man in golden armour, and a man wearing a golden crown who had a nasty wound on his face but otherwise appeared to be very joyful.<br/>"Lord Vain"The king said. <br/>"My Lord" He said and band his knees in front of the king. <br/>"Please don't do this; you are like my father," The king's voice softened as he extended his hand, gently lifting him to his feet.<br/>Meanwhile, a maid came towards Lady Siriya and whispered something in her ear. Responding with a regretful tone, Lady Siriya turned to Lord Vain, "I'm sorry, Lord Vain, but I have to go."<br/>She left from there. <br/>"Has anything happened in Katemill Lord Vain?"<br/>"Katemill is attacked and captured by Balis' forces"<br/>"What!"He spoke as if he didn't believe Lord Vain's words,"Why not ask your neighbor Mary for help"He continued. <br/>"Mary and Salor is also captured by Balis empire,my Lord"<br/>"How I didn't get any message from there"<br/>"Balis's army is moving towards the capital you don't have much time, my Lord"<br/>"How much time do we have?"<br/>That's when Lady Siriya approached the king, cradling a newborn in her arms. "You now become a father," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, as she gently placed the infant in his arms, bestowing upon him the weighty mantle of parenthood. <br/>The king smiled and said loudly,"It's a girl."<br/>The king passed the baby towards Lord Vain.After seeing the baby, Lord Vain said that "Welcome to the world, little one!"<br/>He passed the baby towards Lady Siriya.Then the king asked him that "How much time do we have?"<br/>"This night only"</p>