
[ Chapter 17 ] - Reemergence back to society / WhiteRose’s introduction

AN : Bet you didn't think I would drop again, did you ;) heheheh ! A chapter a day from now on!!

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- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City, Slums , 3 Days Ride to Vector's Territory " MoonStone" )

Vector finally making his way out of the slums, couldn't help but look at life in the FAE continent, in a different way than the past, and this was all due to his Earthen memories.

Before, he never found anything … strange, but now, he couldn't help but notice the similarities and differences.

Technology for one, was well, useless, what was the point of it?

Especially when there's magic for literally everything, such as cleaning, communicating, even the streetlights were powered by mana gems to simply glow, and even plumbing was controlled with water magic.

Magic really did solve most issues, but it also produced more issues as well, or rather the power one feels, the greed or the allure of being the strongest is the thing that makes more issues arise.

Magic could be described as beautiful, creative, and a great tool.

While also being described as a weapon, causing mass destruction, and constantly limiting people.

For the commoners, the poor, and the people simply not good with magic, it was the greatest form of oppression Vector has seen. Even more so, then the wealth disparity, such as poverty and homelessness, on earth.

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Vector having been in the wilderness for almost a full year, had no real clothes, no coins, and now had a full bushy beard.

He looked quite ridiculous at the moment, especially with the great big Wolf skin currently wrapped around his body, and the reason for this was his mana, it simply couldn't be all contained now.

It was quite unruly.

Vector having finally mastered his mana even more, inside his mana sea, which he now refers to as his inner mana world, for the sole reason that more beasts were rapidly being born, the vegetation kept multiplying, and the land was expanding.

It really was quite fascinating, especially since Vector has learned the Earth Affinity, which as a product, allowed him to shape the land's growth to his will.

He liked the feeling of absolute control over his world, the feeling of his creativity being free, and most importantly the safety of it.

A byproduct of getting so in tune with his own mana though, had a few changes, for better or worse, and Vector had to adapt to them.

For one, his body was no longer "warm" whatsoever, his blood was now cold blooded, Vector's body ran at a even colder temperature than - 98.7 C , which surpasses even the coldest recorded temperature on Earth.

Even if it wasn't uncomfortable for Vector, he did miss the body heat, he could limit his "coldness" to the best of his ability, but he had to fully focus on it, in order for it to go back to a slight warmth again.

This would only be straining his mind for nothing to gain, so he decided to suck it up, and so he started dressing in big wool like cloaks, in order to counteract his natural body temperature.

' Sort of like Jon snow, hmm but I want them classier, maybe with hints of gold, or purple, maybe white? Hmm who knows? I am a prince after all. ' Vector thought mischievously.

The other product of his intense mana training, was his right eye, which held his inner mana world's night sky and space.

Once reaching past 50%, it transformed even more so, becoming even more vibrant, with more stars and planets able to be seen, while also unlocking an extra ability.

His first ability was the fine tune Spacial mana eyesight , and this second ability was even better in his opinion, for the sole reason, it could be used as a pure defensive ability… capable of blocking almost anything in the right situations, even God level attacks…

Black Holes.

Yes, he wanted to create a black hole spell before, to suck in a spell, and eliminate a threat before it happens … yet his eye can already do that, and more!

While testing it throughout his time in the forest, he realized with his Spacial eye, he can not open a black hole, but rather an entrance to a void, which can lead to three places so far, and these places being :

1) His Inner - Mana World's sky and space, which would essentially suck the mana out of the spell, fueling his worlds growth. Which was a plus. However, the drawback was, if it the attack is too powerful… the world could get damaged as well. So he had to be smart and cautious with it.

2) He could store the spell in his "Freezer" part of his personal void storage, "Vector's Fridge", and then in turn, could launch the attack right back at his opponent. So while it was technically 2 separate steps in the process, in the real world, it was basically instantaneous.

3) He could simply transport an attack, or even a lower leveled being, to what he refers to as the "Void Plane". Vector has never seen the place, nor knows what it really is, but he does know, he can open and close portals leading there. While testing this, he realized whatever goes in, never comes out. Almost as it was swallowed by all of existence itself, or rather the opposite of existence, as it ceased to never exist.

However, even with these overpowered abilities, a big weakness was put in place, and Vector could only understand why, since nature and the world loved it's so called "balance".

His right eye, could no longer be used for "normal vision", and if opened, it would only show his Spacial Piercing Eyesight.

As a byproduct of that, every time his right eye opened, it would constantly drain mana, and that was even if he didn't exert much mana usage on it, meaning not activating his abilities to full extent, and or even simply just looking around with his eye.

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In the forest, Vector got use to just perceiving his surroundings with his one normal eye, while only opening his other eye, when a threat was near or too dangerous for him.

However, while traveling towards FlameDen city, he happened to meet a high leveled King, who was a powerful lightning basilisk, who also had a "power eye" as the beasts commonly refer to them.

He pointed out, that Vectors eye would bring suspicions and unnecessary attention upon himself. Vector thinking about this, realized he needed it hidden, as this wouldn't be good for his plans.

So, Vector with the help of the beast king, created a new spell, that worked in as a counter to his right eye's weakness.

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AN : This is the new spell setup, let me know what you think. I asked y'all to vote on the last chapter, and you did, so here it is. We can always change it, if you don't like it, or simply want a more aesthetically pleasing one. Just Let me know - SpacialDevil

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- [ Spells ] -

[ Ice Affinity ]

Ice-Bullet , Frozen Beast Claw , Ice-Overlord , Frozen Gate , Ice-Sovereign ,

[ Spacial Affinity ]

Vector's Fridge , Blink , Distortion Wave , Memory Dimensional Warp , Spacial Aura

[ Earth Affinity ]

Metal Manipulation, Earthen Infused Body ,

• [ Spacial Aura ] • ( Spacial Affinity ) ( NEW ! )

Mana : 1 MP per Minute. ( Boost : As your Spacial aura progresses, more ability's may be unlocked, however, the sole reason for this spells creation, was to counteract the lack of sight in your right eye. Your Spacial Aura's radius, let's you feel the presence of everything inside, even to the smallest grain of sand, and this may be extended to further ranges, with more mana consumption. )

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With this creation, Vector could finally stop stressing about his lack of eyesight, it might seem not so costly, but Vector was planning on trying to keep it active almost all the time.

You never know what situation might occur, especially with himself, being a prince, and so overtime, this spell would take a heavy mana tax.

However, the benefits much outweigh the negatives, even with the mana consumption cost, this spell was worth it, just for the reason, that it works while sleeping… so this put Vectors mind at ease.

Vector, having lived as a slave for years, being surrounded by enemies in the forest nonstop, and being an active soldier during world war 4.

You can imagine his worries, nightmares, and fears.

Vector has never gotten much good sleep, and as much as he doesn't want to admit it … Vector's trauma has been eating him up, causing him to have severe PTSD, and as a byproduct, make him suffer terrible nightmares… but that's discussion for another time.

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Vector finally reaching the market, throwing out all his raging thoughts, and slowly started to rationally think on how to acquire coins efficiently.

He needed to buy a few things from the start, his main priority was new clothes, a bath, and something to cover his eye.

Be it a bandana, eyepatch, or even a normal clothe to wrap around his shining right eye.

If he made enough coins, hopefully he could buy a decent weapon as well, and preferably a set of swords, that could be compatible to dual wield.

' When I reach back home, hopefully getting my fathers acknowledgment, and eventually allowed to get my royal weapons crafted. I want a Wakizaahi sword set. Hehehe, hopefully crafted compatible with Spacial mana, I have a few ideas to incorporate… hmmpfh, snap out of it, firsts things first ' Vector thought.

Even if Vector could make an Ice weapon out of his mana, there were reasons why people didn't just do that, and there were mainly three reasons.

First off, in this cruel world, mana is your lifeline, why spend it at all? People will always try and preserve their mana reserves, in case of an emergency, and or paranoia of a situation arising, which maybe 45 % of the time … it does.

Second off, weapons can be even more powerful than a persons power and mana. While it's true, a person could increase power with compacting more mana in a created weapon , some blacksmiths can truly make weapons that are so powerful, they can rival gods.

Anything above Tier 4, which is Rare Grade, can usually handle most things above level 100, and those weapons are extremely expensive.

So… don't even bother talking about anything divine .. or Phantasmal, or even legendary, and mythic.

These weapons could make even a level one, be able to kill a person 200 + levels above them, as easy as slicing butter. So crafted weapons still had a major importance, even if mana was the easier route, and most accessible way.

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" 5 Bronze ! Only 5 ! Fresh Fish right here!" ( Random Merchant )

" Cheap Tier 2 weapons here! Only a few silver! Best in the city ! " ( Random Blacksmith )

" Haha, don't listen to them folks! Come shop here! We have the finest clothes ! " ( Random Tailor )

Vector hearing the various merchants across the street, was quickly awoken up out of his stupor, and slowly scanned the crowded marketplace, which was crawling with various FAE.

His target?

Easy, it was the Thugs.

They always had cash, got them by beating on people, and Vector needed quick money. If they take it, why can't he take it for himself?

'The strong rule, do they not? HEHEHE'

' I can't wait to go shopping ' Vector inwardly grinned like a child.

Vector pulling his cloak's hood up, covered his face and body, with no outside visibility of his face. Vector started to make his way towards a rougher part of the marketplace, where various thugs could be seen crawling about.

Two could be seen trying to r#pe a young girl, some could be seen gambling, and some could be seen beating on various people, always repeating phrases like " where's our money " or " pay our protection fee ".

Vector seeing this, could only grimace in disgust, and couldn't help but ask himself…

' How is my territory? , ughh ima have to kill a whole bunch of f#ckers, won't I?! F#ck! I swear it's like my life is being written by a shitty author, who always wants to put me in harms way! F#ck you! Ugh what am I rambling about .. '

Vector seeing the various options of thugs, obviously chose the most vile of them, who currently had a little girl, pressed against the wall, while they both taunted her, enjoying the despair the girl had on her face.

The girl had a pure silver skin complexion, which seemed more like gray, as it was completely covered in filth and dirt. While her hair was a beautiful snow-white, which seemed to gleam in the moonlight, perfectly as one and the same with Vectors gleaming ethereal white hair.

Vector seeing this scene play out, only grew more angry, both sides of his personality hating every second of the scene.

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- WhiteRose , Orphan 62 -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City, Slums , Marketplace Alleyway )

The young girl by that goes by the name of "WhiteRose", who's actual identification in the city was orphan 62, knew no lavish in life, nor any happiness.

Born in the Slum streets, dropped off at the orphanage, and having lived there her whole life, she experienced what most orphans have too.

Hunger, Survival, and cruelty. Having finally turned to the age of 10, she was forcefully kicked out on the streets, as that was the age limit of the orphanage.

She was nothing special, there were tons of kids like her, left to die and starve, and she knew that.

She eventually found a rag tag group of kids, who all were just like her, who stole, and scavenged there way too survive. For being kids, and for what most people made in the city, they were doing all right.

All constantly being fed for the most part, living in a decently safe, and secure place, located in an abandoned warehouse. Which was off the grid for the most part, and hard to locate, which happened to be perfect for group.

Quickly making friends with them all, forming a family bond- type of love, and living in stressful, but happy times, life was good.

Until, they decided to step up the game, and steal from a caravan, which ended in tragedy.

The group, feeling a little ambitious, and wanting to live in better conditions, decided to steal from a caravan that was transporting precious metals, what they they didn't know was, that this was a gang transaction.

The group trying to steal the goods, were quickly met with powerful thugs, who killed half the group at the job, and the gang hunted down the rest of them over time.

Quickly picking them off one by one, WhiteRose was the only one standing, and that was only due to the groups sacrifice of saving her.

She decided to try and live, to carry in their memory, but alas, after three months of straight hell, they finally found her.

' It's my end isn't it… Bobby, Tom, Larksh, all of them dead, and these vile men are going to kill me now ! ' WhiteRose screamed inside her head, before realizing they had no intention of killing her first, but to rather " Use " her, and this caused her to scream in real life .

" HELP ME ! GET OFF ME YOU PIG ! " Screamed WhiteRose, who was trying with all her might to push the two thugs off her, and alas, no effort came out of it.

" Shut up, you young Bitch! I'm going ti have a taste of you, mmm so sweet and delicate, we finally found you, my flower ahahahahhaha! Isn't that right Brother ! "

" Aye indeed brother, the FlairGang wants you dead after all, but who cares what happens before that, am I right brother !! Hahaha ! "

" HAHA INDEED! Rip her clothes off, then I'll put my d-"

* Thud *

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Without even a moments notice, a streak of black and blue shined, one moment the thug was talking, the next moment his head was on the ground.

The lifeless head, facing up towards the sky, with shock, fear, and despair written all over the face.

In clear visibility for both the girl, who had rips in her clothes, currently showing off parts of her body, that shouldn't been seen casually, and the Thug's brother, who was standing in shock.

That was until, a voice could heard… both shocking the girl and the man himself, for this voice was not human, rather something beast like, something demonic, something powerful …

The figure a few feet away… couldn't be described in words itself, rather merely as they could interrupt it, and that only one word popped up ..


This figure had a greenish - teal armor surrounding his compacted body, with full body coverage, of a slim but sleek design. This armor had blackish zigzagged lines, all throughout the armor, even to the top of his, that flickered and sparkled with an ethereal glow.

It truly was memorizing, before remembering, that the being in front of them, just killed a powerful FAE thug in a matter of seconds…

As the figure slowly approached the shaking girl, and the now trembling thug, with the moon shining from above all their heads. …

They could both see what the appearance of this figure looked like, unwilling the draconic helmet, his face was finally shown, and both of them were shocked.

As they could see a young adult, no older than 21 at least, with a dazzling left purple eye, and a closed eye, that somehow radiated an oppressive aura, that if he somehow opened it… they would both be sucked into nothingness.

The figure standing a few feet away, could only look at the girl with pity in his eyes, taking off his cloak, he threw it to her to catch, and then proceeded to look the man in his eyes, while saying a few words that held a deeper meaning then they both could've realized…

" I guess nothing truly has changed… * click * … * click * , why would it V? You naive fool… hmmm"

Vector muttered to himself, disgusted at the man in front of him, but for the sake of the girl, he decided to end it, in a way that was horrific to the man, but not traumatizing to the already traumatized girl.

Vector looking at the man, who was still trembling in the same spot, while urine was freely running down his leg, said 4 words, that would cause any being witnessing this… intense fear, even gods themselves …

Vector willing his Spacial Eye opened, whispered

" Void Open. "

As soon as the words escaped his mouth, a huge black portal appeared directly behind the man, holding a significant sense of dread, but rather than a black hole which seemed to only devour, and held no life.

This black portal, had a sense that the opposite of life was on the other side, not death, no … something far worse, merely nothing, the opposite of existence itself, rather, it was an eternal abyss.

Vector knowing this, could only smirk in a cruel and causal manner, while whispering another two words.

" Void Close. "

The moment these words came out of Vector's mouth, the mans body was instantly devoured, along with his pitiful screams, and all that stood there … was nothing. Not a trace of evidence left.

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- Vector -

' Damn that took so much mana, I'm glad he was lower leveled, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do that… hmmm, I guess it really is the same way. '

' Not much has changed, Huh? Well what did I expect ' Vector thought, while taking the coins out of the dead Thug's pocket, completely lost in his mind, and forgetting about the girl… who quietly said

" Th-a-nk yo-u " The young girl stuttered, which snapped Vector out of his train of thoughts, who quickly turned his head to face the girl, and he couldn't help but compare her to someone he use to know …

Someone who was very dear to him, someone who was located on that little blue and green planet, called Earth. Someone who was an orphan just like him in his past life, and this little girl here.

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AN : Do you like long chapters like these? Or would you prefer it to be split into 2 chapters. Half the words in each? Let me know, cause I've noticed authors only do smaller chapters, yet I wrote long chapters like these, is that bad? Let me know ho you prefer them <3
