1 The dream

"Escape this is the end of the world!" a boy scream in the school, outside of the school in road and other bulding it overflow of zombies, panic spread like oil, people scream for pain of being bitten and having their flesh torn away,"i have to escape from the school, it not save" thought a boy named Wang xinghao "the food and water won't be enough for everyone" whispering to himself, all of sudden Wang xinghao hear calling his name and buzzing noise"Wang xinghao, Wang xinghao, wake up! you lazy bastard" Wang xinghao had woke up with a punch in his stomach,"who did this? so painful!"Wang xinghao getting up and scream, he start searching for his glasses on his bedside table, putting up his glasses, he see his sister glaring him badly,"what are you staring at?" say Wang xinghao,"what i'm staring? you don't want to go to school anymore?! look what time is it" say Wang linghuang, wang xinghao look at the clock and panic" what it already at 7:45! i don't even have time to have breakfast" wang xinghao hurried in change his clothes meanwhile his sister go out of bedroom,Wang xinghao rushed out and take his bike and go to school, without even saying anything,"what a strange dream, i still remembered even now, zombies apocalipse? that only work on fantasy it impossible that it happen right? i'm thinking too much better hurry or i be late.
