
Primordial: Diary Of World Travel And Adventure

In a twist of fate, a young girl's life came to an abrupt end, only to be reborn into a completely unfamiliar world. As she embraced her new existence, she made a firm decision to fulfill her lifelong dream of traveling and exploring different places. This document delves into her remarkable journey, highlighting the wonders she encountered and the profound impact they had on her. TAGS: OverPowered Female lead Growing Female Lead Cautious Female Lead Low-Key Female lead

Alica_Clarke · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Emily's Death and Reincarnation In A New World (2/2)

One day, as Emily gazed out at the world from within the confines of her egg, a sudden recollection came to her. She remembered reading a novel in her previous life, before her reincarnation, that spoke of a peculiar concept.

According to the book, every person who had been reincarnated possessed a unique status screen; This screen displayed various information about their abilities and skills, much like a character profile in a video game.

Emily's curiosity was piqued, She wondered if such a status screen existed for her as well; With a sense of anticipation, she began to explore the depths of her consciousness, searching for this so-called unique reincarnation pique that is the status screen, And there it was, just as the book had described.

As she gazed at her status screen, Emily's eyes widened in awe. Not only did it display her basic information such as age and gender, but it also revealed a list of skills and abilities she possessed. One skill, in particular, caught her attention - the ability to create and manipulate systems.

The implications of this skill were staggering. With it, Emily realized she had the power to shape and mold the world around her. She could create intricate networks, design complex structures, and even develop new technologies. It was a skill that held the potential to change everything.

Excitement coursed through Emily's veins as she contemplated the possibilities, She knew that she had been given a rare gift, a skill that set her apart from others she then remembers that this was also something that was received by every crosser a system but it seems that she will be able to create her own system as she pleases as that thought came to mind Emily felt even more joy and excitement that when she had seen the status screen.