
Chapter 246: Wings Clipped and Broken  

"Why isn't it you lying cold and lifeless, Li Jingshen?"


Li Jingshen was struck dumb, as if a dagger was twisting deeper into his heart with every heartbeat, the pain so intense it was as if his soul was tearing apart.


"Li Jingshen, I can't go on." Her voice was a mere whisper, like the last breath of wind before a storm.


She used to believe that life was a gift, but now she understood that living was the real battle. Time was a relentless blade, carving into her very being. Each tick of the clock was an agony.


"It was just... an accident..." His voice cracked. He wanted nothing more than for Shen Zhichu to be safe and sound, but her once vibrant spirit was withering away before his eyes.


He had forced the doctors to terminate their child, but he never imagined that Shen Zhichu would lose her chance to ever be a mother.

