
Broken Spell Pt.2: Wolf and Phoenix vs Wolf Knight

At Root Core...

Udona was sitting at the oak table with the rangers near her. Marc was leaning on the railing while looking at them.

"Since I can't use my wand anymore," Udona started, "I will no longer be able to fight. I can, however, teach you the ways of magic."

She called Claire to bring their wands and gave them to the rangers while saying, "This time, never go anywhere without your wands."

"Trust me, we learned our lesson," Xander said. "Although, walking around with a wand, well, it might be ok for Chip, but for the rest of us..."

"I got yall," Marc said nonchalantly. He jumped from the railing and landed in front of the rangers. He swiped his hand, and their wands changed into phones.

"Call this y'all mystic morphers. As y'all progressively get stronger, y'all will unlock new powers, "Marc stated as he turned them. "Anything I'm missing, Udona?"

"No, Marc," Udona answered, "but remember, there is danger everywhere. You can't tell anyone who you are for your safety and theirs. Now go; you will know when the time is right."

"Ohh, I'll help lead them out of the forest," Claire said with excitement.

"No, Claire, but rangers, know that the trees are your passage." And with that, Udona sent Vida, Xander, Maddy, and Chip back until they were needed.

Once they left, Marc followed to explain and maybe start talking to Vida to pass the time until he saw Nick so he could beat his ass for chickening out. He saw them trekking through the woods before coming out of a silver gateway.

"Hey yall. Hey Vida. I don't think I ever got to introduce myself," Marc started. He started to bow and said, " I am one of the two children of prophecy, Marc, the Silver Demon Wolf."

They looked at him like he was stupid, but Vida snapped out of it and asked, "Hey wolfie, you know the way out of here?"

"Depend on who asking lil fairy," Marc replied.

"Would you just tell us already?!" Xander almost yelled.

"Gees damn," Marc said. "Just touch the damn tree and think of where you want to go."

Chip was walking to a tree and started to say, "What, how can I walk-" he was sucked into the tree before finishing and quickly returned to the group. He started sputtering and speaking faster than anyone other than Marc could understand. Marc looked at the rangers and said, "He is saying when you through trees, you go through stems, leaves, roots, bark, and to just think of the tree outside the Rock Porium." Then Marc walked through the tree while making his tail and ears recede.

Xander walks to the tree and says skeptically, " There is absolutely no way you can go through a tree." As he walked through it, he arrived in front of the Rock Porium and said, "Oh, well, maybe you can." But, everyone came out of the tree directly after he did, and they all crashed and fell, which Marc recorded.

As they got up, their boss, Toby, asked, "Hey, did you guys just come through the tree?"

"Huh?"What?"Toby, are you feeling ok?" What?" All came from the rangers in denial. Toby just walked up to the tree and bonked his head off it, which Marc thought was sad. Marc started walking around in the city cause he was bored, but he sensed Nick going back in front of the Rock Porium and sensed Maddy talking to him.

He made his way back there to see Maddy walking away as if someone had just killed her puppy. Before Marc could talk some sense into him for making her like that, Udona appeared and started telling Nick to join the team.

"Well, I can't be a leader. I'm just not cut out for the magic." Nick said.

"Well then, why were you the first to speak up to help the old man?" Marc asked, hopping out of the tree he was in.

"Huh, why does that matter? And when did you even get here?" Nick asked Marc.

Udona changed from herself to the older man and back once more. She said, " Once you volunteered first, I knew you were meant to be the one to lead the rangers."

The rangers ran into the tree to the woods frantically. Nick asked, " Where are they going?"

"To the forest," Udona replied. "There is trouble in the forest. Nick, you have to accept your destiny."

"I'm not your guy," Nick replied with exasperation. "I can't even seem to fix my bike."

Marc waved his hand, Nicks's bike revved up, and Udona said, " Now it's fixed."

Nick had started to say something to her, but she disappeared before he had the chance.

"Shame," Marc said out of nowhere.

"What was that?" Nick snarled back.

"You are truly a coward; you know that, right? All of them are about to go to a war that they have almost zero chance of winning without a leader. I'm not leader material, but you are. So, what are you going to do, lil birdy? Are you just going to sit on your ass or do your job as one of the two children of prophecy?" Marc said and then disappeared into a swirling silver spiral.

Marc arrived and saw that they were rangered up, with Chip being the Yellow Mystic Ranger, Maddy being the Blue Mystic Ranger, Xander being the Green Mystic Ranger, and Vida being the Pink Mystic Ranger. They had just defeated the hidiacs when Koragg rose from a magic circle, saying, "I have returned!!"

The rangers looked at him, and Xander said, "We can take him on!!"

Koragg summoned his shield and sword, and his shield opened to show the Eye of the Master jewel. He blasted the rangers with red magic beams, and the rangers got flung back. Marc decided to show Nick what would happen because of his cowardice and offered him a projection of the rangers getting blasted.

Koragg walked up to the rangers and stated, "This time, I won't spare you. Any last words?"

Nick came from the woods on his bike, and Marc ran from the treetops. They jumped at Koragg and both said, "I got one. Haaaaa-yaaaahh." They kicked Koragg's shield, and he was knocked back but landed on his feet.

"If there were ever a time to believe in magic, it would be now, Nick!" Marc exclaimed when he saw Koragg charging at them. Nick stood to the front and raised his hands to block Koragg, and a red barrier appeared between his hands that pushed Koragg back. Light started enveloping Nick as his clothing changed to the mystic force battle gear. Marc walked up beside him and said, "Calls on you, loser."

Nick threw his cape, and Marc revealed his tail and ears. Nick pulled out his Morpher and brought it to his left elbow, swung it clockwise, and rose his right arm into the air. Marc pressed the "M" button on his watch and made the same motion as Nick.

"Magical Source, Mystic Force!!!" They both shouted while making the motions.

They went into a dimension where they could ranger up safely as a light red light covered Nick and a silver light covered Marc.

Nick pointed his Morpher into the dark sky, and a white magic circle was in the air. A red Ancient Mystic Phoenix Warrior came out of the circle and was behind Nick, and they both hit a pose where they raised their arms into the air at their sides. Nick jumped up into the magic circle, and his red ranger suit with a cape was on. He lifted his head, and the phoenix symbol was in front of his eyes. Red light circled the symbol and condensed on his head to make his helmet.

Marc pointed his watch face in front of him, and a magic circle came out a few meters away from him. Marc got on all fours to charge like a wolf. He ran through the magic circle and got his silver ranger suit without a cape but with a silver tail. A wolf made of silver cosmic energy came from the magic circle he went through and bit around his head , condensing and forming a helmet that had the wolf symbol. A pair of blue and silver curved katanas appeared in front of him. He grabbed them and sheathed them on his waist.

Nick spun his cape and stood on a high rock in the sky. He made a motion where he waved his arms to the left and connected them at the thumb, then to his right and had his right arm above his head and his left arm near his rib area. Fire surrounded the rock while he was making these motions. "Fierceful as fire, Red Mystic Ranger!" Nick shouted, striking a fighting pose.

Marc spun on his heels and was on a rock in front of a galaxy. He did the inverse of Nick, with silver stars moving around him. He said, "Endless as space, Silver Mystic Ranger!" while striking a pose.

They went out of the morphing dimension and hit their respective poses to realize less than a second had passed outside the morphing dimension.

Koragg looked at the two new rangers. He said, "Prove that you can fight me by defeating my hidiacs." He summoned around eighty hidiacs that surrounded Marc and Nick. They both ran out of the forest and onto a rocky ravine. They turned and saw the hidiacs running after them. They then ran towards the hidiacs and started decimating them.

Nick connected a punch to the solar plexus of a hidiac while Marc rolled over the bent hidiac to kick another one in his face. They were dodging hits from hidiacs and working together in such synchronization that you would have thought they had been fighting together for years.

Once they took down around 20 hidiacs, they backed up. Nick took out his Magi Staff and made one of the hidiacs into a ball. He brought the ball to himself and looked at Marc, and said in a competitive tone, "I bet I can kick more with the ball."

Marc said back, almost sure that he wouldn't lose, "Bring it on!!"

Nick kicked the ball up in the air and then kicked it at the hidiacs. It darted to Marc, who kicked it right back into the group of hidiacs. They both kept kicking it until Marc kicked it high into the air. Nick jumped up to get it and did a bicycle kick. The ball was sent to the ground at high speeds, and it sent the hidiacs around the point of impact flying.

Nick turned his Magi Staff into a straight sword, and Marc drew his curved katanas. They readied up and charged once more at the hidiacs to finish them off. Marc slashed the chest of two hidiacs while Nick impaled one's eye. He pulled his blade out and sliced at a hidiacs stomach with a backhanded swing. Marc used a scissor cut with his swords, and a silver "X" came out and decapitated multiple hidiacs.

They both jumped back and dodged multiple magic blasts. A red flamelike aura surrounded Nick, while a cosmic-like aura surrounded Marc. Nick started flying towards the hidiacs at high speeds, while Marc ran at them at the same speed as Nick. They both slashed their swords as they passed the group, then came to a halt.

Nick said, "Now that's hot!" and snapped. Once he snapped, there was an explosion where the hidiacs were.

The other rangers came to celebrate with Nick and Marc, but Marc rangered down and said, "Sorry, but I have to split. I have some personal business to take care of." He teleported away while Vida looked at the spot he left with sad eyes that no one could see because of her helmet.

Koragg was on a cliff looking at the rangers when he heard, "What are you doing here, knight?" He turned around and saw Marc looking at him with indifference. He replied, "Looking at my new enemy to scout them. Do you wish to fight?"

"No, but give a message to Morticon for me," Marc stated. "Tell him that the Demon Wolf is back and that he will take down Akuma and everyone who caused my family's death." After that, Marc walked away and disappeared from Koragg's vision.


End Episode 2

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yung_scumdidumcreators' thoughts