
Potion Maker

This is a story about a young man named Will! While playing his favorite game "Potion Maker" after installing a mod, his computer shorted out. Will then woke up in a new world with the ability to make any potion he wishes! With a system that allows him to gain new abilities, will he be walked on by those stronger? Or will he rise to the top? Release rate: unstable, as my schedule is very tight. Buy me coffee? ko-fi.com/heavensp Please check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HeavenShakingPalm9/ Or check out my discord: https://discord.gg/M3ejYvV The first volume is available on amazon! https://amzn.to/2NCUlRc If the link doesn't work, I am sure you can find it with the good ol' fashioned manual search ;D

HeavenShakingPalm9 · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs


As the village head and Elizabeth were talking, Will was just waking up from another nap, by the time he was awake it already late evening.

He slept his day away.

Getting out of the bed, he decided to take a look around the village and maybe collect information about this world.

Walking out of the small place he was in, he was greeted by many frail looking wooden huts, and several village children playing.

Taking a deep breath of air, he could feel that the energy here was a hundred if not thirty times stronger than what he encountered before.

Too bad, as he noticed that as soon as the energy enters his body it leaves, only making him feel slightly refreshed.

It seems he can't contain any of this worlds energy, although disappointing, he quickly got over it.

He has a special ability, better yet, a system he can get more abilities from!

Looking around at the wooden huts with light smoke flowing out of them and the children playing, he smiled.

It was a nice place to be although the conditions are poor, you can be guaranteed a peaceful life.

Listening to the rustling leaves of the massive trees in the forest, Will headed to one of the smaller wooden huts.

Walking to the hut, the village children took notice of Will as they surrounded him with shining eyes.

"Big brother, who are you?"

"Big brother, where did you come from?"

"Big brother doesn't look like he is from around here"

Walking away, he played a game of tug of war with the children as they pulled on his clothes.

It took him about ten minutes as he, exhausted, finally managed to break away from the children.

Covered in sweat and panting, he looked at his new clothes that already had tears in them, a cold sweat could be felt on his back as he thought of the strength of the children.

'They're only about 6ish years old! how can they be so strong? One of the boys was about as strong as you would expect a 15 year old boy to be, and one of the girls was as strong as you'd expect a 12 year old girl to be. That was terrifying...'

As is the case in any world, human males are born with a higher level of physical strength than females (Ignoring the odd ones) and the body of a female tends to always be lighter framed, so when males excel in physical strength females tend to excel in speed and agility.

It's even more noticeable in this world where everyone is enhanced by the energy flowing in the surroundings.

When the girls moved to stop him from walking, he could only see a blur and couldn't avoid them, so he had to suffer their constant questions.

The boys were like an anchor, preventing him from moving, so when he finally managed to tear away and escape the children, the boys already tore holes in his new clothes.

If they were trying to attack him he would have died!

In this world he isn't even a mach for children!

'What the hell!? I need to make a strength and speed potion when I have the time!'

Shaking his head he let out a sigh as he shivered a little, while he was spacing out he already arrived at the hut.

Looking at the little wooden gate in front of the hut he picked up a stone and knocked on the wood, causing the echo of wood to be heard in most of the village which caused all the other villagers to pop their heads out of their huts.

At the sight of the strange young man in front of them, some of the villagers were confused and the rest were angered.

In this village, due to the high concentration of energy even if no one becomes a practitioner they can still gain a lot from just living here.

The older villages have unlocked what most practitioners unlock in the beginning, a type of vision which allows one to see the world's energy.

So as the older villagers shook with rage, the not nearly as old villagers were confused as to why there was a strange young man in their village and they wondered why he was knocking on that wooden gate.

The children stopped playing when they sensed the tense atmosphere, looking at their parents and the rest of the villagers with a confused look they ran over to see what was wrong.

Feeling the situation wasn't exactly rainbows and unicorns, Will turned around to look at the villagers standing outside their huts.

The older villagers were trying to hold back their anger, they wanted to tear the young man to shreds!

'A rejected!'

'He's a rejected!'

'We need to kill him!'

'If we don't kill him, the heavens will punish us!'

Will started to sweat a little, but at the same time he was relieved, 'I finally can ask about the information I need!'

Stepping closer, Will couldn't help but let off a friendly smile as he decided on the question he should ask.

Seeing Will approach, one of the older villagers could no longer restrain herself as she shouted, "Kill the rejected!"

As Will was about to ask his question he felt a chill run down his spine as he turned around in a complete circle to look for the 'rejected' the voice spoke of.

Confused, he ran to the villagers thinking that would be the safer spot to be if the 'rejected' attacked.

Seeing him run towards them, the older villagers were frightened, three heavily built old men stepped out as they charged at Will, surrounding him.

"rejected! Die you demon!"

"We have no past enmity, but you must die today!"

"Surrender and we can leave you with an intact corpse!"

Seeing the heavily built old men charge towards him with their eyes locked on his movements, Will realized the were talking about him.

Sensing the energy in the surroundings, he could sense that when the energy entered the bodies of the villagers, only 10percent left their bodies, while he couldn't even hold a strand of energy.

He quickly understood what they meant by 'rejected' in all the web novels he has read, those rejected by the heavens tend to be unable to harness energy.

As Will noticed this situation, he was scared sh*tless, the thoughts in his mind raced as he looked in the surroundings.

'It seems that in this world being rejected by the heavens also means being rejected by all, f*ck!'

Being surrounded by the heavily built old men, Will's legs started to turn to jelly.

He's not even a match for a child!

"What the f*ck!"

It is I, the author!

Good novel, good novel, good novel.

What will happen to Will?

Will he survive?

Find out next time on Potion Maker!

Sorry about that.

Feedback helps!

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