
Potion Maker

This is a story about a young man named Will! While playing his favorite game "Potion Maker" after installing a mod, his computer shorted out. Will then woke up in a new world with the ability to make any potion he wishes! With a system that allows him to gain new abilities, will he be walked on by those stronger? Or will he rise to the top? Release rate: unstable, as my schedule is very tight. Buy me coffee? ko-fi.com/heavensp Please check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HeavenShakingPalm9/ Or check out my discord: https://discord.gg/M3ejYvV The first volume is available on amazon! https://amzn.to/2NCUlRc If the link doesn't work, I am sure you can find it with the good ol' fashioned manual search ;D

HeavenShakingPalm9 · แฟนตาซี
63 Chs

Telling the girl the truth

Looking at the girl, Will's eyes shook as he took in a deep breath, 'The demon cultivators that walk the demonic path from the web novels I read before!?'

looking at this cute yet terrifying girl, his already paling face went even paler as beads of sweat ran off his forehead.

Chuckling the girl observed his panicked reaction as she snapped her fingers, with a bang Will collapsed onto the floor with his limbs sprawled in all directions.

Sitting back onto the stone bed, the girl stared at Will as she revealed a curious look.

"What ability do you have? All rejected have a unique ability that the heavens can't control, the reason why they are rejected in the first place"

She asked as her head tilted to the side while her small pink lips moved into a grin.

Will looked up surprised, with obvious confusion written on his face.

"All rejected have a unique ability, it's true, so there is no need to lie to me, and don't worry, us demon cultivators are against the heavens, unless you are our enemy, why would we hurt someone who is also against the heavens?"

Leaning forward, she spoke in a calm voice, any murderous intent from before gone.

'It seems she means it, I shouldn't tell her about the system, oh hell, it doesn't matter, it's even more against the heavens than my Potion Maker ability'

Looking at her face intently, he observed her facial features for any suspicious movements.

Noticing him staring at her face, the girls cheeks turned slightly red as she glared at Will, startling him.

Feeling a cold draft appear suddenly, Will's body shook as he decided to tell her almost everything, 'I can tell her everything, as long as she can keep it secret it's fine, I need some help with my ability, and the system after all (Making potions needs to be done to get points to buy things from the system). Anyone else, I'll just let them know about my Potion Maker ability and not the system'

After some moments of thinking, Will started to tell her about his ability and the system, leaving out the Heavenly net, and the things he doesn't know yet.


Before Will met the girl, in the area Will fell unconscious at before, Elizabeth and Christopher just arrived in the area.

(AN: I was going to reveal his name when he was introduced to Will, but it's bothersome if he doesn't have a name, I only just realized I could introduce him to Will even if we already know who he is)

Looking at the footprints in the surrounding, and the area where Will collapsed, Christopher looked at Elizabeth as a worried look appeared on his face.

It may seem strange that he would be worried about Will, considering he didn't really want to help him, but after walking with him through the forest, although he was unconscious most of the time, Will started to grow on Christopher.

Since he and Elizabeth were about to die soon because their lifespan is about to end, they are not afraid of the wrath of the heavens.

So they ended up considering Will as one of their grandchildren.

(AN: I almost forgot about their grandson! Ugh, he is being carried on Elizabeth's back in a basket, there, fixed it)

Even their grandson has started to call him brother, although Will was always asleep so he never heard that.

They started to panic as they noticed that Will's trail ended here, it was like something picked him up and flew away.

Although they worry about him, they needed to get to the city to meet their family, they don't have the village to live in anymore, and since they are going to die soon, they might as well spend their remaining time with their family.

Looking at each other, Elizabeth and Christopher sighed as they turned to leave, they will slow their traveling speed a little just incase Will catches up, but if he doesn't catch up by the time they get to the city, then he must be dead.

As they walked away, a little head popped out of a basket on Elizabeth's back as he looked at the traces Will left behind, a look of worry on his face.

This was their grandson.

It is I, the author!

The title is meh, I couldn't really think up a title so I just put that there..

Feedback helps!

HeavenShakingPalm9creators' thoughts