
Possessive Wife's Little Treasures

What if your death was the beginning of your life? What if you were transmigrated in a world dominated by women? What if you entered someone else's body on their wedding night? This is the story of Yize who was a perfect lady in her previous life and a drunkard in this life. She was blessed with wealth and honor during her lifetime and was blessed with beauties after her death. Her current life is… Harder… Faster… Deeper— What the **** was that? AHerMm!!! What a wonderful life she had. ********** #Ytinifn_582 WARNING!!! — Reverse harem — MATURE Content*

Ytinifn_582 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Get out!

Under the heat of the sun, a muscular woman holding an axe was chopping wood seriously. Clothes drenched in sweat, revealing her muscular body beneath her shirt.

And that woman was Yize.

"Boss! Boss!" she was interrupted on her work when someone called her. This voice is very familiar, where did I heard it.

Yize is currently chopping wood at the backyard, she went to the front to receive the guest. A thin woman in tight shirt and loose pants stood outside the fence in her field of vision. The average look of an average woman.

"Why are you here?" Yize asked straightforwardly, this woman was called Laohu, the helper in the predecessor's tavern. What is she doing here today?

"Hehe hehe… Boss I came here to check if you're okay. I didn't see you in the tavern yesterday" she fakedly smiled while looking at her chest gulping. Yize ignored her obvious action.

If it was the real Yize she would have been staying in the tavern all day even if she's married but unfortunately she's not her.

"Come inside, since you're here I have something to discuss with you." Yize turn her back and went inside the house with Laohu following behind her.

As soon as Laohu entered the house, her eyes was restless, it's as if she was looking for someone.

"What are looking at?" Yize asked dissatisfied, the moment she saw this woman, there is only one word to describe her, annoying. She didn't like this woman at first glance.

"Ah… Boss where is your husband?" her complexion darkened when she heard this question. What? Is she here for this purpose? Is she tired of living?

Seeing that Yize's face isn't right, she immediately changed the subject. "Ha ha, Boss are you not cold?" Her stupid question just made Yize wanted to throw her out.

"Are you making fun of me?" Yize directly said to him.

"I wouldn't dare!" her immediate response changed Yize's mood back. Laohu felt like the boss today was scarier than the last time she saw her.

As soon as the two seated, Yize immediately started lest this woman will talk nonsense again. "I won't be going there for a week. And I'll be adding new beverages after a month."

Her former sentence made Laohu's eyes almost came out of her eye sockets. There is no way the boss would say such words. Since the starting of the tavern, the boss never failed showing up there everyday unless she's not feeling well. She must have heard it wrong.

"Boss, you must be very tired. Why don't we go there today?"

Talking to this woman don't make any sense. If it was any other time, she would have had thrown her long ago.

"I don't need a handicap in my tavern."

"I'm normal bos—"

"Your deaf." Laohu didn't say anything. She just sat there, waiting for Yize to calm down. Who knows, maybe if she say something, the next thing she will hear will be "You're fire"

"I'll see you there in a week." Yize sighed heavily. Unfortunately, she knows how to calculate her situation.

I don't need to check the tavern everyday since no one would dare to mess with me. My body isn't just for display, if anyone wants to try, I won't be stingy, I'll give them a good beating.

Hearing it for the second time, Laohu now confirmed that what she heard was real. Is the sun now shines from the west? She really doubted it. The boss seems different but she can't see the difference.

"Was this a changed after marriage?"

Yize ignored her words and said, "You seem to have a lot of free time. Why don't you find me an empty place in town."

"Why? Are you going to live in town boss?" What happened to the boss today? Laohu think that it might be because she's sober.

"En." Yize has another purpose, it's not just to live but also to run an art gallery.

"Rest assured boss, I'll find you a quiet an—"

"No! Find a conspicuous place, the more noticeable the better."

"Yes, Yes" Laohu nodded in understanding. She didn't know what Yize will going to live there for, anyway it's none of her business. "Is there anything else boss?"

"I won't see you off" she directly said, that's all she wanted to do for the meantime. And this woman, she didn't like seeing her for long, very annoying.


Yize raised her brow when Laohu looked behind her. What is this woman doing? What is her excuse now? She turned her head to looked at where her eyes was looking at.

Xiao Sheng who just came out of the room was startled when he finds his wife talking to a woman. And that woman was looking at him, checking him from head to toe. When the wife owner's gaze is on him, his face paled when he sees her expression turned dark.

Yize stood up and covered Laohu's sight with her body. She dared looked at my Xiao Sheng, "Get out." she calmly said to her. She wants to beat this woman until she vomit all the things she ate yesterday but she restrained herself from doing so, she's still useful to her.

Laohu, as if she didn't hear her words tilted her head to the side to see the boss's husband clearly. Hmmm… not bad. The boss sure knows how to find a beauty.

"GET OUT!" Laohu jumped in fright, Yize's dark looked was on her, this is bad news. The boss just snarled at me like a beast. What did I do wrong?

"Yes Boss!" She almost saluted at Yize but good thing she didn't, if so what face does she have if she did. She immediately ran outside in a flash when Yize's expression worsened with a matching yelled, "Goodbye boss, I'll just notify you for the good news."

Yize calmed herself and changed back to her usual self as if earlier didn't happened. She turned to her husband, who's complexion isn't right. She walked towards him, like a predator towering on its prey, looking down at his paled face.

Xiao Sheng took a step backward in reflex. He looked down shrinking his delicate neck as if waiting for the pain to befall on him. But instead of a fist, he was hugged by the wife very tightly as if crushing him into her. Her face is on his neck inhaling his scent sharply.

Normally, she would only be like this when someone touches her possession, she has never been a sharing person, what's hers is hers.

Yize loosened her hug on him and greedily looked at his beautiful face for a moment. And Xiao Sheng who didn't understand the situation was confused. He couldn't get what the wife was thinking. She was clearly staring at her darkly but her expression changed into something he couldn't understand. He thought that the wife will raise her hand on him.

"Why do you look pale, are you alright?"

"I–I.…" Xiao Sheng looked down when he remembered the reason why he went outside. He can't form an answer. What does she want him to say? That he's dirty down there? Women don't like it when they're on their menstrual period. They'll avoid them like a plague with a disgusted expression. The wife will definitely avoid him if she knows it.

"What?" she frowned, she found his situation very familiar, is he sick? Yize tested his forehead with his palm, he's not hot.

"Are you hiding something from me?" she warningly asked him which made his complexion paler than it already is. He keep opening his mouth then close it then open then close as if he's going to say something but can't say it.

Eh! She suddenly realized something. Could it be that he's…

Yize reached out her hand below him but was stopped by two small hands. Xiao Sheng struggled to get out from her arms. "My wife you can't."

"Yes, I can. You are mine. I can touch you whenever or wherever I want." stating her claim to him, she removed his hands from her and held it with the other behind him.

Yize slipped her hands into his pants but before it could touch the flower Xiao Sheng's words of "Don't! My wife I have my period today, it's dirty" stopped her hands. However, Yize whose curiosity is on a different level dipped her hand farther down until a warm fluid meet her hand. Touching really is believing.

Now she doubted it, if this world really exist. It is more like a dream, the dream of all women on Earth. She looked at his bloody hands. Just a few days ago, I once have it but now it became an impossible thing for me.

"Was it painful?" Yize worriedly asked him, whenever she experienced it before, it's very painful and there's nothing she could do about it.

Xiao Sheng didn't expect that the wife owner will react like this. Not only is she not digusted but was very worried about his condition. He shaked his head to say that he's not in pain. Most men would feel pain when they have their period but he's different, he never once felt pain during his menstruation. This might be the luckiest part in his life.

The wife owner didn't let him go outside, he was confined inside their room, and forbid him to do anything. She served him all day, what he needed, she did everything for him.

Since yesterday, everything the wife did to him was all things that women wouldn't do. If he didn't experienced it or saw it with his own eyes, he would never believed that such a woman existed.

He is watching the wife wiping his feet. His eyes reddened at the sight of his wife doing it to him. Never in his wildest dreams did he think of making the wife owner wipe his feet before sleep. He is the husband, he should be doing this to her but the wife is different. She didn't let him do any housework and even served him which is unheard of. Not in history did a woman lower herself to this level.

Who wouldn't fall for her?

Two days… In just two days, I already surrendered my heart to her. I tried to hold my heart firmly but she's very good, really really good that I couldn't resists her. Even if such an affection is fleeting, I still want to indulge myself in it. You can call me stupid but I won't regret it.


In town…

A man was running in an alley chased by three thugs. His tattered clothes was almost rip from running yet he felt no shame. His eyes that was once clear and pure was now filled with despair. Tears streamed down his cheeks nonstop, hair like a nest, feet hurt from running. He looked pitiful, unfortunately there is no pity in those thugs eyes, they're chasing him with greed, smiling like a lunatic.

He was running, running, and running. He was very exhausted but he can't stop, he can't rest because if he did, there's only one end for him. He can't let himself die in shame because he knows what those thugs will do to him.

What have I done wrong?

Why can't they just leave me alone?

His life wasn't really like this. He once have a happy life, even if he was not liked by the mother, he has his father's love and it's already a luxury for him. However, an accusation broke his happy life. His father was wrongly accused by his mother for having an affair. The father was repudiated and driven out by the mother. He can't let his father leave alone so he accompanied him.

They came in this town a month ago and this morning he was looking for a work because he needed the money to buy medicine for his father. Unfortunately, he encountered these thugs.

Father, I'm sorry.

The man almost give out, but then in his blurry eyes, a man in blue was ahead, his attention was on something else. He must be a wealthy young master base on his clothing. Hope flashed his eyes seeing the man, his speed bacame even more faster disregarding his aching feet and exhausted body.

"Please help me" he begged the moment he was in front of him, directly kowtowed, banging his head on the ground. The man in blue was startled and took a step back, he move closer to him and continue begging.

"Please, I can do everything. I can be your slave. Just please, help me." he cried desperately begging the man in blue. Blood and tears trickled down his face but he didn't feel the pain.

The man in blue reached out his hands to him, to help him up but then…

"Slut, you dare to run from us." Thug #1

He stiffened when he heard the woman's voice. It's over!

"Eh. Who is this beauty here?" Thug #2 as they encircled the two men.

He looked up at the man in blue whose beautiful face paled, probably from fright, then he realized… he's also alone. He even dragged an innocent man into his problem.

I can still move my body. I can at least help this man run.

He slowly stood up, faced the thugs and covered the man in blue with his frail body in a protecting mode, behind them was a wall. They were cornered.

"Y-You want m-me right. I'll s-surrender, leave this man alone." His trembling voice and tear streaken face showed his fear and unwillingness but the thugs enjoyed seeing his pitiful and helpless appearance.

"Hehe, okay…" Thug #3, smiling sinisterly.

The man in blue held his tattered clothes seemingly stopping him. "Don't."

He just smiled at the thought that even if something will happen to him today, it's worth it as long as he can save this good man.

The thug #3 walked towards him which makes the man in blue took a step backward pulling him with him.

Everything seems like in a slow motion as she reached out her hands to me. The hand that was pulling behind me trembled and I could barely hear the words that came out his mouth.

"My wife" the man in blue whispered happily as if he had seen his knight in shining armor.