
Rowena's Sinister Obsession

Elara stood outside the training ring and watched as Rowena sparred with four guards. She was currently wearing a tunic and loose-fitting pants, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun. Rowena's movements were graceful and precise as she engaged in combat, her sword dancing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Elara's gaze was fixed on Rowena, her expression a mixture of worry and concern. She knew that Rowena was an exceptional fighter, but she also sensed the tension that had been building within her. It had been a day since the banquet, and Rowena's obsession with Kian had only intensified.

As the guards lunged at Rowena, she deftly parried their strikes, her blade glinting in the sunlight. Elara noticed the fire in Rowena's eyes, the determination to not just win the sparring match but something greater—Kian's affection.
