
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs


---1 Week later---

Dick and Newt could be seen jogging next to each other. 

"When do you think he's gonna bring it up?" Newt asks, raising his pace a little to be just a little in front of Dick. 

"Anytime now." Dick speaks up, also raising his pace a little to take the lead back. "I'm sure while we kept going on patrols during this week, he's been investigating the different gangs. There's a reason he's called the world's greatest detective." 

Squinting his eyes a bit, Newt raises goes a little faster again. "Oh yeah they do call him that. I'd probably call him something like world's strongest human or something since he basically wipes the floor with some superpowered beings." 

"Yeah..." Dick responds, glancing at Newt, locking eyes with him. 




They both take out in a sprint. "Why are you running?" Newt speaks up from beside Dick. "This isn't a competition." 

Dick sticks his leg out, only for Newt to jump over it before they both continue sprinting. "Maybe say those words after you stop running." He says.



The front doors of the Wayne manor burst open as Newt and Robin stumble inside. 

"I win!" Newt yells, jumping up and waving his arms.

"Are you stupid?! I clearly had my foot in before you!" Dick argues, forcing Newt's hands down. 

"Master Dick. Master Newt." Alfred nods at them from the side before handing them each a towel. He's grown accustom towards the boys trying to one-up each other. 

"Alfred!" "Alfred!" They both snap their heads in Alfred's direction. "You saw me come in first, right?!" Newt speaks up first, coming closer towards him. 

The butler in question doesn't answer their inquiries as he excuses himself before walking off. 

"Tsk. He just didn't want to break your heart." Dick says, using the towel to wipe his sweat. 

"Kids sure have a wild imagination." Newt mutters loud enough for Dick to hear him as he too cleans himself off. 

Before both of them could argue some more, Bruce appeared in front of them. "Meet me in the cave." He commands before walking off. 

"Finally." Newt whispers as he low-fives Dick. "Let's go." 



a Photo of a pouch of drugs pops onto the batcomputer's screen. "Gorilla pop. a New drug that's been produced in Mexico by the Penitente Cartel. Right now, they're trying to let it come into Gotham by partnering with small gangs or low ranking criminals." Batman explains as the screen passes by photo after photo of gang leaders coming into contact with the Cartel. "Reason why they chose them is most likely for the work these lower ranking criminals would bring just to get a footing in the organized crime system within Gotham."

Batman turns to face both of them. 

"That's where you two come in. I want you two to take on the small gangs. Make sure these drugs stay out of Gotham." Newt raises his hand, prompting Batman to look at him. 

"What about you?" Newt asks. 

"I'm gonna be taking it down by the roots with some members from the league." He says as the screen shows the Penitente Cartel's base at Mexico. "The drug has already begun to spread throughout different cities, so it's been a thorn in the heroes' sides." Batman starts walking away. "Move out." 

Watching Batman's retreating form, Newt sink into thought. 'The Penitente Cartel... I think I recall this gang being fucked up by Red Hood... But that's in the future when they branched into Gotham. Fuck. Am I changing the timeline by only existing... I don't even know if this is the same universe that I watched.' Newt starts pulling his hair with his hands. 'Why couldn't I be a DC  fan instead of Marvel?!'

"What are we waiting for?" Robin's voice snaps Newt back to reality. "Let's suit up." 

Both of them go towards their suits and get dressed before walking towards the place where the Batfamily keeps their vehicles. 

"I can finally take this baby out on a test drive..." Beast mutters as he stands in front of a black futuristic motorcycle. 

a Little less than a month ago, Newt asked Bruce if he could help make him a bike. It's been finished for a while now, but nothing warranted Newt's use of it as Robin and him only went on regular patrols during the time. Nothing that needed an extreme mode of transport. 


Beast starts the bike before turning his head at Robin, who similarly turned on his own bike. "May the best man win." Beast says, a grin etched on his face as he speed out of the cave, followed by Robin before they split off. 

---10 minutes later---

"I reached my target. About to engage." Beast speaks into his earpiece as he gets off the motorcycle and pops a pill before strolling towards the front gate of a normal looking house. 

["Alright"] Robin's voice reaches Beast's ear as he stops in front of the two guards at the gate. 

"You guys wouldn't happen to know how I could get you boys to surrender?" Beast asks with a harmless smile. 

The two guys turn to each other in confusion before one of them pulls out a pistol from behind him and fires it into Beast's face. 


  Beast's head recoils back as silence descends. 

"Haaah." Beast exhales and brings his head back down, staring at the man who shot. "Are you fucking insane?" He says, reaching his hand up to remove the flat bullet on his forehead, his skin below it having turned in some kind of scales resembling that of an armadillo. 

"What the fuck?!" The man raises his pistol in haste. 

"Oh shit..." Muttered Beast, launching towards the second guard who seems to be struggling to take out his firearm. "Eat this!" Beast cries out jumping in the air, flicking his arm before striking the man's face with his covered knuckles. 

*Bang Bang Bang*

Continuous shots ring out as the first guard unloads his mag into Beast's unguarded back. 

"Motherfucker!" Beast arcs his back in pain. "I am so going to fuck you up!" Pointing at the man shaking in his boots, Beast slowly walks towards him. 


The pistol falls out of the man's hand onto the ground before Beast bends down to pick it up. "Oh shit. There's a scratch on it. Right-" Beast swing it and hits the man's temple with the grip. "-There." 

"Now then..." Beast throws the pistol on the unconscious guy's body. "Why is it that nobody came out to check out the ruckus?" He mutters. 

"Because we were busy surrounding you." 

Beast throws his arms up in surrender before the man even showed himself. "Let's talk about it." He chuckles, watching on as ten or so people come out from hiding around him, pistols at the ready.

"What's there to talk about, brat?" a Man that's looks literally screams 'I'm a gangster' speaks up from behind one of the men surrounding Beast. 

"I think we have some kind of misunderstanding... Look, my fist slipped into these two guys' faces." Beast shrugs, hands still held high. 

*Beep Beep Beep*

Beeping sounds come from Beast's left arm, causing everyone around him to snap their attention towards it. Taking that opportunity, he summons a pill and throws it into his mouth. His mind races as he thinks of how to turn this around. 


His pupils shine green as the world around him slows down. a Jittery feeling spreads throughout his body, as if he just ate a truck full of sweets and got the heaviest sugar rush.

'a Hummingbird?' Beast tilts his head. 
