
Pokemon trainer in DXD

Author: batman311
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Chapter 11

Chapter 1. The Gamer who became a Pokémon Trainer!.

As I float in this never ending abyss I can't help but reminence of what once was my life, the memories just started to flow and I couldn't help but remember my life even though I wish I didn't, the memories of the last days of my life before i died alone, tired and and full of regrets were the ones more vividly in my mind.

I had a tough life that's for sure but until the very last minute I refused to complain, i was sure that there were people out there, who had it worse and I least had food and a roof over my head.

But those last days of my life showed me how alone I truly was, no family members even bothered to check on me nor do I think they cared.

After all... I had learned at a very young age that i wasn't wanted by most of my family, my mom left my father when i was very young, my brother hated me for reasons I still don't understand and the rest of the family turned their back on me when I needed them most.

I only had my grumpy old dad who took care of me and supported me as much as he could and I was happy to support him on his old age but even those days were now long gone.

I worked hard everyday to support myself and many might be wondering why I've never married... heh the truth was, i was once married a long time ago but that marriage was an unhappy and toxic one.

I was cheated on and treated like garbage, that left a horrid scar in my heart one that refused to heal and in fear of ever trusting someone again i refused to open my heart to anyone ever again.

This is why I found myself alone in the last moments of my life and now in this massive empty abyss i was alone once again, i couldn't help but to think that maybe this was my destiny.

I don't know how long I've been here days? years? or perhaps more? I truly don't know but even here, in this abyss I found some peace among the ever present loneliness that i feel.

Sounds crazy no? well for someone who had spent hours upon hours working and trying to survive this beautiful and harsh world, a place like this where all I can do is peacefully float around and rest, is paradise.

But those pesky regrets make resting difficult and the fact that i was dead and unable to do anything about them was frustrating.

Suddenly I was blinded by a bright orb of light which to my surprise spoke to me "do you want a second chance? a chance to live a life without regrets? a life where the end isn't dying alone on your bed in a dark and gloomy apartment?".

I frowned, of course I would like a second chance, who wouldn't? but I have read enough fanfiction and manga, watched so many movies and anime that I was fully aware that something like this wasn't going to be free.

The orb of light must have sensed my doubts because it spoke softly to me next "I know this seems suspicious and shady but rest assured, the only gain I would receive is finally having a host and being able to keep existing and living through you".

A host? keep existing and living? what was this being before me that needs a host to keep existing? and what does it wanted with me?.

But the being seemed to know about questions running through my mind because not a moment later, it answered them "i am the small remnants of a goddess, one who had began to cease to exist after the humanity of your world forgot about me in favor of the Christian god".

Ah i see.. she was forgotten and abandoned like I was but she must have been alone for far longer that I could ever comprehend.

The orb of light spoke once again "I have already forgotten my name and soon enough I'll disappear but... I don't want to die, I want to keep existing... however here, in this abyss only the forgotten and the souls going through reincarnation can be found, so I couldn't even begin to find a host and so I waited and waited for some one to appear and finally you did...".

"I see so that's why I've been stuck here for a long while... part of me must have wanted to disappear" I look down in thought and clench my fists in frustrating.

This... this is the part of me that I hate, the part of me that was so tired and so done with life that I didn't cared what happened to me, the part of me that was created by the many failures, doubts and regrets in my life.

The orb of life spoke up again "if you agree to be my host I won't dissappear and I'll be able to grant you a Gamer system, something that seems to be very popular with humans now a days, the memories of the souls traversing through here showed me as much".

I look at her for a few minutes in thought " a Gamer system? I see... it certainly would be amazing to have that... but am also aware of the many Gamer systems out there in fanfiction that work against their users, systems that limit their growth just for entertainment and I don't want my new life to full of limitations or full of fear of some deity making my life miserable just he can get off from it".

The light floated a bit closer to my face making flinch back a bit from the bright light it gave off "don't worry! i won't do that to you and I'll protect you from any influence from foreign beings, you'll be free to live your life as you wish".

I though about it for a while but in the end I wanted to have a second chance at maybe having a better life and perhaps finding happiness and fun.

So I look at the orb of light, with with determine look in my eyes "okay! i agree to this, so lets do this!".

The orb seemed to glow brighter in excitement for a second before calming down "thank you! I promise to support you and help you from now on! once we bond my power will recover to the fullest and I'll be able to do all kind of things for you!" with that said the orb flew around me for a bit before shooting off straight into my chest.

Suddenly a notification box appeared in front of my vision and couldn't help but to smile.

Ding! Ding!.

Welcome to the Gamer system! congratulations in the beginning of your new life!.

Lets reward you for some of the accomplishments in your past life!.

1) Congratulations for being born and being named.

Note: You can't remember your name at this moment.

This made me a bit sad but it's true, since I arrived here I couldn't seem to remember my name anymore.

Reward: Free Legendary rank skill gatcha token!.

2) Congratulations on becoming a big brother!.

My little brother was a sore point for me, he hated me and blame for all the bad things that happened to him for some reason, I don't know nor understand why he acted towards to like that but in my adult life I stopped caring about it and moved on.

Reward: 10 to all physical stats!.

3) Congratulations for achieving the highest grade throughout your elementary and high school education!.

Hahaha yeah... I was kind of a nerd but even then I had a fun time in my school years, honestly I missed those days.

Reward: 10 on all Mental stats.

4) Congratulations on successfully getting a girl to become your girlfriend!.

Ah my first girlfriend, she was nice and kind, to bad she moved away and we had to stop dating.

Reward: 10 on Luck stat.

5) Congratulations on getting married!.

I wish I could have forgotten about this, my marriage life was a mess but at least I got a gatcha token out of it, so I can't really complain about it.

Reward: Free Legendary rank skill gatcha token.

6) You have lived and finally passed on, despite the hardships and regrets you accepted death like an old friend.

I was really tired and lonely at that point so i just let go and accept my death.

Reward: Free Legendary rank weapon gatcha token.

"I see.. well my life wasn't that impressive nor full of adventure so am not surprised that in my life i had so little achievements" it was sad but I understood that it was my own insecurities and fears that prevented me from ever doing more with my life but I promise to myself to be more adventurous in my next life.

But for now I decided to check my stats, any Gamer worth their salt should immediately do this.


Name: None.

Race: Human.

Level: 1.

Hp: 1000.


Strength: 20.

Vitality: 20.

Dexterity: 20.

Intelligence: 20.

Wisdom: 20.

Luck: 20.

"It seems that i started with a base number of ten on each stat but thanks to my achievement's rewards my stats were at twenty instead, not bad "um.. goddess? are you there?" I already know what the stats are for and what do they represent, any Gamer should already know that to be honest so I didn't want to waste time with that.

[yes, I'm here do you have any questions?]

"Yes, I was wondering, am I going to reincarnate and start off as a baby? and what are the increases per level up?".

[No, your soul will just transmigate into a dying 16 year old teen but you have to choose your race first, that way I can make the necessary changes to your body before your soul settles into it, and your stats increase by 5 per level while your Hp and Mp increase by 200].

"Oh! okay, what are the options for race?".

[For races I only have these available for you right now and you can only pick one, which ever one you choose will be added to the list of races along the human race you already posses.

By the way before you ask the human race doesn't give you any benefits or boosts which is why I'm giving you another race to help you.

This is the list of races to choose from.




Fallen angel.

You might obtain more and you can add them to your current list of races, the system will help make you a perfect hybrid of any race you gain].

I was immediately drawn to the dragonoid race out of all of them it seem like that one will benefit me the most right now, Devil no doubt had those annoying sins to deal with, Angels are bound to so many rules and are severely restricted to what they can do and Fallen angels are just assholes all around.

"Goddess can you show me the details on the Dragonoid race?".

[Of course!.


Race: Dragonoid.

Dragonoids, are the descendant of a male dragon god and a female of another race, in your case that would mean that you possess the blood line of a dragon god dormant within you and only a major trauma can awaken it

Note: As a dragonoid you receive an extra 10 points on each stat per level up, a dragon form upon reaching a certain level and dragon like skills as you level up and your stats reach a certain number. ]

This was very interesting to me, when I was little dragons were always a favorite subject of mine and ver often i would read books about them, even as a teenager I showed my interest in them by drawing dragons all the time in my school note books.

But now I can become one or at least be half dragon but I had a few questions before I decide "goddess, if I pick the dragonoid race would I have to awaken it or would I have it from the get go?".

[From the get go, your memories and the trauma of the body your transmigating to, will be enough to awaken the bloodline especially since you'll be receiving the memories of the dying boy that your soul will take over for.]

"I see... is that okay though? doesn't the boy want to live?".

[No... I specifically looked for a human teen that had lost the will to live and was ready to move on for the sole purpose of giving his body to my future host, I said that he was dying but in reality his soul has already passed on and I've been keeping his body alive by putting it in a magical coma.]

Wow I wonder what would push a 16 year old teen to just give up an life like that but I guess I'll be finding out soon "okay then I chose the dragonoid race goddess and am ready now!".

[Okay! then I'm looking forward to working together with you! enjoy your second chance at life!.]

With the goddess having said that I was suddenly blinded again by a bright light and felt my self being pulled and squeeze for a few minutes before only darkness and unconsciousness greeted me.

I dont know how long i was unconscious for but when i was finally aware and awake i open my eyes only to be greeted by the plain whites of what i can recognized as a hospital room.

Unfortunately for me, it was at this moment that the memories of the teen i was taking over the body of, hit me with such force that actually made me grunt and tightly gripped the bed sheets covering my body.

But as the pain lessen i was left disappointed and sad, this body's name was Rean Hayashi a half Japanese and half American teen with a very well off family however his father Tooru Hayashi and his mother Angela Hayashi spent most of their time working and never spending time with their son, his little sister Rika Hayashi, who was a year younger than him once loved to spend time with Rean and at some point Rean focused his attention to what he felt was the only family member that care about him but unfortunately the girl grew to dislike and insult her brother whenever she would see him.

Rean didn't know why she had changed from a caring and loving little sister to this uncaring and harsh girl but the betrayal and loneliness he felt, was at the time truly heartbreaking.

Rean himself was a good guy, he studied hard and got good grades so his parents would be proud, he was also very kind and caring to his sister even when all he received was insults and his parents ignoring his attempts to make them proud.

He was a bit of a loner not really having any friends to speak about and often spent most of his free time in his room playing video games and studying.

But all of that change one evening when he finally had enough of the loneliness and snapped at his sister and his parents, it all started when his sister told him he was a waste of space after he had accidently drop her phone which she left on the table where he was quietly studying to prepare for highschool and when Rean saw that his parents weren't even paying attention to what his sister had said to him he had enough.

So he vented everything to them all the pain, sadness and anger he kept inside his heart for years, after snapping he left his house running not wanting to be around the people who just continue to push him aside, it was then that tragedy strucked and he was hit by car when he crossed the street running not even paying attention to the incoming traffic.

He spent days unconscious in the hospital and apparently he was not even once visited by his family and when he found out when he woke up was the moment when he just let go, he didn't want to hurt anymore, he didn't want to feel this suffocating loneliness any longer and thus the teen known as Rean Hayashi died.

"It seems that even in this life I won't have a caring family either... poor Rean, at least I had my father to support me and be there for me" .

[I'm sorry! I didn't have time to check his family, at the time I was only looking for a dying body where my host could transmigate to.]

"It's okay goddess, unfortunately this is something am already used too but... to think that his.. no my family wouldn't even visit me in the hospital, do they really don't care?".

[They did visit, unfortunately it was after the teen had already passed on to the afterlife, appearantly the hospital staff was having a hard time locating his family since he ran out of his house without any documentation, it was after his family had been looking for him and posting pictures of Rean in the internet that one of the hospital staff members was able to finally get in contact with your now family.]

"I see.. a little too late to show that they care huh? a tragedy had to happened for them to regret and care sigh... how am i going to deal with this?".

[I don't know... but it is your choice Rean, but for now you should check your body, with the awakening of your dragonoid bloodline some things have changed.]

I raised an eyebrow but nodded, of course I was curious about what the changes were so i got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom, once inside i went to the mirror and took a look, immediately i noticed the changes that my godly friend metioned.

My eyes which were once black were now dark purple, in my mouth i noticed that my top and bottom canines were larger than before and that my body had grown quite a bit, i now had stopped being scrawny and now i had a swimmers body.

"Not bad... it seems that my body has change quite a bit compare to my last life and the original Rean's body hmm... did I receive the skills Gamer's body, Gamer's mind and both ID create and destroy?".

[Correct! also in your status menu your name which was once blank, now shows your name to be Rean Hayashi and in your races you have both Human and Dragonoid now.]

"hmm okay, thank you goddess... if i remember correctly i had received some gatcha tokens as Rewards right?".

[Yes! you have two Legendary rank skill gatcha tokens and one Legendary weapon gatcha token!.]

Hmm... gatcha, a rabbit whole that has consume many, do I dare take a chance?... Hell yeah! "goddess let's play some gatcha!".

[Okay! spending gatcha tokens!.

Spin, spin spin!.

Ding! here's yours rewards enjoy! and do play again!.]

I chuckled at the goddess's enthusiasm and checked my rewards starting with the skills.

Ding! ding!.

You have obtained the passive skill Mimicry!.

Skill name: Mimicry.

Monkey see monkey do!.

From the very beginning the art of Mimicry has allowed humanity to learn and master many skills and abilities.

With this skill in your arsenal you can now analyze, copy and learn skills just by sight alone, however the learned skills would have to be trained and leveled up until they reach an adequate level.

Note: All learned skills will be available for viewing in your skill list however they'll all will start at a novice level, it is up to you to train the ones you intend in using.

Note: This skill might be able to change or evolved in the future.

"Wow this skill is very useful and cool! I can't wait to test it out but right now I have another skill to check".

Ding! ding!.

You have obtained the skill Pokemon training!.

Gotta Gotcha em all!.

This skill allows the Gamer to now find Pokemon tokens from dropped loot and quest rewards that can be used to summon a Pokemon that will fight alongside the Gamer.

Note: All Pokemon summoned will be loyal to the Gamer and be treated as a Familiar by the system, this means that if a Pokémon is defeated, it'll go into a recovery cool down state and once it recovers it can be re summoned.

Note: This skill allows the Gamer to now buy all sorts of Pokémon related items in the Game shop.

Note: The Pokémon summoned by the Gamer now have no restrictions on how much they can grow.

Note: The Gamer will now learn skills related to Pokemon training as he levels up.

Pokemon... I have been a fan of the video games series for a long time and i have played most of them, now i get to fulfill a childhood dream of mine, I get to be a Pokémon trainer.

I couldn't help but smile widely at this chance "goddess? do I have access to the shop, options and inventory tabs?".

[Yes! you can already access everything that the system offers, including the new Pokemon tab where you can check on any of the pokemon you might obtain in the future! but how about I give you one free Pokémon token so you can choose a starter later?.]

"Yes! thank you! hahaha I'll definitely use it after I get out of the hospital, now let's check what legendary rank weapon I got!".

Ding! ding!.

You have obtained the Legendary sword Excalibur the sword of promise victory (Fate Stay Night version)!.

Does this mean your the king of England now?.

Excalibur was created 14,000 years ago by six great Fairies in Avalon.

Created as a weapon to be used by the planet against external threats, it was used to defeat the White Titan.

Excalibur is a Divine Construct, the pinnacle of holy swords, and the strongest holy sword whose equal is the strongest demonic sword Gram, one of the ultimate god forged weapons, a Last Phantasm, forged by the planet as the crystallization of the wishes of mankind stored and tempered within the planet.

It was guarded by extensions of the planet, Fairies, before briefly being passed on to King Arthur by the Lady of the Lake and later returned to the lake before her death.

Note: This weapon has been bonded to the Gamer and thus it now rest within the Gamer's soul it will now be available to summon at any time, it will also change to accommodate to the preferences and sword style of its wielder.

Note: This version of Excalibur was one that wasn't ever been wielded by king Arthur and thus making you its first and only wielder.

Note: Because of the Gamer system this sword might evolve further.

I stare in shock at the notification and I was speechless to say the least, to have received such powerful weapon from the get go was incredibly lucky but "am not worthy of this sword yet... and I don't even have a sword mastery skill or style so without all that, all I could do is swing this majestic sword like a stick but I refuse to do that... no to this sword".

[What do you mean? with this sword you could face almost anyone right?.]

I nodded "yes.. but I want to be fully ready to use this sword as it was meant to be used, I want to earn the right to wield it, plus it could be a nice trump card if I ever have to face someone too powerful, so for now I'll let it rest within my soul".

[I don't get it but if that's what you want to do I'll accept it, sooo what now?.]

"Well first can you change the settings so I can mentally control the Gamer's menu and automatic loot gathering?".

[Done! what's next?.]

"For now i go home after signing out of the hospital, once there i can get my starter pokemon and begin to grind for exp points, money and loot, i have to get strong and fast... this town will become a hot bed of supernatural activity soon".

Kuoh town, that's the name where the Hayashi's now live, in a twist of fate my parents move to this town from America a year ago in order to be more available to our family's company main branch location and of course i recognized this town, i had watched the anime so am fully aware of the mess that will hit this town soon and i want to be prepared, i was now 16 years old so I'll be going to Kuoh academy after my summer vacation is over, so i have a year and at least two months to grow strong enough to not be pushed around by anyone or anything in this world.

Though i should have known this was where i was heading when i saw the available races to choose from but at the time it didn't even crossed my mind.

After getting out of the bathroom getting dressed and walking to the lobby desk to the shock of the hospital staff and after spending an hour to convince them to let me go after they spent some time testing all kinds of things to make sure i was okay i was finally allowed to go home.

Once i reached my house i couldn't help but to frown, the unhappy memories of the original Rean were still fresh in my mind and a part of me didn't want to deal with my family.

I still didn't know what to do or feel about them, in my prior life i didn't relied on my so call family preferring to take care of everything i needed by myself but now i was a 16 year old teen again and even if i wanted to i couldn't go and live by myself, maybe later I'll be able to but for now I'll have to deal with having to live here.

"Sigh... lets just get this over with" and so i walked right to the front door and opened it with my key, i was not surprised to see that my parent weren't home, they're always working so i walked up the steps, to go to the second floor and my room.

I was about to reach the door to my room when i had to stop when my little sister suddenly opened her bedroom door and stared at me in genuine surprise to see me, i didn't know what to say to her so i just kept walking to my room while ignoring her.

Until i heard her call out to me "Rean! you're okay!".

I turned my head to gazed at her and i can see she was really relieved and glad to see me but that just pissed me off, after all she had been insulting and treating like shit the original Rean for so long that i didn't have the will to care about her right now.

Besides i had more important things to think about so i ignored her and open the door to my room, stepped into my room, closed and locked the door leaving her standing there.

Rika watched her older brother go into his room without even saying a word to her and her heart felt like it was being crushed.

She knew she deserved it, she has been acting like a right bitch to him for years now and he didn't deserve that but she couldn't help it, she just reacted to him that way but she always regret it right after.

Now her big brother hates her and their parents, he must have felt so alone and scared in that hospital room and they couldn't even be there for him until two days ago after the hospital was finally able to find them after they had posted a missing add on the internet hoping to find him after he ran out and went missing for days.

He spent two weeks by himself in that hospital room, hurt and alone.

"I'm sorry Rean.." tears dropped from Rika's black eyes, she was so distraught that she didn't even noticed her brother's changes and the fact that he seemingly got perfectly healed over night.

She looked down in sadness for bit before deciding to go back into her room and call her parents to let them know that her brother was back home.

After i locked my bedroom's door i took a look around my room or what was the original Rean's room, it was a typical teenager's room just more clean and organized.

I can see the video games, the manga, the computer and the school books, to be honest it felt weird to think that all of this is mine now but I push those thoughts aside for now.

I have a lot to do and I can't waste time thinking about all of this so I decided to just accept the fact that I'm Rean Hayashi now and move on, so i walk towards my bed and sit on it.

"Goddess I would like to use that free Pokemon token, can you tell me how to do so?".

[Of course! first take it out of your inventory and then crush it! a screen with the selection of available Pokemon will appear for you to choose from.

Since this Pokemon token is a Starter Pokémon token, the selection will only have starter Pokémon from all the regions.]

"Oh that sounds easy! but can you tell me the kinds of tokens I could find?".

[Yes! so you have your Starter Pokemon token and as mentioned before these only let you choose from the starter Pokémon available in all regions, these tokens are very rare.

Then there's the Common Pokemon token which let's you pick almost any Pokemon available, except Starter, Pseudo, Mystic and Legendary Pokemon, these tokens are the easiest to find as loot!.

Then we have the Pseudo Legendary Pokemon token, these allow you to choose Pokemon who are considered pseudo legendary Pokemon, for example Pokemon like Dragonite or Salamance, finding this type of token as loot is very rare.

Next there's the Mystic Pokemon tokens, these let you choose Pokemon categorized as mystical Pokemon an example of this category are Pokemon like Entei or Zapdos, this token can only be found as loot for boss type enemies or as rewards for quests and even then is rare to find one.

And finally we have the Legendary Pokemon token which contains Pokemon that are considered deities for example pokemon like Kyogre and Palkia, these tokens are only given as rewards for hard quests.]

"Hmm I see, well most of the pokemon I want right now should be common rank so I should be fine" i mentally open my inventory and see the Starter Pokémon token there, so I take it out and crush it.

A notification window opened before me and in it i see a list of starter Pokemon but I don't have to look, I already see the Pokemon I want as my starter right on the top of the list and I pick it.

In a flash of white light reminiscent of when pokemon is released from a pokeball to battle, a Charmander appears on top of my bed.

It looks around for a bit until it catches sight of me and smiles widely -char!- i smile at the little Pokemon and pet it.

The Charmander leans into my hand and closes its eyes it seems to enjoy my headpats "hello Charmander, am your new trainer, so lets grow strong and have fun together".

The Charmander opened its eyes and stares at me for a second before smiling and nodding happily -char!-.

I chuckled and try to do something very important to any Gamer out there, i stare at my Charmander intently trying to get all the details i can from the small fire type pokemon when suddenly, i received a new notification.

Ding! Ding!.

Through certains actions you have created the skill Observe!.

Don't stare to intently! people might get the wrong idea!.

Observe is a support skill that uses no EP, this skill allows you to dicern the name, stats and information of the target.

Note: There's a level limit for the amount of information you can obtain if the target is of a way higher level than you.

Note: This skill might evolve depending on the skills, tittles or races of the Gamer.

Yes! that worked and i was able to create this skill, this will come in handy in the future but for now i have to check on my Charmander's information.

So mentally i activate my Observe skill and use it on Charmander.


Name: Charmander (male).

Type: Fire.

Ability: Blaze.

Level: 1.

Information: A fire burns at the tip of this Pokémon's slender tail and has blazed there since Charmander's birth.

The flame can be used as an indication of Charmander's health and mood, burning brightly when the Pokémon is strong, weakly when it is exhausted, wavering when it is happy, and blazing when it is enraged.

It is said that Charmander dies if its flame goes out. However, if the Pokémon is healthy, the flame will continue to burn even if it gets a bit wet and is said to steam in the rain.

Moves: Scratch, Growl.]

I didn't check his stats since thanks to the Gamer my Pokemon will grow far beyond what they should be able to and besides i know that the Charmander family line grows with a preference of Attack, Sp Attack and Speed.

I got up and picked my Charmander in my arms "okay Charmander were going to go to a place called an Instant Dungeon, in there we'll find all kinds of monster and enemies to fight".

Charmander looked up at me from his place in my arms as i talk to him "we have to be ready, we have to grow strong and soon... there's really powerful and scary beings in this world, beings that will want to makes us their slaves or force us to bend a knee but i refuse to live my life in fear, thats why i want to grow strong! strong enough to live freely!".

Charmander's eyes seem to gleam in excitement and pride, suddenly he nodded and jump down onto the floor -charmander! char!-.

I grin at my partner and nodded back "then lets get started! ID create!" the only dungeon available was the Zombie Dungeon so i pick it and suddenly reality shatters like glass.

Charmander and i found ourselves in a semi destroyed city and only the moans of the dead can be heard from all around us, i look down towards Charmander who had his eyes narrowed "let's go!".

And as i ran forward Charmander followed closely behind, this is how my new life started and this was how it'll be for a while, because as a gamer i was always the kind to grind to hell and back to be ready for anything.


So there you have it!.

What do you guys think? does it pique your interest? lol.

Anyways the first few chapters will be a lot of information dumps and some action but soon enough things will move on 'with some timeskips too' and the adventure will pick up.

But let me say a few things first! this will be a harem, which hopefully I'll be able to keep from getting to big, I already chose the main girl which is our favorite magical girl maou! Serafall!.

So 'and I'm sure going to regret asking you guys this!' I want you guys to give me your choices for harem members, one per person! 'don't give me like ten girls to choose from' and give me a good reason for your chosen girl to be added and please guys! have mercy on me! but I will be choosing only three at first and yes you can recommend a girl from a different franchise.

And finally two last things! how about you guys choose a name for the goddess? I'll choose which ever I like most if not then am going to have to give her one myself and I already have Rean's Pokemon chosen but if you want to recommend one that you would like to see being added then do let me know! and I'll add it to the team.

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Allen, the legendary player "Godlike", finds himself thrust into the revolutionary fulldive VRMMORPG Hell's Gate's main villain, Azazel. Alongside seven skilled female players, he embarks on a journey filled with unexpected challenges. Confronting his old nemesis and countless players, Allen delves deep into the shadows of his own dark past. Soon, he becomes entangled in a complex web of new relationships and past betrayals. His companions develop feelings for him, not only in the virtual world but also in real life. Balancing his affection for his wives, the chaos of the battlefield, and his thirst for revenge, Allen sets out to attain everything he desires. The legendary player has returned once again, not as the hero but as the villain. He shall claim the title of ultimate villain! ---------------------- Each one of his subordinates represent seven deadly sins: Nefaris (Vampire) -> Pride // Player: Larissa Lullaby (Siren) -> Sloth // Player: Shea Lilieth (Succubus) -> Lust // Player: Vivian Eira (Fox Demon) -> Wrath // Player: Bella Selena (Witch) -> Envy // Player: Alice Abyssia (Kraken) -> Gluttony // Player : Zoe Grimora (Necromancer) -> Greed // Player: Jane -------------------------- Join my discord channel for illustrations: https://discord.gg/mSRHyMVhnG Bonus Chapters! *600 Power Stone = 1 bonus chapter *400 Golden Ticket= 1 bonus chapter *Magic Castle= 2 bonus chapters *Space Craft= 4 bonus chapters Important Note: No NTR, No Yuri, No rape, the relationship will go both in the game and real world. Tags: Mature Content , R-18 , Gore, Comedy , Revenge, Face Slapping, Monster Girls , Succubus , Magic , Demons , Devil , Beasts , Action , Mystery , Overpowered , Harem , System , Servants , Handsome Male Lead , Smart Male Lead and Slice of Life.

UnholyGod · เกม
1443 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1
Volume 2 :2