The Pokemon World is dangerous, but Alexander is stronger! These trainers may be tough, But Alexander is tougher!
It been fun growing up.
As of right now, I'm 5 years old. For the four years I been reincarnated, I learn a lot of my situation.
I was reincarnated as the grandson of Professor Rowan. That's right, the guy who gives you your starters in the Gen 4! I have lived all my life in Sandgem Town.
I figured out time goes slowly in this world. A year in this world would be a year and 6 months. This would mean that when you reach 10 years old, you will have the mind of a 15 years old. No wonder they would let a 10 year old out in this dangerous world
My name is Alexander Everdeen. I have an adopted brother with the name of Lucas. Dad adopted him two months ago when his father, who is a friend of Rowan, left him in his custody. Rowan doesn't tell me why his father left, but I heard them talking about Giritina so that's that.
Me and Lucas are being home schooled by one of Rowan's assistants. They have been teaching us very basic things that anyone would know if they play the games. There are some benefits with being related to Rowan.
First, i already have a sponsor. Sponsors are people who fund your journey or give you your very first Pokemon. With a sponsor like Rowan, I can get a very rare Pokemon known as Royals. Those are what i used to call "Starter Pokemon" in my old life. There are Pokemon with vast potential but due to poaching and environmental changes, there are only a few of them left.
That is when the league stepped in and saved them. Now, only the Professors and other important league members can get them now.
My family is pretty well off and for that, I would have to salute Grandpa Rowan for that. He is making my life too easy.
On another note, this world is pretty dangerous. Pokemon attacks have the biggest fatality rate with being 50% over the second highest fatality. Areas like Iron Island and Eterna Forest are the most dangerous places in Sinnoh as of right now.
Pokemon behavior in this world depends on the species. A Garchomp isn't going to act the same as a Lucario when encountering a human being . That's why some Pokemon are not even caught in the wild. Some Pokemon are so dangerous to go after, that breeders sell them through a system known as the GTS.
GTS is way different from in the games. Instead of only trading Pokemon for Pokemon, people could trade Pokemon for items or a desired amount of money. Due to technology, you could send items, pokeballs, and money to the recipient immediately.
Right now, I'll focus on researching the best way to train, feed, and care for Pokemon as that's the only thing I don't know from the games. I'll try to shadow Grandpa Rowan and his' various experiments to try to learn new things.
Hope you had a Good reading!
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