
Pokemon: The Beginning

A youth from modern day Earth wakes up to find himself on the planet Aquamarine. Having crossed over to a parallel world into a teen with the same name he finds out that Pokemon exist in this world. Moreover it has only been a little over a century since Pokemon were discovered and many things about them are unknown to the world. Join Faust Williamson as he explores this dangerous world and slowly creates a legend of the Greatest Pokemon Master.

true_dmg · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chapter 17 Out of Ideas and Articuno's Request

The implication of a war between two Legendary Pokemon was truly frightening. Faust had read of the destruction during the initial days of the appearance of Pokemon. He was sure that what was described as the war of the land and sea was Groudon and Kyogre fighting. Their war had changed the geography of this planet to an extent. While he was sure Articuno and Galarian Articuno wouldn't cause as much destruction, nonetheless it would hold disastrous consequences for people around the region.

There was also a possibility that the entirety of the war would be fought inside the rift. Normally that would be fine, but unfortunately, these were not normal circumstances. Scientists had theorised that rift breaks were not a phenomenon in themselves. They didnt occur to push Pokemon out, rather something else forced Pokemon out of rifts and the aggressiveness was perhaps just a manifestation of frustration and caution. Faust knew that the Galarian Articuno had already overloaded the rift with foreign Pokemon. If the two legendaries fought, the collateral damage would send other Pokemon running, possibly out of the rift. Moreover, the adversary was a psychic type legendary who had lived for who knows how long, if it decided to mind control the Pokemon…

"Kyle you've been here three weeks…how many Pokemon do you estimate reside in this rift?", Faust asked calculating the numbers in his mind.

Kyle thought about for a bit and said, "I don't know the exact numbers because although I've been flying with Articuno all over the place, I've covered probably less than one-third of the rift. In that area, I estimate the numbers run into the thousands. For instance, the colony of Carbink you had a run-in with numbered a few hundreds, and that wasn't even all of that particular colony. There are colonies scattered all around the mountain."

Faust thought for a moment. In case a rift break did occur, there would be thousands of Pokemon descending upon the nearest towns. Applegrove town would not be able to withstand even the first wave. 

Faust couldn't come up with a plan to counter this situation at all. Although the numbers would not leave the rift at once, even a few hundred frustrated and scared Pokemon were enough to destroy Applegrove town. 

"What're you thinking? It can't be that bad right? You know as bad as the look of helplessness on your face shows? Right? I mean they're legendaries…so what? They are Pokemon and can be beaten right?", asked Kyle seeing his silent friend.

Faust sighed and explained the possible ways this war could turn out. Kyle heard the sound arguments and reasons, his countenance paling by the minute. By the end of it, Kyle was solemn and although he tried not to show it, traces of fear could be seen on his face. After a few minutes of silence, Kyle suddenly spoke.

"Perhaps we could talk to Articuno. I mean in the time I've been here, I've come to notice that she is extremely intelligent. She would perhaps know of the other Articuno? Maybe this isnt the first time this has happened, maybe she would have an idea to deal with it?"

Faust suddenly looked up at Kyle with a blank look. This idea was…not bad. But  looking at the Articuno who was now resting on the ground in a distance he was a bit sceptical about it cooperating in preventing a disaster for humans. Moreover, he wasn't sure if Articuno could understand such a complicated situation. After all, even though Pokemon in the series were able to understand and talk to humans using telepathy, Articuno had never been one of the Pokemon shown to possess such an ability.

Nevertheless, he decided to try and nodded at Kyle. They both approached the sleeping Pokemon and hearing someone approach, the Ice Pokemon opened its eyes to look at them. Kyle went closer to it and touched the crown on Articuno's head before he started rubbing it. Faust was yet again amazed at the way Articuno began trilling and its eyes turned into crescents showing its joy at the action of Kyle.

Kyle looked at Faust and he nodded back at him. Kyle then began talking to Articuno, telling her about the situation and the other Articuno. When he had finished, the Articuno just looked at him without a reaction before nudging its crown against Kyle's hand and trilling. Faust looked at the situation and sighed. He didnt have high hopes but even then he was a bit disappointed. Getting up Faust walked away from the Articuno and Kyle to get a breath of fresh air. He needed to clear his head and think of a way out of his situation. He wasn't at his best, his mind was occupied by the thought of Eevee and the possible rift break that at this point seemed inevitable. He looked out into the distance, into the darkness that had settled over the mountain and the mist that coiled around it like a serpent. Unable to think of anything, Faust frustratedly grit his teeth. 

Suddenly he felt something hard and sharp push into his back. Turning around he found himself looking at what looked like a chibi Articuno. Kyle had mentioned that the Articuno had a family but even then, seeing a baby Articuno was a first for him. Even in Pokemon series, Articuno was labelled as genderless and while there did exist a baby Lugia. None of the other legendary birds were shown having any baby versions. Faust used the identifier on the chibi Articuno and was a bit surprised at the Aptitude section.

[Pokemon: Articuno(♀)

 Ability: Pressure

 Type: Ice, Flying

 Aptitude: Silver

 Strength: Early Intermediate(Lvl. 23)

 Moves: Gust, Ice Shard, Mist, Leer, Reflect, Powder Snow, Dual Wingbeat]

Faust was surprised at the Silver Aptitude. Until now he had only seen a maximum of Violet grade. It did make sense that as a legendary the Articuno could have a superior aptitude. Faust didn't try to investigate any further, he did have bigger concerns at the moment.

The baby Articuno looked at Faust curiosity. Faust also smiled and held out his hand holding a Pokebloc. The chibi Articuno cautiously pecked at it and getting a taste of the tasty treat, it let out a cry and opened its mouth as if asking Faust to put the Pokebloc in. Faust did so and the Articuno instantly swallowed the Pokebloc, its eyes turning into joyful cresecents. Faust chuckled and brought out a handful of Pokebloc, letting the Pokemon eat right from his hands. Looking at the chibi Pokemon, Faust couldnt help but think of Eevee. He just prayed that Eevee was safe and sound. No matter what, he would find Eevee, war or not.

Suddenly the chibi Articuno turned to face the entrance of the cave and let out a cry. Faust looked over as well and saw the bigger Articuno step out. The baby Articuno rubbed its face into it's mother's face and the larger Articuno let out a soft cry. The chibi Articuno looked at Faust's hand which held the Pokeblocs and then let out a complaining cry before flying off into the cave. A large, majestic blue bird and a small human remained staring at one another.

Faust was a bit intimidated. After all this was a legendary wild Pokemon who could kill him at the drop of a hat. But the tense silence did not last for long, it was broken by an elegant feminine voice that echoed directly inside Faust's head.

"Don't be afraid of me young one. I wish you no harm."

Hearing the words in his head, Faust's eyes widened. He exclaimed out loud, "You can talk! You can talk in our language!"

The Articuno looked amused at the sudden exclamation of the human in front of it. She replied as her voice echoed in Faust's head, "It isn't actual talking as much as it is thinking. Also no need to speak out loud, just try to project your thoughts to me."

Faust tried to do as the Pokemon asked him.

"Umm…like this? Is this working? Can you hear me? Hello?"

The Articuno's voice came almost instantaneously, "Yes I can. As you humans say, loud and clear."

Faust was a bit confused now and voiced his confusion in his head, "But why didn't you answer us back then, when Kyle and I were talking to you earlier?"

"I was enjoying the moment. My feathers often get itchy. It isn't everyday you get someone who can relieve the itch especially this crown of mine. Besides, Kyle cannot hear me. Perhaps the abnormal amount of psychic energy you possess enables you to perceive my thoughts. Honestly, even when I spoke right now…I wasn't very sure if you'd be able to hear me."

Faust deadpanned at the lazy excuse before nodding at the more reasonable explanation. Knowing that the Articuno could now understand him, Faust got straight to the point. 

"So you must know the situation you're in now. The Galarian Articuno-", Faust began saying it when he was interrupted by the Pokemon.

"How do you know? How do you know it's name young one? The name Galarian...its from another world. My world, a long time ago. How do you know of the Galar region?", asked the Articuno with genuine surprise in her voice.

Faust was stumped and mentally cursed himself for the carelessness. He quickly tried to salvage the situation.

"My parents were explorers. They found records of creatures and the names during one of their expeditions. Earlier I saw the Pokemon outside this rift and identified it based on the similarity."

The Articuno was silent at the explanation. It finally sighed and spoke.

"I see. But your identification is correct. Although I haven't seen it yet this time. I do believe that the Cruel one is back."

Faust realised what the words meant and asked excitedly, "You mean you've fought it before? Fought and won right?"

The Articuno looked out into the darkness and then looked at Faust with a complicated look before answering.

"That was a victory, yes. But it came at the cost of numerous lives around us. Pokemon and Humans alike. It was a hard-fought battle, I only won because I fought without restraint. However, it seems that this time the option isn't feasible."

Looking into the cave, the direction in which the chibi Articuno had gone, the Articuno paused for a moment before continuing.

"This time I cannot fight without caring for the consequences. Moreover, you and your friend wouldn't let me if it meant the annihilation of human towns nearby. To be honest I couldn't care less for the human lives but my own child is someone I cannot forsake. The cruel one knows of my weakness, he will not spare any weaknesses he can exploit."

The Articuno looked directly into Faust's eyes.

"This is why I need you to do something for me. The rifts are not very well understood even by me. There is no pattern to where and when the gates appear or how long they remain. Unless you use the rift core to summon one. While the core is possessed by a Pokemon inside the rift, the rift continues to remain connected to the overworld, but if it is taken out of the rift. The random connection to the overworld breaks and the rift ceases to remain constantly connected to the overworld."

Before Faust could question or say anything, the Articuno suddenly opened its wings and in a flash of bright light, a glowing ice blue gem the size of a golf ball appeared floating in front of Faust.

Faust looked at the rift core and was fascinated by it, after all this was his first time seeing one. The voice of the Articuno echoed again in his head, this time softer and almost pleading.

"I need you to take possession of the rift core. I will try and convince the Pokemon in the rift to leave and find residence in the overworld. My child shall follow your friend and remain in his care, you will seal this rift with me and the cruel one inside it. Once the battle begins, bring the rift core out with you to completely seal the rift." 

I am really sorry for not uploading it earlier. I had a really peculiar case of writer's block. I had so many ideas that I could use but wasn't sure if this was the correct time to use it.

Anyway, here's another one! It's a little shorter than other chapters but don't worry I'll be doing a mass release tomorrow to complete this arc.

true_dmgcreators' thoughts