10 Leaving

Roy constantly runs circles around Riolu while throwing balls. Riolu jumps from side to side throwing out punches and kicks to return the same three balls.

Between the two of them, it looks like they are performing a strange juggling act.

Off to the side, Ditto is levitating a ball next to Ralts. In the past hour, Ditto has entered the growth phase and its control over Confusion has increased.

[I did it!]

Hearing Ralts's sudden voice in his mind breaks his concentration and causes all three balls to drop. Turning his head he sees the ball in front of Ralts floating in the air. Glancing at her stats, he sees Confusion added to her skill list. "A little over an hour to learn a new skill." Mumbling to himself he turns his head to see Riolu walking over to him.

Besides Bulk Up and Quick Attack, he hasn't had Riolu train any of his other skills. "Come Riolu, time for the next part of the training." Picking up the three balls, he leads Riolu to Ralts and Ditto.

"Congratulations Ralts, your hard work has paid off." Stopping in front of the two he looks at them with a smile.

[I trained really hard] Ralts rises to her feet and tries to hide her smile.

"Nido!" Ditto floats the ball towards Roy's hand.

Grabbing the ball he looks at Ditto. "Ditto, now it's time to start your physical training with Riolu."

"Nido nido!" Nodding his head, he tells Roy it's ready.

Taking out all twenty balls he places them in front of Ralts. "Ralts, you have to control the balls and throw them at Riolu. Riolu, you need to hit the ball and use the skill Vacuum Wave, it doesn't matter where you hit it as long as you use the skill. Ditto, you will transform between different pokemon we saw today and chase the balls Riolu hits. When you arrive at the ball you need to hit them back towards Ralts."

Turning his head he looks at Ralts. "While throwing the balls at Riolu, you also need to catch the balls hit towards you by Ditto."

Looking at his three pokemon he smiles slightly. "You guys think you can do it?"

"Rio!" "Nido" [I try] All three answers with different levels of confidence.

Taking a few steps back he watches to see how it goes.

After everyone spreads out, Ralts lifts the first ball with Confusion. Flinging the ball out, it flies towards Riolu.

Riolu tries to gather energy in his hands, but before he can succeed the ball arrives in front of him. Punching out, he hits the ball and causes it to spin off towards the side.

Ditto transforms into a Rattata and rushes forward at full speed. Arriving underneath the ball, it jumps into the air and transforms into Riolu. While twisting its body it kicks out its leg and hits the ball.

The ball flies off and goes nowhere near Ralts.

While throwing another ball at Riolu, she notices the ball hit by Ditto is flying in the distance. Reaching out, she tries to catch the ball but realizes stopping a moving target so far away is to difficult.

Unable to stop the ball, she gives up and throws another ball. Riolu has already hit the second ball away but still failed to use Vacuum Wave. Ditto transforms into a Pidgey and flies toward the next ball. Using its wing it manages to hit it towards Ralts this time.

Seeing Riolu hitting balls wildly, Ditto running everywhere to try and catch up to the balls, and Ralts struggling to catch and throw the balls makes Roy delighted.

"This should be a good way to train their reaction time and skills. As they get stronger, they will increase each other's difficulty. At the same time, this is good training for Riolu's future remote attacks and trains his control."

Nodding his head he moves towards the pit and continues digging his hole.

Ten minutes later, Ditto collapses to the ground from exhaustion. "The stamina is still too bad." Looking at Riolu and Ralts surrounding Ditto on the ground he thinks for a moment.

Walking over he grabs a ball and moves towards the whit shield surrounding the realm. Throwing the ball it bounces back like hitting a wall. Seeing this, a smile forms on his face.

"This way they can practice individually."

Moving back towards his Pokemon he looks at the exhaustion on their faces.

Sitting down in front of them he takes out his Pokeblock case and removes a few blocks. "Eat this to replenish your energy."

"Pidgey!" Ditto hops over and begins pecking the blocks.

Riolu and Ralts begin eating with a smile. Seeing Ditto eating four cubes leaves him slightly surprised.

"Is it because he is a fully evolved pokemon?" Shifting his eyes between the three, he watches them eat for a moment.

"You guys can continue training together or I can develop a new training plan for you to use alone." When they finish eating he looks at his three Pokemon and waits for their choice.

"Rio rio." Riolu glances between Ralts and Ditto before pointing his paws at the two and crossing his arms.

"Ditto!" Ditto transforms into his original form and begins hopping around Riolu and Ralts.

Seeing the other two agree, Ralts just nods her head.

Knowing that all three of his Pokemon are willing to train with each other brings a smile to his face. "Ralts try and use Calm Mind while throwing and catching the balls. If you can only use Calm Mind while meditating it won't help you much."

His eyes shift and he looks at Riolu. "Riolu, your release time is too slow. Don't try to use so much energy, start off little by little just like hitting the ball back."

Finally, he looks at Ditto. "The only thing you can do is push through to increase stamina. I don't need you to have perfect control over every move, but you need to control your body. Pokemon you turn into will always have better control over their own moves, so you need to be able to use different bodies fluidly."

"Ditto!!" Ditto's body jiggles and shows a determined look with its small eyes.

"Don't push it too much, when you feel tired take a break. If you get hungry come to me, if you want something to drink there is water on the table.

"Rio!" Riolu pats his chest and nods his head.

Moving back towards the pit he watches the three continue their training. "Riolu is destined to be a close-up and remote fighter. If I just train his physical skills I'll waste his talent. All this training will eventually take a toll on their bodies. Ralts can't learn Heal Pulse until later, it seems like I need to catch a pokemon to act as a doctor."

Tapping his cheek he thinks about how there is no official Pokemon Center for healing Pokemon. There are people who specialize in herbal medicine and doctors from before the outbreak who treat pokemon but that's it.

"The three big cities must have a way to treat Pokemon. Maybe catching pokemon who can already heal? Those in power will always keep good things to themselves. The best Pokemon I can easily catch to fulfill this role would be Oddish."

After making up his mind he continues digging his pit.

An hour later, he has Ditto and Riolu switch places. Now, Ditto turns into Riolu to hit the balls with Bullet Punch and Riolu chases the balls.

Over the next couple of days, Roy finally digs the pit deep enough to make a small swimming pool-sized lake. Riolu, Ralts, and Ditto have entered the Mid Junior level in strength from all the training and energy cubes.

Ralts has better control over her psychic powers and Riolu has increased his stamina and control over his body and Skills. Ditto spent a lot of time transformed into Riolu and the two practiced basic fighting techniques together.

Looking at the three pokemon standing on his bed he can't hide the smile on his face. "You three haven't let me down."

"Ditto!" "Rio" [Of course] All three pokemon show a proud look on their face. Glancing at each other you can see the joy in their eyes.

"It's now July, meaning it's time to start our journey to gain experience." Looking at his three pokemon his eyes stop on Ralts. "Before that, I'm going to teach each of you a new move."

Lifting his hand he points his finger at Ralts. At the same time, he goes through the moves tab and looks for the move he wants to teach her. After selecting Misty Terrain, it causes a pink light to flash across Ralts's body.

Moving his finger he points at Riolu. Quickly, he finds the move Agility and selects it. A blue glow surrounds Riolu for a moment and quickly fades.

Finally, his finger arrives at Ditto and he selects the Move tab with great expectation.

[Master Transformation: Alter the size, shape, and color of the transformed target to a degree as long as the species doesn't change.]

"This has a few benefits. If Ditto becomes bigger or smaller I don't think the defense will increase." Tapping his cheek, he teaches Ditto Master Transformation and will think about the uses later.

Suddenly, all three Pokemon have more information in their minds and they realize they have felt this situation before. Only that time they were in the juvenile period and their minds were simple.

Seeing all three pokemon close their eyes, he moves towards his item tab. After looking at all the items his eyes stop on what he needs most this month.

[Acquired Friend Ball x 10]

"I can get more than one?" Roy's brows rise as he looks at the ten friend balls inside his system backpack. Thinking about it for a moment, he nods his head. Using his one free item a month to get a single friend ball made him feel slightly reluctant. Now that he has ten he finds it acceptable.

With a friend ball, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to control wild Pokemon.

"Guys, it's time to go." Taking out one Pokeball at a time, he shoots the red laser and puts Riolu and Ralts away.

Roy picks up Ditto and it transforms into a pair of dark sunglasses. Putting on his shades, he opens a rift and leaves the Secret Realm.

Walking out the house, he locks the door and begins heading towards one of the town exits.
