16 Back Garden

After capturing Gligar and Charjabug with his last two friend balls, they quickly leave the area before anyone can wake up. Moving down the mountain, they arrive at the edge of the forest a good distance away from the battlefield.

One by one, he releases Aron, the Beldums, Vespiquen, Leavanny, Gligar, and the Charjabug from their Pokeballs. Aron and the Beldums are awake because their injuries aren't serious.

The two low-quality Beldums look confused, but seeing their four friends aren't doing anything they relax slightly. Looking at Roy and his Pokemon with vigilance, they stay next to the other four Beldums.

"Hey guys, welcome to the team, we fought before but we are all friends now. Riolu, Ditto, Ralts say high." Taking out a bunch of bowls, he fills them with energy blocks and places them before the pokemon.

"Ron!" Aron screams happily when he smells the food and completely forgets the past. Each step towards the bowls causes his feet to sink slightly into the ground.

Ralts walks to the Beldums and begins communicating with Psychic powers. Meeting a psychic pokemon that isn't Ditto turned into her is a new experience.

Riolu Walks over and starts eating, thinking about how powerful the Pokemon he saw today are.

Shaking his head, he looks at Ditto. "Ditto, can you turn into this Leavanny and use Grassy Terrain to heal everyone?"

"Ditto!" Ditto glows pink and its body grows until it becomes Leavanny.

"Lev lev." Ditto walks over to the unconscious Pokemon and closes its eyes. Suddenly, a green wave spreads from its body and soon envelops everyone in the area.

Immediately, Roy can feel his fatigue from walking around all morning disappear. The injuries on Aron and the Beldum fade fast and the knocked out Pokemon begin recovering.

Vespiquen opens her eyes and tries to sit up but fails. A few grubs fly out her honeycomb skirt and surround her. She begins healing extremely quickly and soon flies into the air.

Roy walks over with a few energy cubes in his hand. "Try eating some of these Vespiquen, it will help you."

Vespiquen turns her head and looks at Roy for a moment before grabbing the cubes from his hand.

Seeing her eat them causes Roy to smile. "Onix won't return here. You can take Leavanny when she wakes up and start healing your people. I want you to take full control of this place, both the forest and the Mountain. Now's a perfect time." 

His meager Psychic abilities allow her to understand the meaning of his words.

"Vezzzz." Vespiquen nods, she has no problem ruling this place and it aligns with her interest. She has no idea who this person is or why she feels so close to and trusts him, but she knows he won't hurt her.

Soon, Leavanny, Gligar, and Charjabug wake up. Leavanny looks at Ditto confused for a moment before becoming alert. When she sees Vespiquen, she calms down and moves to her side.

"Vezzz" Vespiquen moves in front of Leavanny and says a few words before she takes her away.

The Grassy Terrain recedes from Ditto and it changes back to its normal form with a tired face.

Walking over he picks up Ditto and holds it in his arms. "Tuff job Ditto, Thank you."

"Ditto" Ditto smiles and responds weakly.

Turning around, he sees that Gligar and Charjabug have already moved to the rainbow blocks to eat.

Amazed at the power of the friend ball, he walks over with Ditto in his hands.

Getting closer he sees Gligar arguing with Aron because he's eating all the blocks. Aron just looks at Gligar expressionlessly with its blue eyes. "Guys, calm down." Sitting down, he takes out more energy blocks for everyone and begins feeding Ditto.

Ralts brings over the Beldums and they begin eating as well. 

Looking at the system he teaches all his steel Pokemon Iron Defense. For Gligar, he teaches him Tailwind and Charjabug gets Thunder Wave. Because Vespiquen and Leavanny are out of his line of sight, he can't teach them moves.

Aron and Gligar are bumping heads as they try eating from the same bowl. Riolu stands between them and tries to separate them to no avail.

In reality, the heavy metal feature doubles the weight and increases the size of a pokemon by half. The pokemon will become bigger and denser at the same time, Due to this Aron's appetite is quite large.

Charjabug shoots string from her mouth and pulls in pieces of food quietly.

 Looking at Ralts floating pieces of food to the Beldums brings a smile to his face. Seeing all his pokemon happy, he thinks about the changes brought by the Realm Core.

The first change is his own Secret Realm has doubled in size. The Sub Realm is a different realm he has control over, meaning the rift to the outside world has disappeared.

Now he can open a rift from anywhere and leave. In the future, if he acquires another realm core the Sub Secret Realms will merge.

The changes brought to the system is he can now choose two items a month. Seeing that he can choose again he looks for friend balls but sees they're gone. "Can I only choose it once or did the system patch it because it's broken?" Rubbing his chin he decides not to think about it. He can't control either answer anyway.

Moving along the item list, he looks at the items that can be useful to his pokemon. A Thunder Stone for Charjabug, a Razor Fang for Gligar, or a Metal Coat for Onix.

Eventually, his eyes stop on a Fossil. "I think It's time to start my Plan for you Ditto."

"Ditto? Hearing its name causes Ditto to look up at Roy.

Patting Ditto's head, he selects the fossil of mew's eyebrow. Seeing it appear in his system backpack he takes a deep breath.

"Come on guys, let's search the forest for anything we can use before going back to base." Rising to his feet, he begins putting away all the bowls.

Walking towards the treeline, his pokemon surround him on all sides.

Ralts and Charjabug sit atop a floating Beldum moving in formation with the others.

Walking under the shade of the trees, he releases Zubat from the Pokeball. "Zubat it should be better for you here, and you can get to know our new teammates."

"Za za!" Zubat flutters around Roy for a moment before flying to see the others.

"Bel bel!" The Beldum recognize Zubat and gets ready to attack, but Ralts slaps them atop their head.

A small smirk forms on Roy's face as he sees both Riolu and Ralts taking on responsibility. Both pokemon can sense the emotions of others and make good ambassadors.

Walking deeper into the forest he begins seeing different kinds of plants and mushrooms. With the help of his Pokemon, he begins picking flowers, clumps of moss, mushrooms, and digging out small tree saplings to place in the system backpack for transplanting later.

After twenty minutes, they find four different groups of berry trees. Taking twenty berries from each group, he moves on and continues collecting anything interesting.

Because the war in this Secret Realm cleared out all the strong Pokemon, they are able to pick up resources for cheap.

"Rio rio rio." Riolu walks next to Roy and pats a large tree.

"I don't want to cut down my own tree to make a house, let's wait until we arrive in Umbra Forest." Shaking his head he looks at the beautiful forest around him. In the treetops, he can see the baby bug pokemon who didn't go to the battlefield but he ignores them.

Besides bug pokemon, he hasn't seen any grass of bird pokemon in this forest at all. Even the mountain should have other pokemon besides Rock, Ground, and the few steel types.

"Is this a small secret realm mainly for those three types of pokemon?" With the lack of information online he can't make an accurate guess.

For the next two hours, Roy and the gang collect everything they see that could be useful without destroying the ecosystem.


Hearing a buzz he turns around to see Vespiquen and Leavanny coming over.

"Vezzz vez vez." Vespiquen announces that she's completely taken over the secret realm. Besides Onix, no other pokemon here can match her strength.

"Are there any other Pokemon in this forest besides bug pokemon?"

Vespiquen bows her head for a moment before looking at Roy. "Vezz Zzzz Vezzz." Lifting her arm she points in the direction of the mountain.

"There's a lake with some water pokemon on the other side of the mountain and some in your flower garden?" Roy's eyes light up when he hears the answer. "Can you fly me to the lake?"

Vespiquen nods her head to indicate that she can.

Roy takes out his Pokeballs and returns everyone but Ditto who changes into a pair of sunglasses. Putting on his shades, he turns towards Vespiquen. "I'm ready."

 Vespiquen moves behind Roy and puts her arms underneath his shoulders. Lifting off, she quickly soars above the trees.
