
Funeral and End of the First Day

An hour later, Beyaz arrived at Windhill Village. It took him another 10 minutes to walk from the bus station to his house.

As he walked, he looked around in amazement. There were people everywhere, all walking with their Pokémon. He saw Meowstics, Skittys, Stoutlands, and many more. He had never seen so many Pokémon in one place before.

He was especially excited to see the Chanseys, Blisseys, Audinos, and Wigglytuffs that were walking alongside doctors and nurses. He had seen them in the anime, and he knew that they were very good at healing.

Beyaz loved pink Pokémon. He thought they were all so cute. Fairy-type Pokémon were also one of his favorites. He didn't really care about Pokémon types, though. He thought that all Pokémon were cute, regardless of their type.

Finally, after 10 minutes, Beyaz arrived home. His house was small, only about 30 square meters. It had two rooms: one for him and one for his family.

There was also a small garden in the back of the house, where his family grew berries. Beyaz's family grew Oran and Sitrus berries, which were both very common and inexpensive. This was why they could not afford to buy a Pokémon egg from the Pokémon Breeder House.

Beyaz went inside and put the egg incubator on the table. Then he lay down on the bed.

He thought about his family's funeral, which would be held at 2:00 PM. There were only three hours left. His family was the same as in his previous life. He had lost them last year in his previous life, and now he had lost them again in this life.

He wished he could see them again, but he knew that was impossible. He was sad, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Beyaz lay on the bed and waited until it was time for the funeral.

Two Hours Later

Beyaz got up and took off his clothes in front of the mirror. He was 1.5 meters tall and weighed about 40 kilograms. He had black hair and eyes, and pale skin.

He had been injured in the accident, and he still had some bandages on his body. One of the biggest bandages was on his chest. He had also lost his left eye.

After he got dressed, Beyaz put on a black shirt and a black suit. Then he went to the graveyard, which was close to his house.

According to his memories, there were some ghost-type Pokémon in the graveyard, but they only came out at night. That's why there was no one in the graveyard at this time of day.

Beyaz walked into the graveyard and went to the area where his family would be buried. There were only a few people there. His family had no relatives, so the only people there were some of his neighbors and his friends. He had only a few friends, so there were only three of them at the funeral: Allan, Papatya, and Karanfil.

Allan was a boy who was 1.6 meters tall. He had brown eyes and black hair. Papatya was a girl who was 1.5 meters tall. She had yellow hair and green eyes. Karanfil was also 1.5 meters tall. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

They were Beyaz's closest friends.

It was time for the funeral. Beyaz cried as he watched his family being buried. They were the same family as in his previous life.

After the funeral, Beyaz's neighbors and friends offered their condolences. Then they left.

Beyaz stayed at the graveyard for a while longer. Then he went home.

After Coming Home

Beyaz went to the bathroom and took a shower. His wounds were still healing, but they were not hurting as much as they had been before.

After he got out of the shower, Beyaz changed his bandages. Then he went to his room and lay down on the bed. He didn't want to do anything, so he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Here is third chapter. Use your powerstones ^^

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