
Pokemon: Reborn Rich Alternate Earth

Finding himself in a world same but also different from his own as this world now has Pokémon in it.With a rich family and a system he will climb to the top and catch'em all. His grandfather is a steel-type Elite among the 18 top Elites in Drakoria. His father is the Leader of a national gym. Julian: All roads lead to Riches, so it is better to be born Rich Family background + resources + system = Julian Julian: It's not that you are too weak, but that I am too strong. Disclaimer:- I do not own the right to the cover image. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed. i will take it down promptly. This is a Translation. [Upto 30 chapters ahead] patreon.com/ReduxMagister

ReduxMagister · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
113 Chs

Chapter 56: Dragonair

Qualification Enhancer, This is an asset that cannot be easily acquired with money, and one must possess a certain level of strength to acquire it.

Within the trading section of the Drakorian Trainer APP, aptitude enhancement potions are occasionally available, most of which upgrade yellow aptitudes to green.

Julian, however, has a rare potion capable of advancing green aptitudes to cyan, marking a significant leap from the green pseudo-Elite to the cyan Elite status.

There are approximately 500 registered Elite Trainers in Drakoria, which may seem substantial, but when divided among cities, there are only about two or three in each.

A city typically has at least one million registered Trainers, with larger cities like Lake City housing over five million.

This translates to an average of three million Trainers producing one Elite-level Trainer—not one in a million, but rather one in three million.

You can imagine how challenging it is to become an Elite Trainer.

Now, an opportunity stands before them. 

If they can obtain the aptitude-enhancing potion from Julian, their Pokémon could potentially be upgraded from green to cyan, signifying the Elite level.

However, to challenge Julian, a Trainer must at least be at the peak of Advanced or pseudo-elite status, which disqualifies most participants.

The competitors in the wild games are primarily Advanced Trainers; pseudo-elite Trainers typically disregard wild matches unless facing rivals of similar caliber.

Given that those partaking in the wild match are generally Advanced Trainers, it wasn't long before five stepped forward.

"Report the level of your main Pokémon," Julian instructed.

"Nidoking Level 57"

"Vileplume Level 58"

"Clefable Level 58"

"Exeggutor Level 59"

"Flygon Level 59"

After the five reported their levels, Julian pointed to the Trainer with the Flygon. 

"You will battle me."

"If you manage to injure me or my Pokémon, there will be extra rewards. However, if you and your Pokémon do not impress me, you can forget about that qualifying potion."

The objective of joining the wild match is to enhance oneself and their Pokémon. 

It would be pointless for a Rival to partake if they aren't willing to embrace their own capabilities.

"I hope you won't regret this," Julian added.

A cold glint ignited in Murphy's eyes. 

If not for the chance to improve Flygon's qualifications, he would never have agreed to compete against a seasoned Rival like Julian.

Moreover, Julian's condescending tone, treating him merely as a stepping stone, was particularly irksome.

"If you're bold enough to make me regret this," Murphy said.

The two took their positions at opposite ends of the field, while those not chosen by Julian departed begrudgingly, casting annoyed glances at Murphy.

"Flygon, come on out!"

Pokémon: Flygon (Ground/Dragon)

Level: 59

Qualification: Green

Ability: Levitate

Items: None

Gender: Male

Moves: Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Dragon Pulse, Supersonic, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Bug Buzz, Dragon Tail, Earthquake.

Move CD: Hyper Beam, Protect, Dig, Thunder Punch, Flamethrower

Genetic Moves: Quick Attack, Air Cutter, Flail

Flygon evolves from Trapinch, and it only possesses the Dragon typing upon reaching its next form. 

Though not classified as a pseudo-legendary, it is regarded as one of the more accessible Dragon-type Pokémon for those who dedicate themselves.

The eggs of Trapinch start at six million.

While Flygon's current qualification is green, its attributes are predominantly close to cyan, indicating that it is merely a step away from achieving that status. 

Without an aptitude medication or an exceptional opportunity, this progression may remain out of reach for a lifetime.

"Your Rival is here."

Then Julian unleashed his Pokémon.

A slim figure with sapphire-hued scales, a bright white underbelly, black eyes, a small white horn on its forehead, and two feather-like wings sprouting beside its head emerged.

It was Dragonair, a celebrated Pokémon of the pseudo-legendary class. 

While it only achieves true pseudo-legendary status upon evolving into Dragonite, even in its current form, Dragonair possesses attributes that hint at its powerful potential.

Dragonair showcases three crystal blue orbs: one at the base of its neck and two at the tip of its tail, granting it the power to manipulate the weather.

Pokémon: Dragonair

Level: 45

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Shed Skin

Item: Dragon Fang

Gender: Male

Moves: Wrap, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam

move Discs: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe–

Genetic Moves: Extreme Speed, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Dragonair is Julian's first pokemon reward after completing the hidden mission 'first murder' of the system, and the system rewarded him a Dratini's egg.

Whether it is aptitude or genetic Moves, it belongs to the top-level existences.

Dratini evolved into Dragonair some time ago.

Upon revealing Dragonair, the previously vibrant atmosphere turned noticeably colder.

Many dream of having a pseudo-legendary, yet Julian already possessed two.

People couldn't help but wonder what remarkable deeds he must have accomplished in his past life to earn such an extraordinary Pokémon.

They assumed Julian's Dragonair was a familial gift, but the truth was quite different—not even Julian's father could fathom where his son procured a purple-qualified Dragonair.

If it weren't for his pride, Julian's father might have asked for his son's help in acquiring a Pokémon with purple aptitude. 

It is not the pseudo-legendary version that mattered; any Pokémon with purple aptitude would suffice.

He chose Flygon as his rival because of its Dragon type.

"Dragonair, use Aqua Tail!" 

Julian commanded as he initiated the attack.

Dragonair soared swiftly through the air, its slender form moving gracefully. 

As it approached Flygon, the Aqua Tail was prepared, creating a swirling current of water that mixed with the surrounding air.

"Flygon, use Thunder Punch!"

With a fist crackling with electricity, Flygon collided with Dragonair, forcing both Pokémon to stagger back a few meters, seemingly evenly matched.

Murphy tightened his fists, watching intently. 

His Flygon was at the peak of the Advanced level, just one step away from becoming a pseudo-elite.

Although the Dragonair facing him was also Advanced, Murphy believed his Flygon held at least a ten-level advantage over it.

Even so, this was no easy fight.

A pseudo-legendary—Murphy's gaze was fixed on the elegantly flying Dragonair above.


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