
Pokemon In The Omniverse

An Eevee, chosen by the many World Owners as one of the champions is sent into a World of magic and wizards. How will our friendly Pokémon and her best friend endure while they travel the omniverse helping those that allowed them to meet. None of the character or worlds in this story belong to me except for my custom characters that I introduce. The profile picture also does not belong to me, if you are the creator and wish for me to remove it let me know.

Sliplis · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

The Meeting (2/2)

As Solexia's words came out a dead silence spread around the room and amongst all of the people present. The faces of everyone started to take on a myriad of expressions.

Some people took on worried looks, while some showed faces of anticipation, while many people were indifferent to the news, while a miniscule few showed calculating expressions. 

These people know that if a meeting was called solely to discuss this matter of a story about to be told, then it must be involving important things that even they should be aware of. Also if it came to that there should be many major events about to come.

And at that moment a variety of voices sounded expressing their opinions.

"I-is that true?" A fairy among the crowd asked.

"Will I get to fight?" A large warrior asked with many others nodding in acceptance of his question.

"What kind of story is it?" A man with glasses and slicked back hair wearing a haori asked.

At this moment Arceus let out a sigh as he said, "I expected something similar to this happening when you personally came to invite me."

A cacophony of voices and questions sounded all at the same time making the originally quiet and peaceful room tense and noisy.


A soft sound resounded throughout the room, yet it managed to make everyone quiet and they all looked in the same direction. 

The sound came from Solexia closing the book that she was holding and she looked at everybody with a grin on her face that was somehow playful as she scanned the eyes of everyone that looked at her and then she said in a playful tone.

"Well now, I wonder why it got quiet all of a sudden, I was trying to listen to some of the questions that you all were asking but for some reason you all stopped asking them." Solexia said in mock surprise.

"And why do you think we became quiet? It was obvious that you were trying to attract our attention, yet you act like it was a surprise.' They all manage to think at the same time while rolling their eyes while also sighing at her antics.

Solexia just ignored the sharp gazes that she received as if she never noticed them in the first place, she then walked through the crowd slowly while she began speaking in a soft tone, "Indeed, as I said, another story is starting to take place, and this time it is both a big matter yet also a small matter."

"And while there may be some fights that are likely to happen, and most definitely will happen at some point, that's not the main point at this time." Solexia said with a wink in the direction of the group of warriors.

"So what exactly is the main point that you are tiptoeing around, my dear Sole?" A lazy tone drawled out from the crowd as they walked towards Solexia.

The person that spoke was quickly separated from the crowd and was in full view. They were a variety of colors, with a height of 6' tall and a full figure, she wore a more modern outfit of jeans and a tank top with a robe over her shoulders, she had hair that constantly changed colors and pointed ears that extended from underneath it.

When Solexia saw her she broke out in a large grin and jumped into the arms of the woman who spoke and rubbed her cheek's up against her as she said excitedly, "Magi-Chan, I'm glad to see you, though I was about to get to that before you interrupted me." Solexia pouted at the end.

"I'm sorry Sole, I didn't intentionally interrupt you, I just expressed my opinion and was getting your attention." Said the woman whose name is Magic, she is the embodiment of any and all forms of magic that can, have, and will exist. All magic that is to be cast, she has some sort of control over it as her name is her domain.

As her words were spoken she received a glare from a few women in the room who were looking at her with immense jealousy.

Yet upon hearing her words Solexia nodded and said, "Well you got it and you made the others upset, now I will have to coax them well later and it's all your fault." She ended up lightly biting Magic when she said that then continued what she was speaking of earlier.

"However to answer your earlier question, the main point is that those children are being naughty again." Solexia grinned.

Magic then raised an eyebrow then questioned, "You mean those children who have a little power yet think they are strong, who call themselves 'Random Omnipotent Beings? What could be the problem with them?" 

Upon hearing her question everyone around started showing signs of disdain on their faces at the mention of the 'ROB's'. 

"Exactly them, they have started to make more waves once again. It seems that there are new ones that have showed up recently and think they are the most powerful. They are also extremely arrogant." Solexia agreed and also showed a mix of a playful expression as well as some disdain.

"Really, what is the problem with these people nowadays? Do they not realize that the abilities and the powers that they have are mostly degraded versions of our Aspects, Authority, and Essences? That with a simple thought we can end them, while also depriving them of their power." A woman with green hair, green eyes, as well as a four leaf clover in her hair asked then continued.

"I agree with Lady Luck. For example, Magic over here can deprive all of them of their magic power and spells. Yet even she does not call herself omnipotent." The lady said in disapproval.

"Well they may not know that, most of us don't have any form of contact with them and they are not strong enough to feel our existence, otherwise they would be more honest." Solexia stated "Yet this time they are trying to take the essence of the worlds that we rule."

As she spoke her words everyone showed expressions of rage and annoyance at these people who think so highly of themselves.

"To think that they will try to do something like this. We didn't interfere when they sent some souls from other worlds into ours, yet they think they can walk all over us." Lady Death said with a sneer as she then spoke in complete disdain, "They didn't even notice that the worlds they sent them to were merely copies, mere afterimages of the true timelines."

"Indeed, however this is a good way for us to get some new entertainment, they intend to send some people to our worlds to attempt to drain world source energy." Solexia stated. "However since that's the case, why don't we send a champion of our own."

"That's a good Idea." Lady Luck agreed.

"It could be interesting." Lady Death also agreed.

'I do enjoy seeing those arrogant fools being brought down a peg. The expressions on their faces as they realize their failures in all their escapes make me shiver." Magic stated sadistically as her hair took on a darker shade of color for a split second.

Everyone around shuddered at the words of magic, most people wouldn't realize that she had this side to her, but what they forget is that she embodies all forms of magic, even the ones that are dark in nature. Yet they all agreed with her statement as it was enjoyable.

"Since it seems that we all agree, then what direction shall this story take?" Arceus questioned directly.

"Ah, Indeed Arceus. I was just about to get to that." Solexia nodded as she turned around in Magics' arms while she raised her head slightly as she continued, "So Magi-Chan, Dea-Chan, I would like to start this story in one of the worlds that you two control. Pretty please?" She asked with puppy dog eyes as well as floppy dog ears on top of her head.

Lady Death and Magic shared a glance and had a conversation that only they know of as they both looked at Solexia with sharp predatory eyes and then said. "We agree, however we have a request that we will cash in after this meeting is over." Magic licked her lips as Lady Death nodded in agreement.

"Very well I agree, and since that's the case, then the next person I need to talk to at the moment is you, Arceus." Solexia then agreed and spoke to Arceus.

"What is it that you require Solexia?" Arceus questioned.

"I would like to take one of the denizens from your main world, if that is alright." Solexia requested.

"Which one?" Arceus asked.

"I would like an Eevee." Solexia stated her purpose.

Arceus simply agreed with this small matter.

Solexia nodded in acceptance then addressed everyone around, "Since that is the case, then I think it's about time that we started this story, and we all can enjoy it live from here."

As her words were spoken, several screens of light appeared in the room currently not showing anything, yet will be used to watch the journey about to unfold. At the same time the book in Solexia's hand started filling out and the first three chapters were already written. The title of the book is 'Pokemon In The Omniverse'