
Pokemon: Creation and Adventures

Alec, after a premature death, was reborn in the body of a 5-year-old boy, although without any memory of his life, but luckily, he realized that he was reborn in the fantastic pokemon world, from here on, he will live his own adventures as he tries to figure out his origins, all while realizing that the world he's in is much darker than he expected.

Jogarp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


The next morning, Alec got up early, despite knowing that one of the tests that will change the course of his life could be carried out in a few hours, he was not nervous at all.

Like every day when he got up, Alec changed into his usual shorts and his lead-colored short-sleeved polo shirt, brushed his teeth and went downstairs to the kitchen where he took out a bottle of miltank milk and a few pieces of toast, before spreading them with jam made from rasmbu berries and zidra.

After finishing breakfast, he left in the direction of where the taurus and miltank of the farm were before feeding them, once he made sure that each one had their daily ration, he went to the stable where the mareep were, where his mission was brushing them all daily.

At the beginning it was a bit complicated, but with the passage of time he got used to it, and this task became even easier when he noticed that he seemed to have a great affinity for pokemon, at least, he never found the case of a pokemon that did not show him affection the first time you saw it.

Thus, once in the stable, unlike other days, he did not start brushing them, but instead started looking for his little mareep companion, as he planned to take him with him when he went to see Mirto.

"Where is that little guy, *sigh*, every time I look for him he seems to have a sixth sense that makes him hide in anticipation."

When the little mareep was born, he was very attached to Alec, so it was easier for him to train him.

But as the months passed and the challenges also increased, every time Alec looked for him, he always found him hidden somewhere on the ranch, what's more, each time the little one managed to find better hiding places, which gave him great pain. headlong to Alec.

Remembering this, a slight twinge in his stomach hit Alec.

"* Sigh *, although I already realized that the little one really does not like to fight, it is not that he has other options."

Alec had already noticed this problem, so he decided to look for some other seap among the group to become his first real companion, but, although there were some with green potential, either they did not satisfy Alec at all or they were just as lazy and they rejected combat like the little tide.

Thus, although reluctantly enough, he managed to train the little mareep until he could even defeat most of the flaaffy on the ranch.

"He has great potential, it's a shame he doesn't like combat."

Not all pokemon were addicted to fighting, many of those who were born and raised in calm and peaceful environments hated fighting, and although some trainers forced them to do so, Alec was quite disdainful of it.

"After all, they are also living beings, so they deserve to make their own decisions, and for me, the pokemon team that I form, in addition to having great potential, must also have the will to become stronger and face danger head on. After all, in this world there are human deaths at the hands of wild pokemon."

Although it is an issue that the league has tried to hide very well, it is a well known issue that there are places where there is a great disappearance of first-time coaches, and even dangerous places where quite experienced coaches enter but never get out.

It is for this reason that Alec took very seriously the pokemon he accepted and that they would accept him, after all, they are companions in arms in life and death situations.

Thinking this far, Alec couldn't help but think of Mirto, who lost his first mate due to illness.

"For someone who managed to become a champion, the amount of dangers and adversities he faced are not few, and more so when it was he and his first pokemon who started that journey, so the depression he goes through does not surprise me."

It should be said, although Alec doesn't know it yet, by the time Mirto saved him from the lab, his starting pokemon was already pretty sick, and it was shortly after adopting Alec that he found out that his first great friend had left.

It was for this reason that he decided to entrust Abel to Grandfather Tokuzo, since at that time he did not have the ability to "raise" a child, let alone one as special as Alec.

Although Alec only knew that it was because of the sudden death of Mirto's partner that in the end he was not raised by him, he still understood the circumstances of why Mirto did what he did.

"Although it may sound quite hypocritical on my part, although I understand Mirto's pain at losing his partner, I do not accept that he decided to give up the championship for that reason."

Shortly after his teammate's death, Mirto was so devastated that he decided to withdraw suddenly, leaving the league superiors quite distressed, and although it was ultimately decided that Mirto would still be the champion in name, he no longer fulfilled any of the responsibilities a champion should have.

Thinking of all this, Alec decided to put all that aside and concentrate on looking for the little tide.

It was after a full 1 hour of searching the entire ranch that he found it in one of the most ridiculous places he could think of.

And that was on the roof.

The little tide was leaning against a small fireplace on its back, almost looking like it was sunbathing.

When Alec found him, he almost thought that the little boy was only missing some sunglasses and an iced cola to pretend he was on vacation.

When the little mareep noticed that Alec had found him, contrary to what one might think, he did not run away, he sighed for a moment before giving Alec a resigned look.

Seeing this, Alec said nothing, he just walked over and took the fluffy little mareep in his arms and lowered himself from the roof and then carried him back to the stable where the rest of the mareep were, although without entering it.

Thus, he crouched down to put the troubled little one on the ground, before sitting down next to him and remaining silent for a moment.

Sensing the solemn atmosphere, the little mareep stopped fiddling, while he got up and with his small head began to caress Alec's arm.

At the touch of the little boy, Alec smiled fondly, he carefully rubbed the small head of the mareep before a serious look appeared on his face.

"Little Mareep, I know you don't like fighting much, much less pokemon fighting, but today I may face the most important test in my life and I most likely need your help."

Alec said nothing more while he waited for the little mareep's answer, although he could force him to help him, Alec deeply disliked this, so he would rather fail Myrto's test than start his way as a pokemon trainer that way.

Fortunately for Alec, the response of the little tide was not delayed, the little sandeel towards his face before rubbing against him, for Alec, his response could not be clearer.

"Hahahaha, enough enough little one, I got it."

Leaving the little one on the ground, and gently stroking his head, Alec could not prevent the joy from pouring out of him, after all, perhaps for him, the most important thing was to have the recognition of a pokemon, since it meant that he fully trusted in the judgment of his coach, which was vitally important.

"I will not disappoint your trust friend, with you by my side, no matter what test Mirto puts us, I know we can overcome it."

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Mareep nodded as he moved to Alec's side, at least for today, he would be Alec's staunch companion.

Thus, with a renewed confidence, Alec headed towards the house to look for Grandpa Tokuzo, after all, if he wanted to go out and go to Mirto's house he would have to ask for Grandpa's consent, and even wait for him to accompany him.

Shortly after entering the house, Alec bumped into Ellie, who apparently just woke up and was about to have her breakfast.

Ellie was about to greet Alec like every day until she noticed the slightly solemn aura that he gave off.

Noticing this, her sleepy state completely disappeared, and knowing what she would do today, she quickly told Alec:

"Grandpa is waiting for you in his room."

Alec at this nodded towards Ellie as she went to the grandfather's room, while close to him the little mareep followed him faithfully.

Seeing this, Ellie was shocked, but a rather bright smile appeared on her face before telling Alec:

"Don't worry, I know that Uncle Mirto will not make things difficult for you, especially after seeing the bond between you and the little mareep."

Alec thanked her for her words and shortly after he arrived at Grandfather Tokuzo's door, to whom shortly afterwards he gently knocked on the door.

Grandpa seemed to have expected it, so he quickly said:

"Come in, the door is open"

Thus, Alec entered the room, which was a little bigger than his, was furnished in an old fashion, with a bedside table on one side of the room, where Grandpa Tokuzo was sitting waiting for Alec

Noticing his entrance, Grandpa stopped what he was doing before giving Alec a glance, before he was surprised to see the little mareep accompanying him.

At this, Grandpa smiled before telling Alec:

"Mirto is already waiting for us at his house, so let's get going."